Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
No, no, I'm not eating a "Jazzy Apple" from Buell's orchard! Nuh uh, not me..... :hide


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
He seems to really do well on that big old pony! Glad he enjoys riding so much. :D

By the way ... he will become a far better rider by riding several horses than he ever would if he just had one horse to ride. ;)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Back from our first Cub Scout Pack meeting of the year. Controlled chaos at its best!!! The boys who went to camp received their various patches and pins and belt loops and I very proudly received my Polar Bear patch along with them for jumping in the lake at 6am each morning. Of course the water was about 70 degrees so it was more of a grizzly bear swim.......
My guys were all really psyched to get their stuff and for the most part are excited to start the year. One seemed really kind of bleh so I tried talking to him. He was just in a mood so I let it go. His mom shared later that her MIL, with whom they've been living since moving here, has told them they have to move out. She has no idea what they're going to do. She works two jobs, DH is on disability..... I just can't even fathom what she's going through. Another mom is being difficult as always. She refuses to play by the "rules" and rubs our noses in it. Her sons don't have all the parts of their uniform and she does nothing to remedy that, and it isn't an issue of money. He's earned most of his patches and she refuses to sew a single thing on his shirt. So he stands up there with half the buttons missing from his uniform looking embarassed and she just laughs and says it toughens him up. Then she tells me I can't mark him off for not wearing his full uniform because she hasn't gotten him everything yet. "You can't count it against him if he doesn't have it yet!" Uh... you had the whole summer to get it and every one else does, so yeah I can! At least that's what I say to myself. To her I say, he doesn't have his belt on. She says, he doesn't have belt loops on his shorts. And I say, yes, I know, and he's supposed to. So she snips, well it's not like it matters, they don't get anything for it. I grin and say, yes they do. They only get marked for full attendance if they're in full uniform, like every other year you've been here, so once again your boys will not be receiving attendance bars per Pack rules. Well, I was quite so snotty about it but darn it she was pushing my buttons. She thinks it doesn't bother her boys but I can see that it does. If she doesn't care about the recognition, fine, but why would you embarass your kids that way just because you take such pleasure in not playing by the book. Scouts isn't for everyone and I can see that some might not agree with the rigidity of our leaders' decisions. But she's been with this Pack for 2 years like I have and has alienated pretty much every adult except me and she's doing a good job of it at this point. I really do enjoy the boys and being their leader. But moments like this make me very very tired..... Two more years and DS is off to Boy Scouts. If he chooses to continue. I had kind of thought he'd bow out but yesterday out of the blue he said he really wanted to go on to be a Boy Scout. I think it was because DH showed him some achievement he'd gotten 400 million years ago when he was a Scout. He's all motivated to earn stuff, more than ever before, so I guess we'd better get to work!
MY Woodchuck cider is calling me. That and my pillowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz It was a long hot day at the HS. Had to be near 90 inside our office. No air moving at all and HUMID. It was our first full MOnday seeing students and mostly it went well. My 1st period student was absent and my last period student was a PITA. He's the one kid I had to have removed from the room by Security last year. He was miserable today but still better than last year. Not fun. Need to sit down with the supervisor to come up with a plan how to deal with him. Because I'll be d@mned if I'm going to be spoken to the way he speaks to me without there being some sort of consequence. i did find that once he was working and if it wasn't too challenging he was better. But if the work is too hard or too easy he started mouthing off.

So I was thinking about the date. Sept. 26. 24 years ago today I took my comprehensive exams to receive my Master's Degree. 24 years. I'm 48. That's half my life. And I still haven't completed the last few steps to get my certification. sobering....


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
He seems to really do well on that big old pony! Glad he enjoys riding so much. :D

By the way ... he will become a far better rider by riding several horses than he ever would if he just had one horse to ride. ;)
I think he has to pay even more attention on the shire because if he doesn't he might get bounced right out of the saddle! At the little in-house farm show he won Most Versatile Rider because he had ridden all but one of the farm horses at some point or other. All except the new one who is only 3 and has only been ridden by the owner. Guess who can't WAIT to ride him??? He's a beauty. Don't know what breed, but then I rarely do! I have a pic somewhere.....

Here we go (I hope-Photobucket is being stubborn...)

well, phooey, they didn't load right or something. Will try again tomorrow.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Very pretty! With that coloring you can safely call him a pinto ... at least until you know for sure his breeding. ;)

It is very good that he is so unafraid of different horses. So many people, not just kids, get comfortable on one and then are afraid to switch up.

My sister has a college major in Equestrian Science (and a minor in business). When she was in college their riding team traveled across the country competing in horse shows, just like other sports teams travel and compete. The thing is once they arrived at the show they drew a number. When their class was entering the arena they were presented with the horse that corresponded to the number that they had drawn. They would mount up and show this totally unknown horse and be judged on their abilities. At times when competition was fierce they would stop the horses and dismount. A groom would take the horse to another rider and they in turn would get a different horse, then back to the competition! On one occasion my sister was given a green broke Thoroughbred to ride. As soon as they entered the gait the horse went totally rodeo on her! She was able to regain control, put him on the rail and finished the class - which she won! :D


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Wow! You were able to see the pics?? I couldn't get them to load right and finally just deleted them. Weird!!!!
My niece has been in situations like that. I don't know if she'll be riding while she's out here in college. I do know they are selling her horse back in Iowa.
Adding them back:





Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Oh joy! The Jetta is experiencing mechanical difficulties and DH just limped it home after getting about a quarter of the way to work. He has gone back out in his '86 pick-up which has issues of its own. He just called to say he got there with 2 minutes to spare before his first class started. We'll have to figure out what to do tonight. The Jetta will get fixed but financially the timing could be better. He thinks he knows what it is and it shouldn't be toooo bad. But there's nothing extra right now. No time to worry about it right now.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Ugh. Car issues are horrid. It always makes me glad I can't drive.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Ugh, wishing I had posted when we lost the Dominique pullet last week so I'd know how long she was missing. Because guess what? She wasn't missing. She was in the shed, under a tarp, behind the mower. On eggs. DS heard her when he went to get hay for the goats. :barnie I TOLD DH she must be on eggs somewhere. We haven't been getting any! But he just said he looked everywhere and half the chickens are molting anyway blah blah blah
Our latest budget referendum ends in 13 minutes. We MAY actually have a budget before the night is over but I'm betting it goes down in flames. People are not happy that the State has sent in a "Special Master" to fix things. They whine and complain about having to pay him (we're not, the state is...) but they don't listen. They hear what they want to hear. So frustrating!
It was an all around stupid day. I did see most of my students and had some great sessions. I love all my kindergarteners so far which is very unusual for me. The only challenge was a pair of 4th graders I saw after lunch. One is a behavioral challenge to begin with. The other is very ADHD and had some heavy duty learning disabilities. We normally work well together and I really enjoy this kiddo. But today he was hot, tired, cranky, whiney and on my last nerve. Which set off the girl in the group. It was a very loooooooong half hour! I saw his parents after school and mom mentioned he woke up at about 4:45 this morning and she could hear him playing with Matchbox cars. She tried to get him to go back to sleep but he couldn't. I imagine by the time I saw him he was toast. I wasn't far off!
I left school, picked up DS, went back to my school for the cross country race, then zipped around the corner for his riding lesson. Got home, found out DH's band practice was canceled, grilled buffalo burgers and made a salad. Now I'm sipping a Woodchuck hard cider and listening to crickets. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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