Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I didn't get the POW either until I saw it here!

That's awesome! We haven't even put up any lights here yet....going to go get a real tree this weekend though...how much snow did ya'll get?


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
Happy Holidays to all of you!!

The following paragraph is filled with updates about issues, if your not interested and don't need any sad details just move along to the last paragraph. I have many types of friends and with respect to those who just don't need the bull, I decided to write two different paragraphs.

I have had many court dates to fill concerning Dads estate and the criminal trial that is coming next year sometime. As some of you know new charges have been added, and he has been moved to a different location for his own safety. I have many years of records that I kept for no real reason and I decided to share those with the DA. I have decided to work as close with them as I can and give them what they feel they might need. The newest charges come from a different point of the case, perhaps from some of the info I have shared. This isn't a complicated case, but it needs to be addressed in a way that the correct aspects can be addressed. I have information as far back as 1999 to share with them. I guess they will take what they need, its all relative to the whole case and needs to be sorted through to get the information they need to make their case. I was told his lawyer stated that it was like the volunteer high school football team going up against the nfl's dallas cowboys. I intend to do my part and see this thing through as far as I can. I doubt I will be at the trial if there is one, but I will be watching it from my home on my computer.

Although this time of year is sad, today Scotty was killed 21 years ago. Hs wife has since moved on and has married a great guy. Scotty was my bestest friend back in the late 80's, he was killed in combat during a heavy small arms fire fight against the PDF in Panama in 89. He died on my lap during the fire fight, help couldn't get to us in time, and not that he might have lived anyway. He was hit to many times in his chest. That was the trigger point in my life, the point I learned I didn't want to be a soldier any more. Dragon Laural posted a comment a few months ago about me. She thought that I came from the country and visited the real world where I didn't like what I saw. Then I high tailed back to the country life away from the real world. That is pretty true, although I do have many friends, and slow to trust people that I want to include in my circle of friends. I have become a good man that folks can trust and depend on. If I tell ya I am going to do something, consider it done. Folks trust my opinion on many different matters, and I consider myself to be wise on some matters, but not all.

I find life different now, like an innocence of something has been stripped from me, the same type feelings I had as I marched up death highway in Kuwait during desert shield. I saw and smelled things that were not possible, in my eyes/mind.

That void in my heart needs to be filled or something and replace what was once there. Because something has changed it has change the way I look at life. I figure I need to belly up and pull up my boot straps and search to fill that spot ASAP. I know there is no quick fix to matters like these, but I needed to actively find something. I decided that I would continue with guitar playing and add that to my life. Perhaps I will some day write a nice song. I once wrote a poem that was published in a book. John Denver has written a lot of wonderful songs about our earth.

I decided to lay the matter in Gods hands and allow him to hold the burden so that I can move on with my life. We are here for a short time at best, and so everyday I am making the best of my life.

I have and like Dad, Mom, and Linda, miss them all the rest of my life. I found strength in living my life with my family and doing what they all would want me to. I have joy in loving my kids and getting thse odd gifts that know one expects. DD got a poster from me of chickens, she is a chicken loving fool.. LOL she will love it. http://www.mthealthy.com/product/Poster Anita got it for me as a favor!!!! DS is getting some odd lab books along with the oddest cookbook I have ever read.

Dad and Linda had a xmas fund account that her siblings cleaned out, it had nearly 800.00 in it. I decided to take some of the money left to me to buy them extra gifts this year. When the xmas cards started coming, I will miss Dad and Lindas as they both had very different card styles to send us and the kids. LOL... We always got one from Dad and one from Linda and it was clear Linda always had to share her love, where as Dads cards were comical or very different.

I wish and hope you all the best during this holiday season, make sure to make the best out of your time together. If you find yourself alone this season, be sure to reach out and consider doing something in the community. If your in pain, have faith and I pray that this to will pass for you.

Because we all come from different walks of life, I find it hard to say something for everyone, so I can wish every one well and the best this holiday season.




Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Everyone has a history that slowly shapes who they are, embrace as much as you can stand to, and lean on the LORD to get through the rest! It has worked well for me ;)

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
Merry Christmas MP. This one will be especially hard for you, but time will ease the pain. You're a wise man to let the Lord carry your burdens.

My prayer for you this season is to be safe, warm, well fed, and content in your life. :hugs

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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Merry Christmas! At the right time, the words and the melody will come to you. Wishing you and your family the very best.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
J, This past year has been a trying one for several of us. I have chosen to let our Lord handle the stress for me. I pray you can too. Our loved ones are in good hands, and we will be one day as well.
Dureing the time you was in Desert Shield, my husband was there also. He was there for what seemed like an eternity. Desert storm, Desert shield, Provide comfort. He was there for it all. I was home, with the children, living a different kind of hell. Trying to keep it all together, stiffening up inside every time I saw " the black car" ( we lived on base)
My prayers are with you and yours this holiday season....may peace fill your mind, and love fill that "void"
Merry Christmas my friend....Merry Christmas!

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