Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
Monday awaits!! :sick Set yourself up this weekend for a bumpy ride this week. Just went to the store and added stuff to the pantry just incase. Stuff I would have picked up anyway. I have a feeling more people with be buying stuff up as monday unfolds. :)

Top off your cars and trucks Sunday
Get some cash for on hand Sunday

I might be paranoid but the army doesn't teach situational awareness for nothing. :)

If this is mid stream for SHTF Good luck everyone on here and be safe. Be careful with who you trust and a weapon is not a toy. :)


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Personally, I don't see things completely falling apart real soon (I hope I'm right, I hope I'm right). My thoughts are that it will be a more gradual slope, with a few smaller cliffs along the way, until we dollar finally succumbs to gravity and starts to free fall. I just see our standard of living continuously decreasing over time until that point. It seems to me that we have gotten a the point that somewhat resembles the late 1920's, with 90% percent of the wealth concentrated in the hands of a very small minority. It took decades and a war to finally bring equilibrium.

This time though, we not only have the stock market, but a vast "house of cards" derivatives trade estimated at being $1.144 QUADRILLION. If (or when) the US dollar dies, we could see a collapse of the derivatives markets that would take the world financial systems many decades to recover from. I am no expert. I read history and I try to learn from it. What history is telling me is that we are at the edge of a financial precipice. I hope that we don't fall off.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Im like Koxxx its coming but its not gonna be overnight, we willl watch it progress.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
k0xxx said:
Personally, I don't see things completely falling apart real soon (I hope I'm right, I hope I'm right). My thoughts are that it will be a more gradual slope, with a few smaller cliffs along the way, until we dollar finally succumbs to gravity and starts to free fall. I just see our standard of living continuously decreasing over time until that point. It seems to me that we have gotten a the point that somewhat resembles the late 1920's, with 90% percent of the wealth concentrated in the hands of a very small minority. It took decades and a war to finally bring equilibrium.

This time though, we not only have the stock market, but a vast "house of cards" derivatives trade estimated at being $1.144 QUADRILLION. If (or when) the US dollar dies, we could see a collapse of the derivatives markets that would take the world financial systems many decades to recover from. I am no expert. I read history and I try to learn from it. What history is telling me is that we are at the edge of a financial precipice. I hope that we don't fall off.

I do agree with you on a gradual slide but I feel it has picked up a bit faster than most thought it would. I live on an island so preparing is just what we do here anyway but more and more people here are setting up a local sustainable economy system. Most to almost all people on this site are aware of the problems we have in this country and are preparing or are prepared. It does amaze me how many people are not prepared and have not a clue of the problems we ALL face. Not even my local Grange or churches have a clue.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
First fallout of the US downgrade: Saudi Arabia stock market drops 5% 350.43 to 6,073.44
Late Friday reaction

I am no professional or even an educationed person on the ins' and outs of the market. I have been a re-actioniest most of my life because of the stock market oil and growing up poor. In my life if the market is good "life is good". If oil is cheap "life is good" and vice versa. The market has been a different beast since 9/11 in my book. Life total changed since 9/11 10 yrs later here we are. Cheap oil , bad debt, 4 wars 120 countries with US special forces in them, high unemployment, A President who has no clue on finances but can talk a good talk, inflation, and more bad weather. Things don't look good. I'm not a End of the world type of guy but we are in for a very big change in the Psyche of this country.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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"The Israeli stock market plunged more than six percent upon opening Sunday following the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating.

The fall triggered a series of brief, mandatory suspensions in trading, after which the market stabilized but did not immediately recover.

International markets are expected to drop this week, after the credit rating agency Standard and Poor's lowered the United States' rating from triple-A to double-A-plus late Friday.

The agency has defended its decision, saying U.S. plans to lower long-term debt did not go far enough.

The Israeli market may also have been influenced by massive protests Saturday against the high cost of living. An estimated 250,000 people took part in the demonstrations in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities.

Speaking before a weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised economic reforms to try to bring costs down.

The prime minister appointed a team to study the protesters' demands but cautioned he would not be able to satisfy everyone."


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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THEFAN said:
Life total changed since 9/11 10 yrs later here we are. Cheap oil , bad debt, 4 wars 120 countries with US special forces in them, high unemployment, A President who has no clue on finances but can talk a good talk, inflation, and more bad weather. Things don't look good. I'm not a End of the world type of guy but we are in for a very big change...
If I am reading this right, THEFAN is clearly stating that the blades are beginning to turn and that the soft, brown waste product is nearing those blades. Am I missing something here?
For a guy who is not "an End of the World type" what he has described in what appears to be clear terms is that in fact, THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT..." DID END on 9/11!!!
While not many people really perceived this as fact/truth at the time, here is THEFAN stating it plain and simple.

Folks, lets be honest about what we mean when we say TEOTWAWKI. That, according to our friend/colleague THEFAN and many of the rest of you HAS occurred and now we are beginning to feel the actual results of that situation. The engineer of that deal was Bin Laden and he is ostensibly dead, killed by Seal Team 6. This week 31 members of Seal Team 6 were killed by "?" Don't tell me that they weren't shot down by someone who knew exactly what they were going after because I won't believe THAT for a moment.

The truth is that NO ONE in the WORLD has ever been able to beat us on the field of battle in more than 100 years of trying. We have gone to the aid of every country who has been invaded by a tyrannical form of oppression and "saved their bloody butts" each and every time. So, they have figured out that the only way to beat us is a) from within and b) financially. There is no one who would try to come here and shoot at us. They figure that if they destroy our economy, much of which is based on giving free money to keep the "masses" from rioting, we will start shooting at ourselves. So far that hasn't happened but it appears quite likely and the deeper we get into this financial mess the more likely that is to happen.

Now when we say TOTWAWKI we are not talking about the planet disintegrating like with Jor-el in the comic book superman. So, in my humble opinion, we have begun to see the effects of the fact that TOTWAWKI has occurred. It is up to us now to deal with it.

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Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
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I find it interesting that some of us here are saying...I think TSHTF is happening to fast...! It's as if it just started happening or something in their view...! Ahhhhh, this has been building for a long time folks, how can you not see it.? It's just that now the pace seems to have quickened, and even more preping seems more urgent.I agree with those who think it will take awhile for us to slide, but have no illusions that we are indeed building speed in our downward tumble...


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
Wifezilla said:
Gold is moving up again. I speculated to hubby it would be $1700 by September a few months back. It may very well hit that point before then. Funny how he didn't want to bet me I was wrong this time! LOL
Hey WZ, gold is a $1692 at the moment. I may have to get you to plan my investments, oh Madam Soothsayer. :lol:

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