Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Wow! I am just catching up on everyones journals. I am so sorry to hear about FIL. I hope makes a full recovery, and SOON!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
justusnak said:
Wow! I am just catching up on everyones journals. I am so sorry to hear about FIL. I hope makes a full recovery, and SOON!
Thanks again everyone. DH should be home within the next hour. He stopped at Trader Joe's for chocolate sea salt almonds. :love
I will get the full update on FIL's condition after DS is in bed. He is further improved today but still tired and confused. I will hear what he and his sister discussed in terms of the future.
Just made cocoa meringue cookies with DS. He is thrilled to have a treat he can eat and I'm thrilled I didn't pay $6 for 12 cookies....


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
FIL is home. Has probably 6-8 weeks before he starts feeling like himself again. MIL is doing better too. She was on doxycycline for Lyme and it was upsetting her stomach. But she is able to eat better and has more energy. However she hasn't been driving for some time because of the pain in her hip. SIL flies back to Iowa Monday. They will stock up on food before she goes but then they are expecting DH to drive down on the weekends to take her shopping. He's already got a conflict next Saturday and is going to have to give up a once a year event he looks forward to. I can't understand why they can't find a neighbor to drive MIL to the store? DH has nothing against going down to help out but that seems to be a bit much. SIL is laying on a bit of a guilt trip because she gave up a week to be there. 2.5 hours is a heck of a drive to take someone shopping. Oh well, he'll figure it out. Tough timing with him having to start his new job on the 30th. And SIL has to get her son off to college.

Anyway, I'm tackling the organization that suffered all summer from the heat. I've got half the closet done and will head to the other half now. One shelf and one rod. DH will have to do the rest. It's all his stuff. Does one man really need 23 pairs of jeans??? It's just wrong that it's suddenly nice out and he's packing up his classroom and I'm cleaning closets.... wrong!
We'll go letterboxing later. Anything to get outdoors. And the barn needs cleaning. But he's hidden the tarp I usually use to drag the old bedding on. So it will have to wait!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Great that your FIL is home and MIL is doing better too. Bummer on the shopping excursions, I agree that a neighbor would be so much better. Are there any delivery services? One of our local groceries used to offer (not sure if they still do) delivery service, just go on line choose what you want and they charge your credit card and deliver it.

Maybe there is something like that in their area?


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Dace said:
Great that your FIL is home and MIL is doing better too. Bummer on the shopping excursions, I agree that a neighbor would be so much better. Are there any delivery services? One of our local groceries used to offer (not sure if they still do) delivery service, just go on line choose what you want and they charge your credit card and deliver it.

Maybe there is something like that in their area?
I'm sure there are but if I suggest it then I become the selfish DIL who wants to keep DH home. We tread a fine line around here....
I will do some research though so DH will have all the info.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Glad to hear FIL is home. I agree about it being a shame to have your DH make such a long trip just for shopping :rolleyes:
I am sure an alternative could be found.

I have an idea, why don't you leave the closet as is and just go out and do the outdor stuff you want to do. The closet will stll be there, when the weather goes bad again. That's what i do all the time. And my house is a mess too :lol: But you should see the outside, it is nice and neat in the back. The front yard doesn't look so great. I have to watch what I wear out there, and it is difficult to water, so it has been a bit neglected.

OK I am having way too much fun chit chatting with you all, I gots work to do. I'll be back later.

I really wish I could visit in person with everyone. I miss having the comraderie in person....

We need to invest in some helicopters to fly us around for visiting ;)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
FarmerDenise said:
Glad to hear FIL is home. I agree about it being a shame to have your DH make such a long trip just for shopping :rolleyes:
I am sure an alternative could be found.

I have an idea, why don't you leave the closet as is and just go out and do the outdor stuff you want to do. The closet will stll be there, when the weather goes bad again. That's what i do all the time. And my house is a mess too :lol: But you should see the outside, it is nice and neat in the back. The front yard doesn't look so great. I have to watch what I wear out there, and it is difficult to water, so it has been a bit neglected.

OK I am having way too much fun chit chatting with you all, I gots work to do. I'll be back later.

I really wish I could visit in person with everyone. I miss having the comraderie in person....

We need to invest in some helicopters to fly us around for visiting ;)
I like the helicopter idea!
I did find that the Shop Rite on town over does deliver to their town. I've emailed about delivery costs to be sure but it looks like it's only $6.95 per order and they can afford that. I'll have DH mention it to his sister when he calls tonight. Kind of suggest it and let her present the idea as a "just in case you need food before J. can get down here" kind of thing. We shall see.
I finished my part of the closet. It feels good. I really needed to get a good look at what was in there before school starts. I really didn't know what I have that still fits! I took frequent breaks to visit the goats and check in on DH and DS who are working on a few fix-it projects. It's the barn I'm neglecting 'til later. We need to get DH new work shoes and DS needs new play sneakers. His old ones literally fell off his feet yesterday. He has new all black ones for school but I don't want him wearing those for playing and he thinks they're incredibly dorky anyway.
They took a walk down the street and bumped into the neighbors' grandkids who are playing in the kiddy pool. They invited him to join them so it's nice and quiet here. I'm on to my next project. Not sure what it is yet....
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