I gave it my all this morning 2 quarts chilling before 8 a.m. :bun
I am getting very worried about where to put all these half grown chicks. Our yard is under water again and it ain't going to clear up anytime soon. Sheesh, I was hoping to pasture the meaties but our pasture is a muddy swamp. They would sit down and sink and never be able to get out of it. So I've been bringing them 'weed salad' they love it. But they can't stay in that kiddie pool much longer.
So. Due to my kids getting palate expanders, we all had pudding for breakfast
They ARE in the house! I have the meaties on the porch right outside the door and the australorps and bantams in the kitchen and they are almost ready to go out. I don't have a basement (split level house) so they are just stinking up the whole place.
What I need is a meat chick that can SWIM!
How about the garage out back for the chicks? I got a swimming pool - the kind from a box with rigged sides - and set it up for chicks the last couple years. I cover the top with large window screens.
Hi Becca! Unfortunately the back garage is flooded along with all the area around it and behind it. I was going to use that compost pile area on the side of the garage but the water is about a foot deep now. The entire yard with the privacy fence is way too wet for young birds.
This picture was from 2 months ago, but it still looks like this - only the grass is way tall now
I just don't have anymore room on the porch what with the rabbits, the milkstand and the meat chicks. I'm just praying for a break from the rain.
I have 2 ducks hanging out in the duck nest today. Don't know if they want to brood or if they just want away from the drakes.
Oh how awful! I guess I have nothing to complain about. I have certain areas that get flooded but they actually aren't anywhere that truly matters. The goats just can't go out in the field but they have plenty of room under the barn overhang.