Out to pasture
He he, that ought to be a good job for a 10 and 11 year oldJavamama said:No way that's going to happen Lori. They are only 10 and 11 and I'm betting it would create more work for me than I ever need. I do have floors that need mopped...pretty nasty from canning tomatoes last week.
Glad to hear you are getting goats too! I just love my little goats. If I had know how wonderfull they are, I would have gotten goats many years ago.
After my initial fiasco with the B1 deficiency, things have been going fairly well. They managed to escape the electric netting once, so we fixed that and then they busted down another fence and we fixed that too. Now I am constantly on the prowl for free food for them. Fortunatle DD's yard is overgrown with blackberries as are most yards around here. I told my neighbor he could throw the blackberry vines over the fence, when he cut them. He was happy and I know the goats will be too!!