JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
justusnak said:
Bee, I have to say I envy your faith, you are a " stop drop and roll" kinda gal. Me? I am the " running through the yard, flames high, screaming and yelling" sorta gal. He speaks to you, you listen...me? Well...I listen, sorta...but then I panic and keep on keeping on. Putting food by, animals and feeds.
You have great courage...I SAY i have great courage, and in a different way I might, but MY courage comes in the form of a 357, or a shotgun. LOL Yeah, walk through this will ya!? LOL Whatever you end up doing, you will be great at it...and do great for others.
:lol: You are soooooo funny!!! I used to be just what you describe, J!!! :lol: The panic? I had it in spades! God allowed life circumstances to show me that nothing I do is worthy of survival in the world that is coming and that I better learn to lean on the everlasting arms or I will be lost, real quick and in a hurry! I am a hard-headed, stubborn, I'll do it myself!!! kind of person and was for most of my life. Still am but am learning every day to put myself to one side and let God work.

I think that is the pioneer, SS spirit that brings us all to this point, don't you? This decision to change the status quo to suit our needs, our lives, our characters. Then one disaster hits. One. Or even a string of them hand runnin'. And you wake up one morning realizing that we are all one thin line from being homeless, foodless, alone in a struggle for survival....what then is the answer? More of the prepping, growing(if possible in the climates that we have now), storing, etc? Didn't I just do that and it proved short-sighted for the long haul? Just how much can I store? How much can I prep? How long will it last? Then, when it runs out....what then?

God allowed me to finally see. What a blessing! He wants us to depend on Him and not on our own works and understanding. Sure it's nice to have food put by...it's important. And not all of us are called to other places or other things but to maintain our families and band together in our own neighborhoods, give each other comfort and help when it's needed and where it's needed. But, in the midst of all that needs to be the realization that God provides for those who love Him and trusts Him with their lives...God provides, not us. He wants us to trust in that and not panic when the food gets low, the crops dry up, the gas prices sky-rocket...He's there and you are held fast in His hands, above it all and safe.

Hard to get there? For me it was and it took about 40+ years for my eyes to open...not something I'm particularly proud of, it taking that long. Stop, drop and roll came hard and it took several personal fires to get the concept. Thank God He puts out those fires when He promises He will...just gotta believe.

Farmfresh Besides all of that you do more SS projects unconsciously than many of us do while trying our best. Think about some of the skills that new folks around here (and there are lots of new folks) are trying hard to learn that you do everyday. Firewood, money saving cooking ... relying on God.
Farm, that last one is the one of which I am most proud, if you can believe it. And the one that I most wish to impart to the newbies...and the one that will be received the least. It seems to cause arguments and gets a lot of the new folk riled...and it's the best advice I have in these hard times, so I pretty much keep off of here. The rest of the stuff...self-reliance? I don't believe in it anymore. I can't. I know better now and I can't promote it.

I was living SS long before most of this crowd...when it wasn't so cool. Now I have progressed past all that into the real, hard-core survival skills...developing a rock hard faith life. I don't think there is another level above that one, do you? If there is, I want to learn it and am willing to accept it.

You gals just keep on keepin' on...I will try to post on the thread that was started by Morel for me, but I doubt anyone will want to learn much about my new SS (soul sufficiency) lifestyle! :D :lol:

