JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I've made ricotta from the whey, super easy! I'm going to try that tomorrow. I made two giant batches of farmer cheese. I had too much goat milk in the freezer. Now I have lots and lots of different flavor farmer cheese in the freezer. MUCH smaller. :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
8 Aug....what a day!
This morning started out smooth....Opened the coops, let the ducks out...fed and watered everyone...milked Suzie. Easy peasy! Got the milk put up....cleaned the kitchen...ran a few loads of laundry, then headed out to pull the 3 ft tall weeds in the goat pen, that Suzie wont eat. :/ I ended up with 20 bushel baskets of weeds!! On the compost they go...
I came inside, and jumped in the shower...then started supper. Seems like this will be a pretty good day...Got all my papers together for hubby to take to work and fax in for me...and got him off to work. See? Easy...right?? HA! After he left...it got interesting. I was relaxing with a bottle of water...cooling off..when my phone rang. It was the neighbor. She said.." So, now you are having goats delivered"?? Me: WHAT?? NO!! She" Um, there is a truck in your driveway, with 2 men, and a goat in the back. Then she snickered...and said, call me when you know whats going on! I jumped up just as the doorbell rang. Seems these two men took the pygmy goat that my neighbor was giving away, and was looking for a "friend" for her. Either a whether, or another female. Whew! The neighbor girl told them I do rescue, and might know where to get one for them. So, I sent them on their way, telling them I would look for one for them....disaster diverted! LOL No more goats dropped off here! About 7...I got my things together to go do the evening chores, milking and such. This is where it got....interesting. I put out feed for everyone...and got Suzie on the milking stand. All smooth like...she let me milk no problems. I finished, and was standing there brushing her...when I noticed there was a mobile home trying to make the corner..and was stuck blocking the road. So, I was brushing Suzie, and watching out the window, when I saw out of the corner of my eye, Juliette, the momma PB pig is out of her pen, and headed to the road!!!! I forgot to latch the gate. So, I ran out and got some feed...luckily she is very food motivated. Got her back inside...and went to get Suzie, and realized I hadn't put the lead on her collar...she was not in the stand when I got back over to her. Dang! She was in the sheep's pasture, and NOT wanting to be caught. She already had her food, so she just wanted to be nosy, and poke around. I chased her for a few minutes...grabbed her up, and got her back in her pen and realise I hadn't locked the gate, and the pig was now in Suzies pasture. Are you kidding me!??? Another little pail of feed, and the pig was back with her babies. Whew! Grabbed the pail of milk...and headed to the house. Put the milk up, and a storm was blowing towards us, so I rushed out to gather eggs. In my hurry, I spooked Jr, the rooster..and he nailed me! Why you little so and so....I aughtta...a swift kick, and he was back in submission. Grabbed the eggs and made it to the house listening to the thunder. Then I realized I hadn't closed the barn...so I ran out to close the barn, and the mobile home was still there. By then it was 8pm. They had been working on it for just over an hr...and the storm was closing in. I walked over and talked to them for a few minutes..quite the crowd had gathered. We don't get this sorta excitement around these parts very often. LOL I decided to head back to the house, and realized I hadn't put up the ducks. Well crap! So, as I get closer to the ducks, they decided they didn't want to go in the pen...I chased them around the coops 3 times!! After the 3rd time, I had visions of roasted duck running through my head. Finally they made their way inside...all locked up just as the first few drops of rain started to fall. I hadn't been in the house 3 minutes when all heck broke loose from the clouds. Lightening, thunder, rain, winds. My poor dogs were terrified! The power flickered a few times, driving the fear even harder to the dogs. Poor little ones. They shake so hard when it storms. So, all is safely locked in...they finally got the mobile home moved about 9:30...2 1/2 hrs! Im tired, and headed to bed. Tomorrow...I tackle the gardens. weeds are growing faster than the veggies! :rolleyes:


Wow! What a day! Your life seems so more eventful than mine. I guess i've got a new journal to follow. I bet that was some fun seeing the stuck trailer! :lol:


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
:lol: I'm sorry to laugh at your crazy day, but I couldn't help myself; the picture of you chasing first a pig, then a goat, then a pig, then the ducks....


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh, it was definitely an adventure. LOL, crazy animals. My mom always said....being a farmer will either cure ya or kill ya. :lol: Im not feeling the healing! LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
I too get alot of exercise when the goats decide they would like to just 'check things out' :lol: Whew girl, I hope you have a calmer day today.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Wow, what a busy day for you. Good to hear all ended well. Some rain should make thos weeds easier to pull.

Let's hope today is a bit slower.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
That you are going to have a repeat day?? I just have a feeling I am going to have an " animal issues" day. Woke at 6:30...let the dogs out, watered and fed the poults..started coffee....watered and fed momma cat in the bathroom, only to find she had jumped in the window, knocking over my spider plant. :/ Got that cleaned...got my coffee, let the dogs in, and checked E Mail, before heading outside. Sitting here trying to convince my eyes to stay open, I hear a commotion outside. The goose is screaming loudly. I jumped up, looked outside, and I guess she was ready to be let out, and decided to let herself, and her ducks out. :/ Only problem is, I didnt latch the gate last night...and 2 of the ducks were on the outside of the fence, she was inside, screaming at them. ( you tell em goose goose!) So, I downed my coffee...and headed out. Opened the gate the rest of the way for the goose and other ducks to reunite...quietly! Set off to open the other 2 duck houses....opened the 4 coops...then the turkey hut and banty shanty. Everyone there fed and watered....off to the barn. On my way down the drive, I saw an image that was just breath taking! I had to share this with you...it helped calm me a little to see such beauty. A cool August morning, after a stormy night...the fog over the corn field..the sun waking up the day. Lazy clouds trying to hang on...


So I get to the barn...and Fred, the little black Pygmy, is soaked to the skin. I guess I will have to work on making his shelter a little better. Problem is, when I put the front on, he will just take it off..what a little turd! Gave the sheep their handful of grain....then Fred..he gets a handful as well. Scooped more grain for the pigs. The little ones were full of life this morning...running around, bouncing, chasing each other..while Juliette made quick order of her breakfast. Then I went and got Suzie, who was letting me know in a rather loud way, that I was taking too long. :rolleyes: She of course beat me to the stand, wanting ,milked and fed N O W ! I was able to get her milked out in just about 5 minutes. ( I am getting better!) Then walked her back to her yard, with the rest of her feed. Opened the barn up to let everyone enjoy this cool weather. ( 64 degrees!) I took a little longer to walk back to the house...just taking in the morning beauty. All the animals fed, and out enjoying the morning...little peeps and squawks..and gentle baaahs . I am going to enjoy my coffee....then head out to the garden.

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