jessejames here


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.

Just be patient with the broccoli. It starts out all show and no business. The heads will form later.

Glad you got some things that you can use.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
good morning
looking forward to going to look at one more chooks today i hope i am waiting on a call from an aruacana breeder about an hour away. he has a mating pair as well as chicks from said pair.
all i have to say to MPs comments are this
the only reason my addiction came up was as a matter of introduction the only reason it is something that keeps coming up is that someone cant let it go.
everyone else here has been exceptionally welcoming and open minded or kept to themselves their opinions. i am not looking for help with my addictions or any kind of support group here. i WILL post what I think addiction is all about at some point but only to let people see a side of addiction that they never get the chance to. i will only post this once i am sure of what i want to say and how i want to say it.
once again if you dont care for what i have to say.
dont read it!!
i am looking forward to spending a day working on my SS projects after a weekend of scheming in the city
i'm off..........


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
No one should ever be faulted for honesty.

I agree with you - if they don't like what they hear go play someplace else.

Jesse do you notice after spending time in the city how fresh the air is when you get back?

Hubby and I love to vacation in places where there are no people, like forests and prairies. When we drive back to the city it is so dirty and stinky I can hardly stand it for a few days.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
JJ, Aly, Amos, Farm, Ann

Let me step up and address this with a apology from myself to you JJ for my short comings. It was not personal with you, but your addiction and battle of it. Often, I read what other folks post to others comments, and in the case I will admit that I was wrong, and should do the right thing by telling you I am sorry.

Aly/Amos reminded me that this is not a forum about addiction, rather a place to be ss. I will not bring this up again, and look forward to reading and posting on your/mine lives of living ss.

I will tell you that I was married once before, to a person that I thought I knew. She would sleep in the day, and shoot up at night. Almost a year went by before I ever found out, and when I did, I scooped up the kids and left till she packed and went back to MD. I have a lot of hate towards her, because of her addiction which for a short time destroyed lives. She hasn't seen or even contacted the children since she left, nothing. Which I guess is fine being the way she was when she left.

So as for my attacks, you now understand they were emotionally driven by a very bad time in my own personal life, not at you. I do sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve, that can sometimes be a bad choice, as in this case.

Thanks Aly, Amos, Farm and Ann for pointing my short comings out so that I can grow as a person and learn to be a better part of this community.

When I post in the future I will be sure that it is nothing less than positive or educational.

Thanks for your understanding, Jay

ETA spelling


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Believe it or not I actually suspected something of the like.

When you live through a painful situation you often find your emotions triggered by something an innocent person says or does. It brings all of the emotions boiling to the surface. We have all done it.

I was emotionally abused as a child by my mother. I don't think it was intentional on her part - I believe she was undiagnosed bi-polar. When I first got married my hubby and I would have some horrible fights. Fortunately my hubby saw what I was doing when he would "trigger" something in my memories I would come unglued and attack him viciously! Things began to change for us for the better when during the heat of a fight one time he shouted at me, "I am not your MOTHER!" I was shocked when I discovered he was right. I was simply transposing my hurt onto him!

As soon as I made that discovery things started getting better. We celebrated our 28th anniversary this year, so it worked in the long run.

Pioneer by acknowledging your painful situation and sharing it with us, you too have taken a big step.

Thanks for the heartfelt apology. We will be looking forward to sharing with you again.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
thanks alot MP i also thought that there maybe some skeletons lurking there somewhere. i know what it is like to have the one you love betray you in such ways and everyday it is a battle to trust anyone again.
i am very glad that you will be posting and reading my journal and i look forward to learning more about you.i have to say that your entries where some of the ones i was following before i started and i think\know you have alot to share and that i can learn from.
i also was having a hard time figuring out why you were so down on me
so thanks alot
and let this be the end of it

on lighter note i just love my new leghorn couple they are so sweet!!
i still havent heard back from araucana breeder!!
all i want to do today is sleep!!! but i have so much to get done!! i find after an extended stay in the city i am always drained and no matter how much i want to get dome around here i just need to veg out get all that over stimulation out of my head
signing off to try and get something done around here

thanks MP glad to have you here(in my journal)
be well


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
Jesse, do you have an incubator or a broody? I just got 12 ameraucana eggs (yes, they probably are EE eggs) but I got them from a friend of my sils in Sarnia. Like I said, she knows alot of ppl around there who have chickens.

If i knew what you were interested in, I could put out the word--Sarnia and Forest are not that far apart.

As far as addictions go, I whole heartedly commend you for battling it and getting clean. There is a member of our family who battles addictions to to booze, and he says its only pot, (but we all know better). he is not getting clean, he does not admit he has a problem, but then he went to the dr, got scripts for anxiety meds that he now takes alongside his self medicating habits. It is not fun to watch. So my support is behind you 100% for getting clean. And it is a big part of your life right now. It's good to be open about it.

And BB, I'm sure we could never hate you!!!!!

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
I'm glad the tension is over and we have all learned a little in the process.

My daughter's father, my ex husband, is a raging alcoholic and I stayed married to him for 6 years...trying to help him get it together. Finally had to take my daughter and run. That was 10 years ago. I still (and I know my poor daughter does too) suffer from some major flashbacks because of him. (He was on the wagon when I met him, so I had no clue he was so bad off.) I have some anger issues b/c of him but I keep telling myself (when I want to kill him) "I wish he was a better father" instead of "I want to knock his block off!"

Glad you got some chickens that make you happy!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
miss_thenorth said:
Jesse, do you have an incubator or a broody? I just got 12 ameraucana eggs (yes, they probably are EE eggs) but I got them from a friend of my sils in Sarnia. Like I said, she knows alot of ppl around there who have chickens.

If i knew what you were interested in, I could put out the word--Sarnia and Forest are not that far apart.

As far as addictions go, I whole heartedly commend you for battling it and getting clean. There is a member of our family who battles addictions to to booze, and he says its only pot, (but we all know better). he is not getting clean, he does not admit he has a problem, but then he went to the dr, got scripts for anxiety meds that he now takes alongside his self medicating habits. It is not fun to watch. So my support is behind you 100% for getting clean. And it is a big part of your life right now. It's good to be open about it.

And BB, I'm sure we could never hate you!!!!!
i am in process of building incubator i would love to get ahold of some hatching eggs it would give me the incentive to finish that project off. any help with my chicken addiction is greatly encouraged. i think in proper addiction speak i need more enablers


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
There are some very friendly, mature people here. Lots of them :)

Yay, new chickens! Aren't they cute when they snuggle? People swear I'm nuts when I say my chickens snuggle together. I've wondered about the caponization as well, is it worth it, blah blah blah. I'm glad FarmFresh posted her opinion.

Hope you get a lot done today!