Love you guys muchly! :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
OK So its been a few days since I have posted. Wow. Seems like I am running in circles here, and getting no where. Hubby brought home a few buckets of tomato's from work the other day. I tackled one bucket yesterday morning, and was able to get 5 pints of sauce. Now I have another bunch, of the golden tomatos....I am not sure what to do with them. I just can't bring myself to make sauce...I saw a picture of it, and I have to say, not very appealing. :sick They are good to eat...but I know we wont be able to eat them all before they go bad.
My green beans are FINALLY coming in. I am thinking this weekend I will be canning some. Whoot! I tell ya, I have been in
panic mode" this summer over the garden. Cucumbers...we have PLENTY and off of only one hill! I have been giving them away by the bagfulls. I was weeding the sweet potatos the other day, and noticed there are some small taters in there. Looks like I MIGHT have enough to can. If there are any larger ones I will leave them out for roasting. Hubby loves them, I can take em or leave em...would rather leave them! LOL
I have been babysitting a momma donkey and her little girl, for a few weeks now. They are so sweet and gentle. Surprisingly...since the owner they have is a real jerk! I have seen him throw buckets at them when they don't "move" The owner is hinting he wants me to keep them, for $200. Umm, no, I can't afford that. As it is I have to come up with some money for hay, for my animals. Not really a whole lot going on here....Bantams are all broody, and setting. I think I counted 13 babies so far. Jeesh!
Oh, a dear friend is building me a web site....for the farm. FOR FREE! WOOHOO! As soon as it is available, I will post the address here. I think so far she is doing a great job, and like I said..for free, one can't really complain much, right!?
OK, so I have to run into town today, yuk...hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
So, the last few days have been...well...H E double toothpicks! So, I have the neighbors 2 mini donkeys here. The pasture I wanted them in, does not have a shelter big enough for them, it was meant for the PB pig. Well, since she had her babies, I have to have them all in the barn, with a smaller yard, so they don't escape. Ummm, good idea, doesn't work so well. I had one get out, then when trying to get back in got her head stuck in the fence and she strangled. :( I thought I fixed it...but the other day I went out to check, and the other 4 were out again, but this time in with Suzie. It wasn't too hard getting them back in their own fence...this time. I THINK i have it fixed now. Whew, those little boogers can fit through the smallest holes! LOL So, with the Donkeys on the pasture with the barn access on the North side, The PB pig in the South side, the sheep are in the "pig pasture" and NOT happy about losing their comfy barn status. Oh, I hear about it every day...I think they are on strike, as they are not eating one blade of grass! :/ I am going to have to fix up another larger shelter in the SE pasture, and get those donkeys back in there.
So, Friday night, we had a visitor. Apparently a hungry visitor. Darned coons got in the Banty Shanty, and killed 2 of my hens, and 2 babies. :rant This means W A R !!! I set the live trap Saturday evening. By 11 pm, I had one! :weee A BIG male. My sons friend lives about 30 minutes away, and hunts coon, and said if I live trap them for him to train his dogs with, he will give me $5.00 per coon! He turns the coon out on his property, then sets the dogs loose. IF the coon is fast enough to get in the trees, he lives. If not? Well, one less coon to worry about. Nice, I don't have to dispose of the body. ;) So, Last night, I had everyone locked up tight....and set another trap. Yup, got the female last night! Woohoo! Oh, I know my troubles are not over, I am SURE there ARE MORE! But, 2 down...for now.
I have been busy canning..and cheese making. Yesterday I put up 7 pints of spaghetti sauce... and green beans. Today, canned pears. The pantry is SLOWLY getting the shelves filled. Oh, and I Was able to get 16 pints of corn finished over the weekend as well. I think some time this week I will make a Hugh pot of stew..then get it canned. I will do some in pints, so hubby can just take that with him to work...and heat it in the microwave. Easy peasy.
Oh, and my DS#2, was telling me he is going squirrel hunting, but doesn't want the meat...so...YUMMO! Momma gets the squirrels! Later he is going to try his hand at Deer hunting. I wish him the BEST of luck, he will be going with a friend of his, and his friend said there is NO DOUBT, they will FILL their tags! :weee :drool Momma is gonna get some venison as well! Now I need to find time to go fishing, and get some fish in the freezer....yeah, when I find time LOL That's about all I have been up to....weeding, canning, animals chores...and firewood. We have 10 ricks finished....need about 5 more. Time to get the kindling bins filled too. work work work...but I love it!!!
ETA: The turkeys are laying again! Crazy birds, this is their 3rd clutch this year. Maybe THIS time we will get some little ones!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
To-do list for today.
Since the "rain gods" have lost our address....I need to run water today to the 4 pastures and 3 duck pens. UGH! What a chore! I have a few green beans to get canned, and some cheese to make. I really need to muck out the barn, those donkeys are really making a mess in there and P U !!!!! Oh, and of course, Physical Therapy today, at 3:30. YUK! I would really like to get these carpets cleaned...not sure there are enough hours in the day. Yesterday I put the Bantam hens down in the coop with their babies. There are 4 mothers, 15 babies, and whoah there was fighting over the little ones. I think they all have it figured out now, even tho no one has the same babies they started with. LOL I had to bring one tiny little one in the house, no one would claim her. Poor little thing. Looks like I have a house chicken for a few weeks. UGH! Just what I need...another pen to clean. LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
25 August, wow. Where has this year gone??? Before you know it we will be donning the holidays. The weather has been just beautiful. Highs in the 80's, lows in the 60's. Now THATS some good open window sleeping weather. I have decided to build another larger shelter in the SE pasture lot. There is one in there already, however, it is so small, only one sheep will fit in there, and i have 2. LOL So, the other lays by the opening. This doesn't work for me...or her! LOL Hubby had been getting these latge wooden crates from work, and the bottoms of them are H E A V Y! 4x4's with pine slats. They have been sitting outside forever it seems, and we really do not have a "plan" for them. So, I am going to haul them to the pasture, and build a "shed" They are 4x4 so if I lay 4 of them down, an 8x8 shed. We have plenty to use for the wall frames as well. I know I have a few sheets of metal roofing laying out there, so I plan to use those for the top. Wish me luck! LOL I don't know how long this will take me, but I hope to have it finished before winter sets in. I have to be careful moving them....one at a time...since my back is messed up a bit this may take me some time. If I set it just right, I will be able to put the trough at the end, to catch the rain water...IF we get some rain. LOL
The garden is finally coming in...I was able to can 3 more pints of green beans, and 4 pints of carrots. Slow but steady!! I doubt I will reach my goal... 100 of each ... but if I can at least make it through winter...I will be happy. We are almost finished with the firewood...I think we are up to 12 ricks, split and stacked. What a job! I will feel better when THAT is done! We will stop at 15 ricks.... I think.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Ahhhh lucky sheep. If I was closer I would help you build the shelter. I love the idea of having a trough. We really can't do that here. No rain.

