JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
28 March 09

So..its cloudy..cold..and drizzly here. YUK! Doesnt stop the chores from needing done tho. I went out to check on my blue slate hen, Shadow...she is setting a nest...well..she WAS setting a nest. I think she has 5 little ones, and she is off the nest. I took the other 6 eggs, and placed them in the bator. Hopefully they make it. I cant waite to get a good look at the little ones. She is like a MAD DOG...there is NO WAY I am going in there! LOL I will get a look soon, when she has them up and running around.
I went off to the barn...to try and finish in there. I got all but one small pile of trash out. Whew! Spread AG lime in the gravel...and used ag lime and water, and whitewashed the walls. I was told they used to slaughter beef in there...so I wanted to make sure its clean. I will of course lay straw over the gravel...before the sheep go in. We still have to build the divider wall..and get the fence in, when the weather lets us. We are going to rent a post hole digger...there are 30 posts to go in, and we have to go 3 ft deep. Hopeing we can get them done in ONE weekend. Its 65$ to rent Saturday/Sunday. Moved a large pile of brush to be burned...then collected eggs. The girls are molting...looks like 20 teenage girls had a pillow fight in there! :lol: My poor girls...hope they get over this soon, and start laying again!!
Came inside..made porkchops, mac and cheese, applesauce, peas for supper. Settling in now with a good cup of coffee for the evening! Oh...and yesterday..I went to barnes and Noble online, and ordered my very own copy of All Flesh is Grass. Everyone talks about how good it is..I just HAVE ot have it! And, I will....in 2 weeks. LOL


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I would buy some stall mats to go over the gravel first if you can afford some. Then you will have an almost ideal bedding situation. When you add the straw it will take very little and the gravel underneath will keep the drainage great.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Thanks for the idea of stall mats. I did check into them...WOW, they are pricey. I would have to cover a 15 x 30 area. Now I am wondering...which would be better...straw or pine bedding? Which would be easier to get out of the wool...I know the pine would help with odors...but is it OK for the sheep? The farm where they are now has straw down in thier barn area. I guess straw would be cheaper. I can get square bales for 3.00. Hmmmm, what to do!?

30 March 09

Woke this morning to 28 degrees! Jeesh! I wish winter would just LET GO already. I am puttering around, not wanting to go out yet...but I guess I am just prolonging the work that needs to be done. :rolleyes: No big plans for today. Just do a few loads of laundry, hang them out early so MAYBE they will dry before dark LOL If not I can "fluff" them in the dryer for a few minutes.
Tomorrow evening my sister is bringing her 2 little girls over for a few days stay " at the farm" They are 5 and 8...very city...cute as buttons...but did I say, very city!? LOL They are excited to spend a few days out here, but now I see we are to get rain the whole time they are here. Wonder if after "working in the rain" they will still want to be farmers!?? LOL I am hopeing I can take them to the farm where the sheep are, so they can see them. Really depends on the rain. Guess I better get out all my craft stuff...looks like it might be a long few days! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I hope the rain goes away for your nieces benefit. Not sure if your sister likes to bake. That's always a great indoor activity. Teach the girls how to bake bread or make cookies. Very "farmer". Do you have a recipe for play dough?? Good luck, gina


