Mountain Sage
Well...I didn't get the job at the orphanage in Jamaica. They wanted a native for the position as the Americans they had had previously kept getting homesick and leaving. That's understandable. I have been so ready to go where God called me that I've been like a runner on the starting blocks, tensed and the news kind of deflated me a little. Just a little.justusnak said:Hey Bee! Sure have missed you around here! Dang woman...whats going on!??? Fill me in! Dad has a chance of being admitted to my local nursing home. I am so very glad for him and I get the feeling I am supposed to stay here and nurture him now instead of leaving. Mom needs a place to stay while she is in town visiting him also, so I must keep this house for awhile.
God has a sense of humor......the week after I hear of Dad's possible admission and my subsequent decision to stay here, I get an offer from an orphanage in Haiti!

I feel like I'm playing freeze tag!

It felt weird not growing a garden and it just being me and Jake on the land right now....very lonely all spring and summer without the animal sounds and the garden solace that I've so often loved. For some reason, I know that I am not supposed to be growing, storing, planning and preparing material goods right now...that I'm supposed to be developing my faith in Christ. So, that is what I am trying to comes slow and hard but it comes. My life, as usual, has been very weird this year....
But I can't even count the blessings that are flowing my way right now, so I just close my eyes and relax into the warm waters. I have found a new church, my oldest son is travelling in high gear towards Christ and a better relationship with Him....we have such a fine fellowship right now!, and my Dad has mellowed and is forgetting his old strifes.
There! That is what I am up to~in a nutshell!