Yard Farmer
Yay all around! We go back a week from today. Although I do love my summers off, I'm ready to get back to a routine and have someone else entertain DS on a daily basis, if you know what I mean! I'm also ready to start receiving paychecks again.Javamama said:School started for the kids yesterdayNow it's just me and me littlest one at home. It's so good to be back on a schedule again. I need it.
We are trying to prepare for the goats. Couldn't start the fence because our clay soil is so hard right now that we need to get a post driver. DH won't buy one, so we are hitting up our 4-H friends. And we are building a 12X 6 (I think) shelter for them, kind of in a loafing shed style but modified for the location. The goal is to have it finished by Labor Day. Tight schedule for us, but exciting. Now that the weather has cooled, we feel like working.
I have to get my last 2 amalgam fillings replaced today because they are falling apart. I have a good dentist, so it's no big deal.

I've had a few of my old fillings replaced. You're right. With a good dentist, it's no big deal and I love my new white fillings! I used to have tons of amalgam in there. I'd be thrilled to have them all done!