Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Um....maybe your son should pay for feed since he burned out all your fuel and you have no cash left. Do you let everybody take advantage of you like that? Is everyone in your life just that inconsiderate?! You NEED to start putting your foot down. I'm saying that as a friend, and HOPE you take it that way. Honestly sis, your a doormat for everyone, and I hate to see it keep happening :( Use your good leg and put a foot up some folks rear ends :old There is no reason you should be giving up so much of yourself, your time, YOUR fuel, YOUR truck, to help a bunch of...well takers...they're all just takers, and it sounds very much like you need some givers in your life :hugs

Maybe you could put a bug in your sons ear to take the two not so great cars to the scrap yard, and use the cash to FIRST fill your truck back up and give you the money for the next fill up as well, and SECOND, get the 3rd car fixed once and for all. Otherwise, he should buy himself a good pair of walking shoes and I'd make that CLEAR :p


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Um....maybe your son should pay for feed since he burned out all your fuel and you have no cash left. Do you let everybody take advantage of you like that? Is everyone in your life just that inconsiderate?! You NEED to start putting your foot down. I'm saying that as a friend, and HOPE you take it that way. Honestly sis, your a doormat for everyone, and I hate to see it keep happening :( Use your good leg and put a foot up some folks rear ends :old There is no reason you should be giving up so much of yourself, your time, YOUR fuel, YOUR truck, to help a bunch of...well takers...they're all just takers, and it sounds very much like you need some givers in your life :hugs

Maybe you could put a bug in your sons ear to take the two not so great cars to the scrap yard, and use the cash to FIRST fill your truck back up and give you the money for the next fill up as well, and SECOND, get the 3rd car fixed once and for all. Otherwise, he should buy himself a good pair of walking shoes and I'd make that CLEAR :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
Um....maybe your son should pay for feed since he burned out all your fuel and you have no cash left. Do you let everybody take advantage of you like that? Is everyone in your life just that inconsiderate?! You NEED to start putting your foot down. I'm saying that as a friend, and HOPE you take it that way. Honestly sis, your a doormat for everyone, and I hate to see it keep happening :( Use your good leg and put a foot up some folks rear ends :old There is no reason you should be giving up so much of yourself, your time, YOUR fuel, YOUR truck, to help a bunch of...well takers...they're all just takers, and it sounds very much like you need some givers in your life :hugs

Maybe you could put a bug in your sons ear to take the two not so great cars to the scrap yard, and use the cash to FIRST fill your truck back up and give you the money for the next fill up as well, and SECOND, get the 3rd car fixed once and for all. Otherwise, he should buy himself a good pair of walking shoes and I'd make that CLEAR :p
X3 :hide


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
SSDreamin said:
FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
Um....maybe your son should pay for feed since he burned out all your fuel and you have no cash left. Do you let everybody take advantage of you like that? Is everyone in your life just that inconsiderate?! You NEED to start putting your foot down. I'm saying that as a friend, and HOPE you take it that way. Honestly sis, your a doormat for everyone, and I hate to see it keep happening :( Use your good leg and put a foot up some folks rear ends :old There is no reason you should be giving up so much of yourself, your time, YOUR fuel, YOUR truck, to help a bunch of...well takers...they're all just takers, and it sounds very much like you need some givers in your life :hugs

Maybe you could put a bug in your sons ear to take the two not so great cars to the scrap yard, and use the cash to FIRST fill your truck back up and give you the money for the next fill up as well, and SECOND, get the 3rd car fixed once and for all. Otherwise, he should buy himself a good pair of walking shoes and I'd make that CLEAR :p
X3 :hide
and one more time! X4

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's my hubby that has the truck, so he's the one burning up all my fuel. And I am going to have a talk w/him.

Problem w/my son is he's having problems getting the one car back together. None of his "friends" have been available to help him. And, if he doesn't go to school, he'll get kicked out of the union, so he has to go. He thought he had the one car sold, but that fell thru. And, his best car is at a shop getting worked on. He was able to borrow the money to get that fixed-it needs a whole new engine. When Irene came thru, he went thru water that was deeper than he realized and it somehow or other destroyed his engine. And, due to a mix-up w/his insurance, the car wasn't covered. :barnie

I'm beat. I spent much of the day getting rid of buttercups and dock in my field. I still have a bit more to do, but it will be done tomorrow! Then, I can seed that area of the pasture. I'm also going to set up a temporary RP in my field so I can work w/my horses there. It's a pain to get to the RP now because of CL's horses-unless I go the long way around. And the best news for today, RU is home! So, if the horses get out, or run out of hay, or the tractor needs gas she can deal w/it instead of me.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Didn't really get much done today. I think I over did it yesterday. My knee was really hurting today and I just didn't want to move! So, we got almost everything loaded up in the truck that we need for finishing the coop as well as some sand. I forgot to take it out on Thursday, so I made sure it went out today.

We got to the farm and drove in the field. Of course I had to chase Licky away from the gate so we could get the truck in the field. Once in, I had to take down my electric so we could get to where the coop is. DH unloaded the truck while I fed. I also dumped the sand in the puddle. I'm really starting to see a difference right there. I'm hoping that in the not to distant future I won't have the puddle to deal with. Once the horses were fed we got the truck out we left and went to Cowtown outside flea market. I was hoping to get some cheap rope, no luck. But, we did get a few things. I got some hats, a small pack I can use when I go for nature walks, some reading glasses and some socks. If I like the socks, I'll go back and get some more. I need new socks anyway. Oh, and we also got a nice looking Japanese red maple for $20.00!

