Java. the end.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
hey baby!

out there folks just fire off their guns. ha! actually i will never be able to get over walking into the GROCERY STORE and seeing explosives for sale. there is a huge stack of them right by the check out - hey do you wanna get a buncha fireworks for your kids? sure just load up the cart.

i dunno i think its the stupidest thing ever.

and heh heh heh .....its a fight we have every year with the MIL. she wants to do some kind of fireworks thing and we refuse to participate. or let her in the gate. almost every year we tell her we are going somewhere else. i dont think she understands that a barnyard full of critters just isnt interested in thing that go boom and burn down the fields.

i guess one year she came back (from out of state) for the 4th and went and got a buncha fireworks - against my hubby's wishes - and she really went to town lighting them off and whoopin' it up.

and his older dog died - probably of fear/heart attack. we told her if she brought her stupid fireworks over we'd spray her with the hose.

anyway. thats my anti firework rant.

hows it goin' baby!?


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Today is me and hubby's 15th wedding anniversary. :cool: Still going strong and we've been together for 20 years. :ep I can't believe I'm old enough to say that. (I did meet him when I was 15, so I'm really not that old :D)
We have no special plans for today - we aren't big on celebrations. I'll be happy if I just get to spend 5 uninterrupted minutes with him after the kids go to bed. But I may not be able to stay up that long since the littlest one woke me up at 6am screeching about something. DH had already left for work so I flew out of bed expecting some kind of disaster....she wanted something to drink. me=not happy. That is not normal behavior for her.

edit - we posted at the same time OFG! - hubby likes to take a chance with his life on the 4th every year with those stupid fireworks and I stand by with the phone ready to dial 911 :rolleyes: It's one thing we disagree on for sure. I hate them. Especially since we have kids.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
well not having a drink is kind of a disaster???

happy anniversary!!!! yay for you guys!!!!! TBM and i have loved each other since we were 16. but there was 20 years apart known as the "long unhappy separation" - we're glad we found each other. and yep we laugh that we can say 20 years! ha ha ha ha ha

when i lived in the city i always watched the news on the 5th to see who blew up who's car. my stupid city neighbors always tried to burn down my deck. i had to stand out there with the hose and they were always "whoops! sorry." i mean seriously - EVERY year?



Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
I'm glad you and TBM finally got together :cool:

I really need to get out there and milk. I hope it goes better than yesterday :p I swear - I walked outside and the sun was out. I went to the barn, got some hay and tossed it to them. I put Perdy on the stand and the sky went dark, I saw a flash of lightning and BOOM! thunder. Then heaven let loose with a downpour! I was like WTH? I had just watched the news and they said it was all clear!

Alright, I'm going out now.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I met my hubby at 15 and married him at 17. (Are we noticing a SS trend here? :lol: ) We celebrated 30 years of marriage this April and yes, I even feel that old! :lol: :gig

As for fireworks ... you haven't lived until you have sat on your front porch and watched the neighbors across the street (illegally) shoot roman candles and bottle rockets across the street (opposite from us) from their 2nd story porch and onto their OWN cars! :th Stupidity holds no bounds.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2010
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Central Ohio
Congrats Java on the anniversary! I met my husband when I was 16 and he was 17. We got married when I was 19 and he was 20 and we just celebrated 13 years in March but have been together for 15. We have had our rough patches but worked through them and still going strong as well.

I hope you guys have a very nice evening together and get to spend some quality time with each other. My hubby has been working 6 days a week at his job and then working hard around the house when he gets home, so I understand just having a few uninterrupted min would be nice.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Congratulations on your anniversary!

TR and I have been best friends since 1978. We were divorced for a while and remarried, so now we celebrate both anniversaries - July and November. :D

So you can see, I think they are great fun; even if you just get to actually sit down and say hello to each other at the end of the day! ;)

Have fun!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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It is a trend here....anti-fireworks, married young (I was 22 but hubby only 18) and I also want to wish Java a happy anniversary.

We never do much either and I used to feel guilty when my next door neighbors made a big hoopla every year and surprised each other with all this romantic stuff.

They are divorced now, we aren't.

I have a funny fireworks story, or at least is is funny now.

We had never seen legal fireworks like they have here in WA, so we were a little fascinated for a couple years and "blew" a bunch of money. This culminated with a "block party". We had next door neighbors who had been dealing with the dad being gone in Iraq for an extended period of time and just in time for the 4th he returned, unharmed. Everyone was so happy.
But Hubby and this neighbor decided to build a real BIG booming fireworks display involving gunpowder and a line of stuff from a store-bought one layed out in the road leading up to a big display it would set off.......I was telling him to stop it, it was a bad example for the kids, yadda yadda yadda, but he of course was having too much fun to heed what I had to say.
They lit it and BOOM! The thing blew a hole in the street, did not set off the store bought stuff, but burnt all the hair off the faces and hairlines of both men and gave them facial burns!
So our neighbor survived IRAQ but not being our next-door neighbor (as well).

When reminiscing about this incident with our doctor, he told me his new nickname for Hubby was "Flash".

Hubby decided he needed to change doctors, and has never expressed interest in buying much fireworks again.

We have so many issues with the dogs being frightened, we don't find them amusing, and I know a lot of sad tales from working in vet clinics of stuff that happened that wasn't supposed to.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Hubby decided he needed to change doctors, and has never expressed interest in buying much fireworks again.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We have so many issues with the dogs being frightened, we don't find them amusing, and I know a lot of sad tales from working in vet clinics of stuff that happened that wasn't supposed to.
aint that right. and when your dog's favorite game is fetch - anything that looks like a stick is fair game. so no thank you!

after the 4th i always am on the lookout for lost cows. the local CL usually have ads like this:

"lost cow, last seen on the 4th, she ran thru the fence and we cant find her."

i keep hoping a lost cow will find its way to my yard. hasnt happened yet.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Happy Anniversary!

got to say I'm not on the 'been in love w/my husband since I was a teen' train. I met mine when I had just turned 21 and he was 26. Married a year and a half later and it's been, what, 6 1/2 years married now? Gosh...Sometimes it feels like 20!

We usually just spend a night out at a hotel. Hot Sheets here we come! :p

And to toss in a fireworks story of mine....we used to have big ol pig roasts on the 4th and one year someone brought a bunch of the fun stuff. Long story short, we learned one of our dogs is really, really afraid of fireworks, guns, and anything else that goes BOOM (think along the lines of the CL ad OFG mentioned) and that fireworks are NOT good for your lawn. The grass still won't grow in certain areas.

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