Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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To answer your questions, yes. I do believe that when people are violently taken they can stay there. Sometimes it is so abrupt that they linger for a time.

I say this because I have felt/seen spirits before. Negative ones. I felt anger and fear in their presence. Once I left the area I immediately felt better.

Some believe that when this happens you can help them pass on. You may want to talk to a pastor about it in private. Some are open to that sort of thing and are willing to help.

I genuinely believe that you will come through this experience a better man. I don't know why we get tested this way sometimes but it happens. I don't think anyone deserves to die the way your parents did and I hope that you are able to find justice and peace when all this is over.

If you ever need to talk, about anything, you know we're here for you. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
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Southern Washington State
I'm sitting in my mother's kitchen, reading this aloud to her and DH. They were still, mouths partly open, frozen at the words I was reading. Mother asked "do you know this man?". No Mother, I don't. But I've been part of his virtual life for a few months now, and wholly support, listen thoroughly, and pray for him and his family. <<<hugs>>>


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 7, 2010
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Southren Indiana
Jason first let me say I'm soo sorry for ur loss:hugs I have no real idea what u are going throu.second yes I do belive in spirits, have seen and felt them lots of times both good and bad ones full of anger ,the good ones give me a sence of peace and love the bad one have always left a bad taste in my mouth U have friends here if u need to talk


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Here is a big old :hugs . You need it.

First I want to remind you that I too am a Christian. Yet I do understand that spiritual presents you mention.

When I was a kid I had a dream (it felt different from a normal dream even then) where I "saw" a coffin come up from the ground and lower three times. The final time it had my Great Grandma inside of it. I woke up and called my Grandma Nettie (who's mother it was) all about it. Three days later my Great Grandma died. I don't understand HOW or WHY, but I was used to tell my Grandma Nettie that her mom was about to die.

Of all the people SHE understood and acted on my dream. She herself had been awakened in the night by a "dream" of this kind. In her "dream" she saw my mom crying. It disturbed her so much she woke up my grandpa AND wrote down the dream and the time before going to bed. At the time of this "dream" my mother was halfway across the country at a Bible camp and had just found out that one of her best friends had gone into diabetic shock and died.

I have been with two family members as they died and I felt their soul leave both times.

There IS an unseen world out there. We understand a persons body a bit, but doctors and scientists are still trying to figure things about the physical body out. We think we are beginning to understand how the human mind works. However scientists understand the mind even less that the body. The soul however is mostly an untapped area. We have some info in the Bible, but so much we don't understand at all.

Man is a triune being (body mind and soul) AND and eternal being. Just as God is triune (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). We won't truly understand it all until later - after all of this life's lessons are done.

After reading your story, I would think that spirits did linger there in that place of violence, but I would not be too certain that they were your families spirits or ONLY your families spirits. The feelings of sadness WAS probably your family. They might have stayed just a moment to comfort you. The hate/violence pain and awful feelings may have been demon spirits. I would not doubt them lingering in a place like that.

As for your family, I am sure they have gone on now to be at peace. They probably just stayed to help you through that first horrible experience. As for the demons, they unfortunately remain among us. Basking in the pain we feel and prodding those feelings of revenge and hate. Ultimately we have to remember that GOD is in control. He holds all of the cards. I have read the end of the Book and guess what? We win.

I think the Church is where you belong. Near God's people where you can rest and be comforted. Also I am glad you can be here among friends who love you as well. You are doing the right things. Healing just takes a while. :hugs


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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I'm glad you have updated your journal. I was wondering, just this morning in fact, how you were doing.

Fortunately we live in a time when we can set our garden projects on the back-burner and still have food to eat. Last night I was talking to my husband and he mentioned how it seems like whenever we set up lofty goals in life, life takes its own turns and we end up doing something else. He mentioned this phenomenon in respect to people planning retirement, travel, etc. I feel that way about my garden this year. I have dreams of many trees and shrubs on our property, as well as a productive vegetable garden, orchard, and so forth. It has been a hard, sometimes bitter struggle to get all of this set up and then I find my life has had to be re-prioritized. :barnie So my dreams that could have been realized in a few more years of hard work, will probably take more like a decade or longer. :/ It is very hard for me as an avid gardener to set aside my gardening aspirations . . . it feels like I am losing my identity and some days it makes me deeply sad.

