Oh he's got one... or three. It's just been so rainy this spring that he hasn't been able to get to them. He's about cabin fevered both of us to death!
Have you ever been so excited about something because you know you are headed in the right direction? Then the idea turns into meeting someone who has a connection they can introduce you to and the idea then starts to become reality?
The last week has been very important for me for many reasons. We've been dreaming big the last few years and had to reset our goals and deadlines more than once, but we've kept on keeping on. With boldness this past week I felt like I needed to ask a completely ridiculously insanely large favor of someone that I had only made eye contact with. I asked and the favor was graciously granted, not only granted but I was given triple what I had asked for. We're still working out the details and it hasn't come to fruition yet but I did the asking.
It was for an introduction to someone else that I really felt I needed to meet before I go back to school next fall. I am not even really sure how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together but it was an exercise in faith and trust. This truly has been my biggest self-sufficient journey, learning to have faith and trust in others. Even if my request had been turned down, I wouldn't have felt bad. I did what I needed to do by asking and I am trusting that the rest will come together as necessary.
Hey, FF. I spent some of my insomnia time last night reading over your journal to see what you're doing with your 1/4 acre in the city. All I can say is....
You must be the busiest person on the planet! Jobs and chores and buying and selling and chicken-catching and growing and foraging and etc. and etc. and etc. I'm amazed at how much you do. You're an inspiration.
Looking forward to hearing more. And wishing you the best on whatever that mysterious introduction is about!
Thanks LH. Even though it's busy, it's very fun and satisfying.
Well, things are about to change majorly around here again. We had a meeting at the hospitality house yesterday where I work on weekends. The BOD decided to not renew the lease as of June 30th. So as of then, my position has been "eliminated." So, that will mean only 4 days a week at the gallery again.
I'm going to take it easy this week and then next week is my week off from the gallery so I will be able to hit the job hunting trail or figure out something...