JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well....we had fun at the auction. There were SO MANY COWS! Big cows, little cows, fat cows, skinny cows....cows for meat, and cows for milk. Bulls...steers...Oh, I was in cow heaven. :p I HAD to leave...I kept finding myself wanting to BID! :D
Came home and hubby was splitting firewood. We split and stacked about a rick...then I went off to pick beets.
I was so excited to get almost a full bushel....

So I came inside to get started pickling them. Unfortunately...they were so small....I only got 3 pints. :/ Oh well...better than nothing I guess. I will be planting for fall beets this weekend, I hope! LOL We LOVE pickled beets, so I need to get at LEAST 2 cases done. Later in the evening I went out to pick what elderberries were ripe. I now have almost 3 quarts in the freezer. As soon as they are all done, I will make jelly. MY FAVORITE all time jelly!
Today is a rainy day..so I will be inside most of it, cleaning. YUK! However, my kitchen needs a good scrubdown...so..guess thats the chore for the day. Empty all cabinets and drawers...and clean, clean, clean.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
What did you do with the lovely TOPS?

I love beet greens the best! :love I do them just like spinach.

Sometimes when the beets are still little, I just leave the root in the ground and snip off the greens for supper and to freeze. Hubby and I both love beets. He likes the pickled ones best!

I am glad I did not go to the auction with you. Together we could have gotten into TROUBLE! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
:hide Well....I fed the tops to the chickens and the pigs. We dont particularly like them...maybe I will try a few on the next ones.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA

You could have sent them to me! :drool

Most people don't eat the greens any more, but they are great it you try them. (So long as you like greens) Much more mild than collards or kale. Just add a little ham hock, salt and pepper or even just a dash of vinegar when eating them. Most people don't know that those expensive mesclun salad mixes have beet greens in them. VERY tasty as a baby green in salads.

At least the chickens and pigs got a good dose of calcium, so not all was wasted.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
27 July 09

What a long weekend!! Saturday, we rented a log spliter. BIL came over and helped split what we had. While the guys were splitting wood, I was throwing it to the pile. I took a break to come inside and pickle a few more pints of beets.

This pile of split, mixed wood is about 20 ft long, 4 ft high, and about 8 ft deep. I think. LOL It was an 8 hr day, splitting wood. Sunday hubby and I stacked the wood....
These rows are about 10 ft long, and 4 ft high. We guess about 7 ricks. Feels good knowing we have a good start on what we will need for winter. Altho, some folks think we will have a mild winter...I think different. It has been a wet summer, so I am thinking snowy winter. I will have to go out to the woods, and check the thickness on the bark of the maple trees. ( thick bark means cold hard winter)
This morning when I woke up....I went to throw the covers off, and it felt like they weighed 50 pounds. :rolleyes: I could barely move my poor arms. It took me a few minutes to stretch them out, before I could get up. Slowly...I made my way to the coffee pot. Thank goodness I have a Bunn coffee maker...fast coffee!! By 8 am, I was moving pretty good, so went out and took care of the animals...then hooked up the log splitter, and hauled it back to town. Stopped in and got chick feed..pine shaveings..and gassed up my truck. I had built a new brooder in the Banty Shanty friday...for starting chicks, or quarantine...or broodys!It took me all day to build...and I used all scraps...but its done!! :D

The window behind opens to the outside...but I can close it and secure it when needed. This view I had to stand in the turkey hut to get ....

It just so happens, I have a Buff Orpington that went broody...so I plopped her butt in there with 16 eggs. :lol:
I picked Elderberries for about an hr today...I have about a gallon and a half. hopeing to get them made into jelly in the next few days. For now they are in the freezer. Thursday I will be going to get peaches..and pears. I will have to get them done thursday and friday...Saturday we are going to the indiana chickenstock..should be a blast! I am looking forward to meeting lots of members from BYC, and haveing a day off the farm. I better get to bed...long days ahead..and I need to try to catch some sleep!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
31 July 09

Still no peaches. :/ Seems my schedule and the woman I am getting them from are not co-mingling. Finally my green beans are coming in..a little at a time. I was able to put in 11 pints so far. I also got some sweet corn, 39 ears. I had 5 in the fridge, given to me by a friend. So, I cut it all from the cob, and canned it in pints. 17 pints in one day...plus 5 green beans, and 2 pickled beets. THAT was a long day....I think it was....wednesday? :/ Every day is so busy, they are all running together.
Oh, and Thursday, I had to go into town to get my DE for the Chickenstock. So, I get to the feed mill, pay for my DE, chat for a while with the old timers in there....and go out to get it in the truck. I have an S10, with a 3rd door...so I put it behind the seat. Shut the door, only to notice I had shut the seatbelt in the door. So, I went to open the door, and SNAP! UGH! The little plastic piece of crapola they call a handle breaks! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!! I have a 50 POUND bag back there, and there is NO way I can lift it over the seats! :barnie So, I go to Hubbys work, and have him come outside to see if he can at least get the stupid door open, to get the bag in the front seat. No go! He was able to lift it over the seat, and into the front. What a mess. DE all over my seats! :he
Today, I went out to feed the animals. Now, I knew it rained yesterday, but didnt realise just how much we got. 2 inches!!! My poor garden...it just doesnt seem to have a chance. Rain...cold...japanese beetles. NO FAIR! Mother Nature HATES me!!
Here is what I saw....my poor poor garden!

The water in the rows is about 4 inches deep! There were frogs swimming in there!! :th All I can do now is hope it drains enough.
So, after feeding the animals...Hubby gets up, and decides he will remake my pantry. :D I have been after hime for 6 months to do this. I guess leaving all the canning I have done, spread out over the dining table was a good hint! :D He wasn't able to finish it, but will Sunday. I can't waite to fill it back up!!
After hubby went to work, I ran back into town. I have to get the door fixed. I was finally able to find a new handle, and get it put in....$35.00. Not too bad, at least I have my door back. I really needed to get it fixed, as tomorrow is Indiana Chickenstock. I will need to put LOTS of stuff in there, and be able to get it out easy.
So...got the straw for the piggies, ducks and chickens yards. Hopeing to give them all at least SOME sort of dry land. All the water...UGH! Got the truck cleaned, cleaned the ice chest and the dog carrier, ( for the ducks to go tomorrow) packed the truck...made the cucumber/tomato salad for tomorrow...split the DE into 5- 10 pound bags...now, I am off to the shower..and hopefully bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long, fun day.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
What a BUSY girl you have been.

Your poor garden! :th

If it keeps this up you will have to start growing rice!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
1 Aug 09

Well, its 9:30 am. So far....fed the sheep, fed the pigs, fed and watered 10 pens of poultry...had to catch the 3 Khaki Kambell drakes and get caged. Remember the rain we got Thursday? 2 Inches! Well, after catching the drakes, I looked like I was in a greased pig catching contest! YUK! :sick Caught the EE roo and caged him....got the small flock of Silver Laced Wyandots (5) and caged them...all packed in the truck. Got food and water for the poultry, and bowls, packed...chips, paper plates, napkins, camera, chairs, tarp and DE...all packed. Got my shower again!! Now all I have to do is pack the ice chest...and get hubby out of bed...and we will be ready to go! Stop at the bank, and the drug store, then hit the highway. I am so excited. This will be a FUN filled day. I am sure I will be SO GLAD to get back home tho. Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
freemotion said:
Have you considered planting rice? :rolleyes:
:lol: I tell ya...with all the rain we have had this year...seems like I could! Looks like its going to rain again..any minute. :rolleyes: I NEED to get out there and pick green beans, guess I wil put on my water boots! :/

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