framing fowl
On a mission

I'm working on a devotional book as well as one for doing object lessons w/every day items. I also have a Christian romance partly written.savingdogs said:Does your husband know that his drinking is forcing you to the point of wanting to leave? Perhaps you and he have already discussed it. I don't suppose there is any way to get him into rehab? I'd try to find a sober moment to discuss with him you feel you have to leave because of the alcoholism. It may not have sunk in for him how bad he is.
But speaking of becoming a writer, did you know the Amazon kindle is making it easier for authors? The whole e-book craze. You can write a book for Amazon kindle and submit it to them, you set the price yourself and get 30 percent. No worrying about a publisher! I've been trying to think of book ideas myself. I can write easily but cannot think of book themes. The life of a "dog rescuer" has already been made into a book several times.
What kind of thing are you thinking of writing? I can see you writing inspirational religious themes, those are very popular sellers on Kindle too.
I'd have thought you would have told him that long ago. You really should stand up and tell him exactly that...but be ready to stand your ground if he chooses the alchohol over you. Praying for you Deb, and praying that the Lord touches your hubby's heart.Denim Deb said:A friend made the comment one day that I'm basically a widow, even though I'm still married and still live w/my hubby. We basically do nothing together. And, it's not because I won't do things w/him, he won't do anything that doesn't involve alcohol. I'm seriously considering telling him that he needs to make a choice, me or Ethyl (alcohol).
Hit him with the truth thenDenim Deb said:What he's running from is God.