Mountain Sage
justusnak said:Bee, I have to say I envy your faith, you are a " stop drop and roll" kinda gal. Me? I am the " running through the yard, flames high, screaming and yelling" sorta gal. He speaks to you, you Well...I listen, sorta...but then I panic and keep on keeping on. Putting food by, animals and feeds.
You have great courage...I SAY i have great courage, and in a different way I might, but MY courage comes in the form of a 357, or a shotgun. LOL Yeah, walk through this will ya!? LOL Whatever you end up doing, you will be great at it...and do great for others.

I think that is the pioneer, SS spirit that brings us all to this point, don't you? This decision to change the status quo to suit our needs, our lives, our characters. Then one disaster hits. One. Or even a string of them hand runnin'. And you wake up one morning realizing that we are all one thin line from being homeless, foodless, alone in a struggle for survival....what then is the answer? More of the prepping, growing(if possible in the climates that we have now), storing, etc? Didn't I just do that and it proved short-sighted for the long haul? Just how much can I store? How much can I prep? How long will it last? Then, when it runs out....what then?
God allowed me to finally see. What a blessing! He wants us to depend on Him and not on our own works and understanding. Sure it's nice to have food put's important. And not all of us are called to other places or other things but to maintain our families and band together in our own neighborhoods, give each other comfort and help when it's needed and where it's needed. But, in the midst of all that needs to be the realization that God provides for those who love Him and trusts Him with their lives...God provides, not us. He wants us to trust in that and not panic when the food gets low, the crops dry up, the gas prices sky-rocket...He's there and you are held fast in His hands, above it all and safe.
Hard to get there? For me it was and it took about 40+ years for my eyes to open...not something I'm particularly proud of, it taking that long. Stop, drop and roll came hard and it took several personal fires to get the concept. Thank God He puts out those fires when He promises He will...just gotta believe.
Farm, that last one is the one of which I am most proud, if you can believe it. And the one that I most wish to impart to the newbies...and the one that will be received the least. It seems to cause arguments and gets a lot of the new folk riled...and it's the best advice I have in these hard times, so I pretty much keep off of here. The rest of the stuff...self-reliance? I don't believe in it anymore. I can't. I know better now and I can't promote it.Farmfresh Besides all of that you do more SS projects unconsciously than many of us do while trying our best. Think about some of the skills that new folks around here (and there are lots of new folks) are trying hard to learn that you do everyday. Firewood, money saving cooking ... relying on God.
I was living SS long before most of this crowd...when it wasn't so cool. Now I have progressed past all that into the real, hard-core survival skills...developing a rock hard faith life. I don't think there is another level above that one, do you? If there is, I want to learn it and am willing to accept it.
You gals just keep on keepin' on...I will try to post on the thread that was started by Morel for me, but I doubt anyone will want to learn much about my new SS (soul sufficiency) lifestyle!

Love you guys muchly!