Anyway, enough about me and my problems . . . I am just glad to see you showed up here and were willing to share more of what you have been through with us. I'm glad you have found a source of comfort in your dark times.

Yes, I do believe in ghosts/spirits. I think this is especially likely after a violent and/or sudden and unexpected parting.

Panther Creek Homestead

Power Conserver
Jul 6, 2010
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Central Missouri
Jason - so sorry to hear about the tragedy you and your family are going through. No one should have to experience things of that nature. But also remember that if God brings you to it, he will see you through it.

I think that you finding a new church family will be a great help. Lean on others and let the non essentials fall by the wayside. Just be concerned with healing and helping your family heal. Godd will provide for all other things.

Sending hugs you way!



Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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as long as I do the right thing, obey the law, and do/handle my fathers affairs in a manner which he would want me too, I am going to be okay.

I will consider a cold weather garden for my cold frame. Ideas for winter crops for my cold frame?
Asian greens....bok choy, chinese cabbage, etc... Vivian lettuce (I really like that) maybe some kale?

On everything else...


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
You and your family have been in my thoughts almost daily. Even the day of my moms funeral I thought of your family and the trauma. I also remembered Debbie and her recent loss. I guess maybe it was my way of keeping myself grounded by realizing my grief could not compare to so many around me.

I posted to an earlier comment by you that yes I believe in spirits.

I would never get into a religious debate with anyone. Not that I don't know enough about different religions to debate, but more that I know enough to realize there is no debate. There is only differences in how we show our faith, love and spirit. Differences that are usually so small it makes debate trivial.

I also just discovered that FF and myself are on the same page in a lot of areas. I believe she is right about the demons being present at such a scene. They most likely arrived on the shoulders of the person who commited this act. It was their invitation to enter. Please be careful when you are in that place of violence that those demon spirits do not leave with you to invade your personal space. I also believe as long as they can they will try to impart negative influence onto others who come into contact with them. Others in your family who may have normally been loving, understanding people who were not greedy may turn into different people once they have encountered these negative/demon spirits.

I firmly believe that we as human beings have strong spirits. It is our spirit that makes us who we are, what we are, and controls our attitudes. It determines how we approach different situations.
If our spirits are that strong, why would they not be strong enough to linger here, to make their presence known, to comfort us?

Keep your faith, morn your parents. Let the rest go. A mighty power far beyond anything our meager human brains can comprehend is in control.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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2dream said:
Not that I don't know enough about different religions to debate, but more that I know enough to realize there is no debate.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
:hugs :hugs :hugs Of course you'll be changed, you wouldn't be human if you weren't.

People do sometimes linger. So do emotions and events. I grew up with a spirit in the house with me. A kindly old woman who used a nip of Jack Daniels for her rhuematism. You can smell it in the kitchen (her old bedroom) and you can hear her walk down the hall, open a door that doesn't exist anymore, flush a toilet that isn't there anymore, walk back up the hall, closing the door that isn't there and getting back into her creaky bed. That was a nice experience, she seemed to watch over us and liked having us in her home. Many more events with her, but never an apparation or image.

On the flipside, when DH and I moved back from Lousianna over 10 years ago, we found a nice little house, out in the country but not isolated. Near a river, with 2 neighboring houses, a church and a general store/gas station.

This house was/is inhabited/infected by something that felt evil. There is no other word I can use to describe it. DH and I tried to kill each other in this house. Literally. Never before and never since have we EVER fought like we did in this house, not even close. Our firstborn, a wonderful child who never cried unless it was a big reason, who normally slept through the night and never fussed, cried constantly while we lived there. You would be walking from one room into the next and the most awful feeling would come over you, like the despair and anger of the entire world was welling up in you.

We left after three weeks. Packed up in the middle of the night after trying to fall asleep for hours, told the landlord he could keep the deposit and the full month's rent. He was livid and let it slip that he couldn't keep anyone in the house. To this day, ten years later, the house comes up in the newspaper for rent every 2-3 months. I never found out what happened, if anything and I don't really want to know.

Sometimes it happens, who can say why some do stick around and some don't? I agree though, your family was probably trying to give you what measure of comfort they could. I'm glad you've found a church family who can give you comfort. :hugs

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