Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Hey Jay.
So glad you are back into your life! I love that song..it rings so true, in many ways.
We have always wanted to make trails in our woods as well. Its only about 3 acres...but then we found we have Ginseng in the woods, and we really dont want to take a chance of disturbing it. Maybe we can make a path on the other side...leaving that side to grow wild as it should. :idunno We also thought about running fence on the other half, and throwing the goats in there, at least for a while for them to clean it all up for us. ;)
U used to play the guitar...years ago. My sister and i played and sang in our church..wow, the memories! Then I bought a banjo, thinking I would learn to play it....ummm, nope, I just cant! So, it sits in the corner...in its case...lonely.:/ Maybe I will sell it..so it will at least get to see the light of day once in a while.
I would love to have that tractor...however...our finances are focused on finishing the septic. Oh well....gotta know our priorities...being grown up and "responsible" is a bummer! :lol: For now, my tractor dreams will have to go on the back burner.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hi Jay,

I think a path in the woods would be a wonderful tribute to you Dad and Linda. The process of creating the path and enjoying it will be such a good thing.

That song has some very wonderful words. It's early here now but after the kids wake up I will have to google it for sound and melody.

Congrats on the new tractor. Boys and their toys!! :D I know you will put this one to good use.

Jeesh I wish I had a farm.. I would surely find a way to use the old one. But I guess it's not meant to be. Not yet anyways. ;)

Have a great day!!



Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I have been really busy, and decided to make sometime to stop in and post a few things.

My health is good and my heart seems to be healingl. I think the biggest questions might not ever be answered, whether in truth or in lies. Sometimes wondering why that happened lays with the person who did it, and they may just be a stone cold killer.

On that note, I am trying hard not to get myself in the middle of that issue, rather pull my life back together, and get on with it. I believe more in Karma than most people, and that is why I do my best everyday to be good to folks. Because you just never know who you might pass on the way back down. It will come around.......

I have several real projects to get finished during my last days of my fourth year in my so called five year plan. One of those is to thin out the pines by the road in the front, and replace/place top soil down and create some new wonderful flower beds under the trees. I found some rocks I wanna buy to add there as well. A fellow down the road has some interesting looking rocks I would like to add to my property.

Another project is a remote solar light issue up at the pond, on the pier. Although I have been considering moving the night lamp further back up the hill so it could shine over the pond as well. Hummmmm... Its a rather neat idea that I wanna share with you as I get it done...

Last month I did some copper work for a fellow that raises black angus and beef cows. The deal was clear, I provide labor/materials and he pays me with meat, you know how much I like to barter!!! Now I made his wife a small copper sink, and copper topped his island. So I got a call last week from a butcher, how do you want your meat cut? Surprised, he helped me decide and the farmer called me that night to let me know he had his beef down hanging at the butchers.

When I went down to get my meat today, with regard to the amount I was getting paid ( I wasn't being nosy, I want what is fair that is owed to me ) The total was 179 pounds of beef, trimmed and wrapped. I asked the ground meat to be placed in 1.5 lbs packages, as the fat content is 80-85%. My eyes popped when I saw all that meat. "Doing my I got paid dance!!" :celebrate



I patted myself on the back for meeting a new goal in my life and adventures of being SS. I used bartering to gain a large amount of domestic meat to sustain my family. I never planned the goal as I wasn't sure I would be able to meet it. Now I am going to build him a massive copper barn star next year.

I also have commissioned a local wood carver to cut me four totem poles, of coarse of my own design. The artist flare will come from doing them in his style. The four are to represent the four seasons of Mother Earth, starting with old man winter. I was shocked to get a call that he had been completed today, I would have asked for the Autumn if I knew he was going to get it done so quick. My idea was a picture of the character I showed him, all four to have this mans face with different earth elements of each season. He said he had done it so quickly because he wouldn't get to the others before the new year he didn't think. The last coat of resin was applied today, and when I saw it, I was floored by how beautiful it is!!!!!!

I can't wait to share photos with you folks next week!!!!

This guy did a wonderful job!!!!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Wow, congrats on the meat/barter!! What a great feeling to have a freezer full of meat...for your family!
The totems sound beautifull! I can't waite to see them. I have a log picked out here on my property...complete with a Burl. I want to do some of my own carving in it...still have not come up with the design I want to use. I will be placeing this in my Medicine Wheel. I am gathering my stones/rocks for my wheel...and deciding on the plant matter to put in it.....herbs/flowers.
What will your totems represent?
I am glad you are able to heal. It is a rough road, but by healing, you are not letting them win! You and your family are always in my thoughts, and prayers.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
Sounds like you're back on track. Good for you. Great deal on the meat. Are the totems going to be part of the path you're planning?


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
KC- The original plan was to have them placed near the front door as he is. It never crossed my mind until you mentioned it, so that would have been a great idea. I still like your idea, and might get him to do a couple in the sitting areas, black bear maybe? Thanks for the great idea......:thumbsup

Here is Ole Man Winter at his post (giggles) near my front door.




Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
WOW, He is BEAUTIFULL!!! What a great job he did on that! I would like to have a few of those placed around the property...as lookouts. :D