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
You got it! You will not be disappointed in that book (All Flesh is Grass). I keep bugging my husband to read it too!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
30 March 09
Got a load of tablecloths on the line. I got them at the auction a few weeks ago, 6 of them for $3.00 What a steal! They are all the size I need as well! One has 8 matching cloth napkins.
Went to the bank, and the store, then the feed mill...bought pine shaveings for the coops. Then I went to the county courthouse, to register our farm name. When I asked about it, they looked at me like I had 3 heads...the went scrambling about looking for the book. After about 20 minutes of searching, they found it. The last entry was 1956! Yup, LONG time ago. The woman told me she wasnt sure how to go about it. :rolleyes: Gave me a form she copied from the book, told me to fill it out. $11.00 and we will be registered as Heavens Door Acres Farm. :D Got home...spread the shaveings...then Hubby and I went to get our taxes done. Yeah i know...we waited a little long. But! We are going to get enough back to get the new door for the front of the house, with sidelights..AND a storm door...INSTALLED! SWEET!! I am so excited. I cant waite to get that done. Stopped by the local hardware store, where I ordered my fencing. Well, I thought I had..she didnt put in the order. I guess it was for the best, because the one she originally thought I needed would have been wrong. It was field fence, with 12x12 openings. Ummm, NOT good for sheep. So, we found the proper fenceing..and she ordered it today. 330 feet, 48inches high....$200.00 :th Something we have to have...so I just bit the bullet and I will pick it up Friday.
Well, I went to the barn, and pulled out my old craft bag. Its an old Tupperware demonstrators bag...huge! I used it when my kids were small....for rainy days. I went through it, and there is felt, buttons, beads, popcicle sticks, little wiggly eyes, all sorts of stuff. I am sure we can come up with something for them to "make". Bakeing cookies will be fun. I dont think the whole bread thing will work tho. Too involved for a 5 yr old. I just wish I had more advanced notice, like 3 weeks...I could have had chicks hatching. Oh well. We will come up with something I am sure. I am going to the dollar store tomorrow...to get some new small plastic pots. We are going to fill them with chocolate pudding, crumble oreos on top, stick a gummy worm in them, and a fake flower. These are always fun for the kids to make, and eat. We will make enough they can give one to each parent. Oh, and if you are going to make them, make sure you split open a few oreos, and cover the drain holes in the pots. LOL Pudding leaks!! ( words of experience) :rolleyes: Anyways...I think I can keep the girls busy for a few days and NOT go crazy! :fl

edited to say....Lori, I cant waite to get my book! Everyone here seems to enjoy it, and talkes about how good it is. IM EXCITED! It shipped the 30th. :D


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Here's another one for you....make aquariums with gummy fish and blue jello. Just use a clear container or even clear plastic cups if you want to do something individually.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Ohhhh, Lori, that sounds like FUN! Aquariums....I think I need to go back to the store. LOL
31 March 09

I have been in town MOST of the morning..and into the afternoon. Didn't really spend much..other than in gas! Went to the Dollar tree...LOVE that store....got a few color books..2 little wooden birdhouses for the girls to paint and decorate...really pretty little ceramic flower pots for the pudding pots...some nice size sunflowers to place in there as well, chocolate cookies..and gummie worms. Then, the fun began...I went to every store I could think of...without going to another town 40 minutes aaway...to try to find little shovels to use for spoons. NO ONE has them! I wish we had a hobby lobby closer. darn...guess we will just have to use plastic spoons. I will have the girls decorate, and fill them, then present them to thier parents after dinner, for dessert with thier bird houses. They will be really cute, just wish I could have found those little shovels. Oh well.
Hubby is working day shift this week...so I better get SOMETHING done around this house before he comes in. LOL
I just spent 30 minutes trying to chase off the neighbors 2 toms. Anyone want a Tom turkey!?? They are mutts...blueslate?RP cross, and a Bronze. Next time they wander over, I am cageing them up, and selling them off. When I try to talk to him about them, he says " just shoot them" So, I will sell them instead!
I better go get some sort of supper figured out. Thansk again Lori for that aquarium idea!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Thanks Amos. I wasn't aware people didnt register thier farm names anymore. :rolleyes: Oh well...its just like me to be " out of the norm" :lol: The next few days will be busy trying to keep the girls occupied. The smallest has Asthma...not a big deal for me to handle, 2 of my boys had it terrible when they were younger. Just means no early morning outings..and no after dark outings. They seem to be content to sit and watch cartoons, untill it warms up a bit. Then we are headed outside! :weee We have a large dirt/gravel pile, with lots of dump trucks, diggers, and toys...I have been wanting a reason to get out there and play on that dirt hill...now we have the girls for a few days..I can go play!! :p