From there we went back to the farm. I gave Storm his 2nd feeding, took care of the chickens and fed Cindy. No sign of Rerun today. But, I wasn't really surprised. CL was there w/her dogs, so she normally does hide. And, she honored me w/her presence yesterday and pigged out, so it's no big surprise. It seems like she's gone for 2, 3 days, shows up for one, then disappears again.

After Storm was fed, we left, went to Harbor Freight (I got my rope), then went and did some food shopping. Came home, unloaded everything, cut and split a little bit of wood, ate dinner, made a fire and now I'm relaxing. I might go to bed early. In spite of not doing much, I'm beat!


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Your --not much-- sounds like plenty to me!!! Go to bed early! Your knee will thank you!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And to me, it felt like nothing!

Oh, and due to WBF, we had to buy a cake today. I didn't have the time nor the energy to make one, and after seeing her cake, I HAD to have one.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Got up this morning, finished the lesson I was working on to teach at junior church, got a shower, had breakfast and went out to the farm. I was greeted by 3 horses on the wrong side of the wire. I was NOT happy. Stormy and Licky went out as soon as I put down the wire, but not Misty. Even getting her feed in her bucket didn't get her out, and she wouldn't let me lead her out. So, I drove her out. Then, while they were eating, I got my rope put up. I did feel bad later on though. I never checked the tank yesterday, and it was bone dry. So, they were thirsty. My fault entirely. I'm going to have to remember to check it daily.

I also took some more sand out w/me and got that dumped in the boggy area. I'm really seeing a difference. I'll be taking the truck out again on Tuesday, so I'll take more sand then. Then, I think I'll wait until the next time we get a good rain so I can see how bad it still is.

There was no church this evening, so DH and I decided to go out to the farm and work on the coop. Plus since I was low on hay, I decided to take a few square bales out w/me as well as some more sand. We got a lot more done! And, we would have had more done except for one little thing. RU's tractor was still sitting where it had run out of gas. I was getting kind of upset w/her cuz I knew the horses needed hay. Come to find out, she couldn't get it started. She and PT came over and tried to start it w/no luck. So, her plan was to roll the RBs off of the trailer into the back of her truck, and then drive the truck out into the different fields and roll the hay off. Hubby started to work on it. RU came down the lane in her truck w/one RB on the back. But, the tractor was blocking the road, so we put a strap on it, I got on the seat and steered it while she towed it backwards. Once it was out of the way, she went around it and we got back to work. Right when she came back, DH told me to try to start the tractor. And, it worked! She was thrilled.

Finally decided to pack it up. It was getting late. Plus, my bike was still there, and I needed to get it home. We're hoping to get out tomorrow evening and at least work on the fence. We really want to get it done. I think the nuggets are probably about old enough to go out now, but I don't have any place to put them out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:weee :ya :weee :ya :weee :ya

I'm too beat to do this IRL, so I'll let the smilies do it for me. Hubby was going to come out to the farm tonight to work on the fence for the chicken pen. So, rather than going out early like I'd planned on doing, I decided to do some housework in the morning then head out to the farm. I got some dishes done, washed and hung out a load of clothes, ironed some clothes and did some vacuuming. I left the house around 10:00. Got to the farm and fed my horses, CL's and the 2 that are in the riding arena. I didn't think I'd be able to get my field all cleaned since I didn't get it all done over the weekend, but they did a whole lot of pooping over by Mt. Maure, so I was able to just throw it where it belonged. So, the field is clean. Then I bagged some feed, did a couple of other things, gave Stormy his 2nd feeding while I ate lunch and relaxed for a bit then got started on weeding. My plan was to be done all but one section by the time hubby got there.

It was 2:00 when I started. I needed to do some along the fence line. It was 3:00 by the time I got done! Then I got started on one of the 2 sections I needed to get done. I was hoping to have that all done by 4:00, which is when I expected hubby. Well, he calls after awhile. He had to work late, was beat and wasn't coming out. He planned on going right home and probably falling asleep. I told him I was staying since there's the chance of rain tonight and I wanted to get the field done. I told him not to worry about making me anything to eat since I still have 1 dinner in the freezer as well as lentil soup. I got that section done by 4:15. That left one section plus a small area w/nothing but dock. I'd hoped to be all done by 5:00, but there was more dock than I realized, so it took longer than I expected. But, by 5:30, I HAD DUG UP THE LAST OF THE DOCK!!!!!!! Once that was done, I hooked up the aerator to the mower and best I could aerated the field. There are some spots I'm not sure are done that well since the dirt was so hard. Then, I got my seed spreader, put seed in it and seeded that section of the field! Called hubby and let him know I was leaving.

Got home, and found out that he not only took the clothes off the line for me, but had also fed the goats and checked on the bunnies for me. Plus, he was in the process of making dinner, so I went and got a shower.

I'm now sitting back relaxing on the computer and watching the Phillies. Right now, they're winning. Hope they don't blow it.

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