ha! thats pretty funny! i actually had one woman who KNEW what lamanchas were.. she stopped me when i got halfway thru my "they are supposed to be like that" schpiel
Perdy gave me a tiny scare yesterday - I saw her on the goat cam, laying down and panting. I ran out there to check on her and she didn't get up right away to check me over for food. That concerned me. So I started feeling her tummy and it was fine. I decided to check her hooha area and as soon as I touched her tailhead, she reared up and gave me WTH are you doing? look and I knew she was fine Babies must have been pressing on her breathing parts
It's going to be a long week I'm waiting for them to post a 'keep out' sign on the barn.
ha! um so we had an entire day when Nibbles laid on the ground and grunted. she was just faking it.
the technical analysis from the 4H kids was that the babies were pushing on Nibble's in a weird way. sheesh!
there's a buncha stuff about how the goats wont eat the day they kid. ha! we couldnt keep Nibbles from the food so unfortunately that wasnt a good warning sign. what worked was for my hubby to be gone for the day. that worked like a charm. so go and do errands and when you get back there will probably be babies waiting for you.
Yeah, I don't see mine slowing down on the chow either
I do have a dentist appointment scheduled for the middle of next week. I'm rescheduling it though. They aren't going to sneak this past me (now watch he!! break loose on my schedule and all kinds of wild things pop up)
Java, I'm not sure if Fattie is expecting or not - can't get close enough to feel for an udder because she shoots to the other side of the pen like a rocket. But, her hooha is swollen and she's keeping her tail over her back - good to guess she may be in heat???
It always makes me laugh when people give a rundown on what the birthing signs are. From my experience, anything and nothing are signs. You can't count on anything. Sometimes you are lucky and get the obvious signs and sometimes you don't. And this isn't just about goats, insert any other animal name there.
Perdy has been laying down and panting all day, but she is enormous so I'm sure it's hard to breathe. I checked her a little while ago and she just wanted to lick my hands, but she didn't want me to touch her at all which is odd behavior for her. And she's laying down alot more. We're getting closer. Rory is still grumpy and gave me a hard hit in the legs last night when I tried to touch her rump. I won't try that again