Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
TanksHill said:
Good to hear you found the wreath ring. Is there any way it could be labeled. With maybe a big SAVE on it somewhere.

We had school conferences yesterday. Mixed reviews. My dd7yo is having some issues. uggg... Here we go again.

Vitamin B3 huh?? I think I will get some today.

Have a great day and hug the goaties for me.

No D 3 . A B complex vitamin is good too, however, that helps the immunity.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
TanksHill said:
Good to hear you found the wreath ring. Is there any way it could be labeled. With maybe a big SAVE on it somewhere.

We had school conferences yesterday. Mixed reviews. My dd7yo is having some issues. uggg... Here we go again.

Vitamin B3 huh?? I think I will get some today.

Have a great day and hug the goaties for me.

No D 3 . A B complex vitamin is good too, however, that helps the immunity.
Good catch. Thanks FF!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Great weekend! Got to sleep in a bit yesterday. My new coffee pot arrived 3 days earlier than Amazon said it would-hot coffee again finally!! Went to village coffee at church then ran errands. DS and I were on our own as DH went off to play at a wedding with his band. We went out to dinner together and ended up at an open mic night dedicated to a student at DH's school who committed suicide last weekend (okay, that part wasn't great, but it was coincidence that we ended up there and got to participate in some way...) This morning one of Connecticut's Episcopal Bishops visited for the service. Very inspiring. We had a slide show of our "Festival of Creativity" running. Here is a youtube link if you're interested in checking it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi6_GqrdHaE
This afternoon we are off to the Inter Faith ministry's "Walk for Warmth" where we will walk with a group from church including the Bishop. We have wagon loads of food to donate to the Soup Kitchen! Very warm, fuzzy feeling kind of day!
Found out from a family at church that the latest issue of the Old Sturbridge Village magazine includes a picture I took of DS and DH sitting on the farmhouse steps with our dog! This is 3 times in recent months a photo I took has been published! Toooo cooool!!
Two and a half days of work to get through and then a 4 day weekend to get ready for the insane month of December!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Thank you!!
I am so glad this Monday is over. I don't have to be back at the high school until next Monday. The kids were wired today!! I have never seen one of my autistic students so off as he was today. And it was mostly because the other kids were so loud. So unfair!
Off to Cub Scouts in a bit to continue our toolbox building project and practice our skit for next week's Pack meeting. Should be fun. :lol:


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Glad to be done for the week! It was an early release day but felt really long. I started in the "bilingual" kindergarten, where the teacher was out and they couldn't find a Spanish speaking sub. Only 2 kids speak any English and a few more understand some. But they can't translate when they're that young. It was interesting to say the least! The rest of kids were totally uninvested in learning today. Quite a few were out, off for the long weekend a little early.
Did all the grocery shopping yesterday, except I ran into the food co-op after picking up DS because I don't think I have enough goat's milk butter for the mashed potatoes.
Got a notice home from DS's school that they've had an additional professional development day that didn't make it to the master calendar. Dec. 3. Next Friday. Are you kidding me???? No school for the kids. Um, I have work, DH has work, my mom is working and there's no latch key. I'm going to have to either have DS stay with my dad all day, which I can do now that DS is 8 without worrying too much, or I have to scramble to find another parent from the school who will take him for me for the day. We don't know anyone that well yet. The only mom I've connected with is in a worse position than I am! Or either DH or I takes a personal day. DH just took one so it's my turn. I've already used one and don't really want to use another so soon.
I've got GF bread baked, my chevre started and an olive tampanade made. Tomorrow I will have the mashed potatoes and GF gravy do at the last minute. I also am attempting a pumpkin custard that needs to be done near the last minute. We are having dinner at my parents' house with them, my brother and his girl friend. Then we are going to friends' house for dessert, wine and games with some other families from church. Should be fun. DS will be the only kid. I may have to let him bring some electronics for when he gets bored. We may watch a movie too. I'm looking forward to it.
We got the OSV magazine in the mail today so I now have the picture of the two guys and Indy in print. :D
On Friday we will head to my in-laws for the first time since FIL got sick. DH has been going down to see them and help out but we haven't gone as a family figuring all of us would too much for them. Our nephew from Iowa who is now a freshman at Princeton will be up for the weekend. That will be a real treat!
The rest of the weekend we need to whip this house into shape! It feels so out of control. I'm starting with the kitchen. It will get the fridge cleaning it should have gotten last weekend tomorrow morning. That's a good place to start!
I'll be up in time to milk Donki before watching the Parade, get my chevre draining, and not a moment sooner. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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