Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Yay for Rerun coming back!

Yay for you putting your foot down and saying no! Good for you!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i agree, got a feeling she got herself locked in a shed or something somewhere
glad shes finally home safe again :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
In other news, RERUN SHOWED UP TODAY!!!!!!! I was soooooo glad to see her and so relieved. I asked her where she had been, but all she told me was Meow. I don't speak cat, so I don't know what she was telling me. But, she was extremely hungry. So, wherever she was, I have a feeling she wasn't eating.
Sweeeeet! :hugs You'd made a comment in an earlier post that she's not stranger friendly, Smoke is the same way and when she took her last "vacation" I was sure the coyotes had gottne her since she is at least dog friendly. Cats are cats and I'll never understand them. Smaoke comes home skinnier than normal, too, whenever she comes home from her "outings".

I made a comment to my aunt about Smoke being fixed so I couldn't understand why she'd aunt let me know that she was "fixed" too and that didn't stop her from being interested know what. I'd never thought about it that way before. :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I can't imagine her being locked up someplace. I checked in all the buildings and saw no sign of her.

As for putting my foot down, I felt bad for the horses sakes. But, I need notice. I can't just drop everything-especially when I already have plans. No one else will change their plans, or if they do, they make a big stink about it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well once again, no sign of Rerun. I don't know what's gotten into her, but I'm not as worried. Hopefully, she'll show up again and pig out like she did yesterday. :/

Had another day when I got nothing done that I wanted to do on the farm. RU still isn't home, so I had to feed the horses as well as put out hay. KN called last night and let me know she wouldn't be here today. She had extra runs and can't turn down the work-she's hurting for money. But I expected PT to be there to help me. Well, she hit a deer so she wasn't there! :barnie And the only reason I found out was because I called her-she didn't call me. :somad

I got hay out for the donkeys. I got hay out for CL's horses. I got hay out for the herd that got out last week-which meant I had to get on and off the tractor 4x to open and close gates since I have to go thru another field to get to them. Then, I was going to put out hay for LF's horses. The RB for them is over near them. I also needed to put out hay for my guys and I was going to pile up my manure. Well I was heading down "Boarder's Lane" when the tractor ran out of gas. There's no gas in any can on the farm. I had no money to buy gas. So, the tractor has been left there. There are some SBs over there, so whoever feeds will just throw out some of that for them.

I went over and got a tarp to cover the tractor as well as some baling twine to hold the tarp down. I also noticed 2 donkeys out. I checked out the field they're in. The field has the slip rail fence. They had managed to get one of the middle boards down. I HATE this type of fence. I got the board up the best I could, and tied it as an extra precaution. Then I got some feed, walked all the way across the neighbor's field and tried to get them to follow me. They followed for awhile, but that was it. So, I took off my belt, and put that around the neck of one of them and was able to lead it where it belonged. By this time, it was after 11:30! Now that I was done w/everything else, I was FINALLY able to do stuff for my guys.

I got my mower out and drove into the field. The horses had all gotten under the wire last night. So, it's a good thing I didn't get that area seeded yet. So of course I had to scoop poop there. Once that was done, I drove out of that section and got started in the stalls and field. When it rained they did the majority of their "business" in Honey's stall. I got almost a whole cart full of manure out of there. I also got it out of the field, and just barely had enough room in the cart for it all. Well, actually, I didn't. There were a few piles near Mt. Manure, so I just tossed them on it. I dumped the cart, put it away, then got Stormy's 2nd feeding set up. While he was eating, I managed to get my last RB out and roll it into the field. I was then able to tip up the RB feeder and get it over the RB. I never got to my weeding.

Tomorrow, it's supposed to rain. The other day, I took out some sand and threw it in the puddle in front of Misty's stall. I can see a difference, so I think tomorrow, I'll take some more and add that. And I also have something to hook up to my mower that I'm hoping will pull out the buttercups. That would make my life so much easier. Then I'd just have to dig out the dock, and finish along the fence line.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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For some reason, lately I've been feeling more hopeful-even when everything goes wrong. I've been getting the feeling that God has heard my prayers and is getting ready to act, I'm just not sure how. But, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, so maybe He's going to sell a few. I did find 38 cents today, not quite enough to move on, but it's a start. :D

Today I again saw no sign of Rerun. But, I was talking to PT and she saw her-down at HER barn! Apparently the little brat has been hanging around down there. I went looking for her, but saw no sign of her. But, I'm not going to worry about her. At least I know she's OK and she'll probably show up when she's hungry.

Once again my field and stalls are all cleaned. I couldn't believe how much pooping they did since yesterday. Hopefully, they won't do as much tonight. Nothing went wrong today out at the farm, so I was able to get some more of my weeding done. I didn't think I was going to be able to get any of it done today. They were calling for rain. But, we didn't really get any. I tried using one of these|1&facetInfo= to get the buttercups out, but it didn't work. The only thing I managed to do was break one of the tires off. (It's old) Wish I had some kind of plow I could hook up instead, that would make quick work of it! I am tired of it, but need to have it all done by Saturday afternoon. That's the next time they're calling for rain, so I want the seed down.

I'm tired right now, didn't sleep good last night, but don't want to take a nap. I want to get as much done as I can. I'm planning a bunch of nature lessons that I'm hoping people will pay me for teaching. And, I'm wanting to get started on them, but have no place to really work.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Is Rerun spayed? Because she seems to be acting like a cat who has had kittens, and wants to keep them hid?!? :hu

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
SSDreamin said:
Is Rerun spayed? Because she seems to be acting like a cat who has had kittens, and wants to keep them hid?!? :hu
Yep, she's spayed. She wouldn't be outside if she wasn't!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
My son owns 3 cars-and not one of them is running! He's an apprentice in a heavy equipment union, and when he's not working he required to go to the union school 2x a week. So, for the past few weeks, I've barely had my truck and have been using my motorcycle to get back and forth to the farm. It's not too bad if they're calling for nice weather, but the weather this week hasn't been very nice. It rained Monday. There was the chance for rain on Thursday, and I had to have my truck on Tuesday, plus it was kind of windy. Wednesday was the only really nice day. Today they're calling for 20-30 mph winds. And of course, I have to go take care of my horses. So that means I'll be riding the bike and battling the winds. I HATE to ride in winds like that.

Not only that, but 3x I filled up my truck and not gotten to use the gas. The first time was when his last running car broke down. I had just filled the truck up a couple of days B4. So, there went 1 tank of gas. Then, I filled it up when I went for my doctor's appointments. Lots of times the gas is cheaper up there and I thought he was going to have his one car fixed. Well, it didn't happen. Then 2 weeks later I filled it up. After all, he had all the parts he needed to fix it-it's still not fixed. I have a feeling that when I get the truck back, it will be on empty, or close to it. :rant

Because of this, I'm low on money. I need Stormy's hay pellets and rice bran. I'm low on cracked corn, goat food, rabbit food, chicken food and chick started. And I don't have the money to get it. I think I'm going to have to talk to hubby about it. This is so not fair to me.

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