Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got to the farm early yesterday to feed. I start looking for the horses as I'm coming down the road. I didn't see any sign of them. Finally, when I get almost up to the lane, I see Misty, but no sign of the other 3. As I'm driving up the lane, I continue to look, still no sign of them. I tried looking in the barn as I drove, but didn't see anything that looked like a horse. Then, I saw Honey and Licorice. They were NOT in the field, but down near CL's horses, and Stormy was in the parking area! That's when I notice the broken board. It didn't take long to figure out what happened. Either Honey or Licorice pushed against the board until it broke. The board under it had been broken months B4, so the 3 of them quite calmly stepped OVER the boards and got out. :hit Misty was a good girl, and stayed in. So, I put them BACK in their field and fed them. And, while they were eating, I took some pallets and put them up in front of that spot. Then, I tied them to the fence posts, and to each other. Then, I went to work.

When I got back, they were still in their field. I went and picked poop, then started to rake it some more. KN was coming, and since I had to get hay out, I waited. It's easier if I have someone to open and close gates for me. RU and I were hoping it would be dry enough to get thru the one field. Well, it still isn't, but at least I didn't lose the RB this time. Rather than go all the way around like I did the last time I put hay in the field, I went thru the neighbor's corn field. I probably won't be able to do that again since it looks like they're plowing it. They just hadn't plowed where I needed to drive.

I had 2 RBs in my trailer. I got the one out w/no problem. The other one, we needed to flip over so I could reach it w/the spear. It wasn't easy since it had gotten wet on the bottom, but between KN, PT and myself, we were able to get it flipped. But, when I picked it up, part of it fell off! I just dumped it over the fence. I went in the field, and tried to move it, but had no luck. So, I'll have to shoo the horses out of the way when I work on the fence there. But, this is the last time I should have to give my horses RB until fall. I'll be going to the hay auction, as well as checking CL for square bales. I'd love to find a bunch left over from last year that someone just wants to get rid of cheaply.

I didn't have time to do anything else since I had my allergist and chiropractor. And, I'm still feeling beat. I think I need a vacation, just don't know when I'm going to get one.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I finally feel like I'm making progress! I got a ton of stuff done today.

1. W/the exception of the area I'm going to get w/the tractor, my pasture is all raked up! I'm hoping that next week, I can get in there w/the tractor, clean up the last area, and take it some place else so it can compost. I also started getting the stalls really clean. Once they're all clean, they'll get finished!

2. I brought home a load of manure, and put it in my garden. I know have all the manure I need for now!

3. I took the hose, and the best I could, I rinsed out the back of my truck. Once it's dried out, I'll try to sweep out any thing that's still in there.

4. I finally feel like I'm making progress on my house work! For the first time in months, I've been able to get to my kitchen table, and I was able to clean it off. Right now, since I'm still behind in dishes, there are some dishes on it, but everything else is stuff that belongs! And, I should get the dishes done tomorrow!

Tomorrow, PT says that she'll help me w/the post hole digger. So, I should have the one section of fence done! I was going to try and get it all done, but don't think I'm up to it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Good for you!

Maybe the dish fairy will show up for you and take care of your kitchen. I say maybe show up for you since the stinkin' little fairy NEVER comes to see me!!! LOL

Good job on the pasture! You have really been working hard on it.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
gettinaclue said:
Maybe the dish fairy will show up for you and take care of your kitchen.
I read this as "fish dairy" and was trying to figure out how you milk a fish when they aren't mammals....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:lol: Maybe they're a GMO!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, the hubby has left for work, so I'm starting in on cleaning my basement. If you don't hear from me, better send in the search and rescue teams! I just might have gotten lost!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score

That is like trying to find something in my "garden" shed which Hubby took over as a tool storage area........

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got part of it done, not as much as I would have liked, but it's a start! And, I threw out the base plate that the new water pump came attached to, don't know why it wasn't trashed B4. :hu It's not good for anything.

PT and I went to put in the fence posts today, and we couldn't find the post hole digger! :barnie We looked all over, and just couldn't find it. But, I talked to RU, she thinks her son has it. He's supposed to come over on Sunday and drill some holes for LF, so she's going to tell him to do mine at the same time. I'll have it all marked out, and no horses in the field. I don't trust him to close the gate, and I'm not leaving horses in a field w/big holes in it.

I had planned on leaving the farm around 2:00 so I could come home, and work on my garden fence. I need to get that up so I can keep a stupid ground hog out of my garden. Well, RU was supposed to have hay delivered early yesterday. He didn't come until some time after I left. She had him put out some hay, but he didn't put out any in a couple of fields where they were out. So today, they found weak places in the fence, and got out. The one I knew about. It needed a new fence post, I just haven't had time to do it. It's up now. The other spot, I hadn't known about. I was able to bribe all of them w/some sweet feed, and locked them in the barn while I fixed the spot, then I chased them out of the barn. Wouldn't you know the little stinkers went right back to the same spot? :rant But at least they couldn't get out. I didn't leave the farm until around 4:00, and I had to go to the feed store, the grocery, and get gas. :hit All I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. I got a cooked chicken instead of making anything. Hopefully, this will be the last time.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had my morning all planned out. I was going to get on here and relax for a bit, then get everything ready for my 4 H club, do a bit of work around the house, go to my meeting, then to the farm and get where I needed the post holes dug all lined out, and ride Misty for a bit B4 coming home. Can we say that didn't happen?

I got a call from RU's hubby at 6:30. There were horses out. I asked him which ones? His reply, yours. Now keep in mind, not all of these horses are mine. Of the 8 that are in that area, only 3 are mine, 1 belongs to another boarder, 1 belongs to RU, but we use her for pony rides, and the other 3 belong to RU. I asked where they got out and when he told me, I was upset. I knew that that area needed some work done, and I had asked KN to fix it. So, my thought was that she hadn't done it.

By the time I got to the farm, 7 of the horses were in the RP. One was still in the field, and that wouldn't have been a problem-except for 1 thing-they didn't get out where I thought they had. KN HAD fixed the fence. But, there were 2 posts holding up a cattle panel, it was at a corner, and the other end of the panel for some reason wasn't properly secured. Both of the posts holding it up had rotted. No one realized it because they hadn't broke yet. It wasn't until one of the horses, probably Honey, pushed against it, that they broke off. I don't know why the 1 horse hadn't gotten out, but there was no way I was going to work on the fence w/him in the field. I was able to get him to go in the RP w/the rest of the horses, then I got to work. I had to put up 2 new posts, then I had to attach the cattle panel to it. I checked all the rests of the posts on that section. There's one more that's rotten, but it's in the middle of a cattle panel. I made sure the ends are connected well, put all of my tools away, then let the horses back in the field. So, from the time I left, until the time I got back home was about 2 hours. :hit I can hardly wait until RU is all healed up from her surgery. We had planned on doing a lot of work on the fences last year, but it didn't happen. It was so dry, that even using the power post hole digger, we couldn't dig any holes, then when it got wet enough, there wasn't enough time B4 the ground got frozen, then her hip got so bad that she couldn't do anything, so got the operation in the spring rather than next winter like she had planned.

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