Good to hear the garden is coming along. I am kinda doing the same. Picking and canning small amounts. It adds up quickly.

Have a good day.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
We haven't got a stick of firewood yet and I am worried about the whole idea of it. Since I can't work we are short on funds to buy any and I don't know if I would be able to physically deal with it anyway. We may have a furnace winter. :( I hate that idea.

Your water trough idea sounds great! The stable where I used to give lessons had a short (relatively) roof on one side and a huge long roof (that covered stalls AND an indoor arena) on the other side. Both sides were guttered. The short side was high in center and pitched to both ends. It filled a huge round stock tank at each end and supplied two different pastures. The stock tanks held goldfish to keep down mosquitoes. The long roof fed into an underground cistern with an electric pump. That water was used to water the barn horses, wash horses, wet down the arena and flush the toilets. It was considered "non potable water" so no drinking it, but MAN the money it saved buying city water. I always considered that almost an idea situation.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Sorry to get off track Justy.

Farm, could the water really have been all that bad if the horses were drinking it with no problems?? I'm just thinking that in an emergency a person could boil and drink it right??

do you ever check CL for fire wood?? Just wondering if tree services in your area ever deliver or give away wood. I am amassing a nice pile from freebies, mostly from friends though. Not that I have a wood stove yet but it should be nice in my fire place this winter.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
It was just rain water and they even had a primary filter that it went through before it went into the cistern. I am SURE it would have been perfect to drink, but they were worried because it was not treated. :rolleyes:

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