JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
When we bought this place, 4 yrs ago, there was a small one room house on the front of the property. It was in really bad shape, falling down, so we carefully scrounged what we could from it, then helped it down. I was able to get a great solid wood door, complete with skeleton key lock. ( I happen to collect those keys and had one that fit) so, I sanded it down, repainted it white, took the lock out, scrubbed it, oiled and painted it black, and put it back in. I LOVE this door...it is between the house and garage. I was also able to get the old sink...it a very heavy fairly large...cast iron sink. We will be hooking it up in the garage as well. We have our 2 freezers in there, and an extra fridge...and will have the cabinets, and my stove. Its a 2 car garage, so there will be PLENTY room in there, for a picnic table as well. ( we have used it for picnics when the rain came.) :cool: I just hope our plans come together like I want them too! :p
So...Tuesday...hubby went for an interview at Lowes Distribution center. They said it would take 2 to 3 weeks before they knew if he was "elligible" for the job. :rolleyes: They called today...he GOT THE JOB!!!! :weee He starts next week. What a relief!! Back on track...and on to the next project...more firewood!
Oh, and my Guinea keets are hatching...5 total. :D Not sure if I want to keep them, or sell them...im just glad to have them done with. Now I can put a few duck eggs in. :D Khaki Kambells.
I planted my peas today, and a few more rows of beets. :fl Hopeing they come in well...spring was tough on peas and beets this year. :tongue I would like to have at least a FEW beets and peas in the pantry. Didnt get any carrotts...dang! I think I might get 2 cabbages...maybe, will have to see. So far, they are looking OK, but rather small.
Weather is supposed to be in the 40's at night this week. Guess the corn and green beans are finished. :/ ( here pig pig) at least something will enjoy my loss. ;)
I will be calling the butcher next week, and setting up a time to get the pigs done. Will be glad to get that meat in the freezer, and canned. I plan to cann some of the sausage in patties.
Tomorrow will be a long day, I need to build another brooder...for the baby ducks...IF they hatch. I want to be ready this time. Even if I dont need it, I am sure I will next spring. :D
Oh, and GUESS WHO showed up Friday evening???? yup, BIL...with beer, and he stayed the night :rant ....and MOST of the day today :somad. I busied myself outside most of the day. Built a brooder for the keets..and mulled around in the garden.
Well, im off to bed..been a long day, and another long one tomorrow!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
That is wonderful, Justusnak!!! Congrats on hubby's new job!!! :ya

Sorry about the BIL...... :/

Hey, wanted to ask you how your sheeple are doing in the heat? Mine seem to be tolerating it well and seem to be much like the dogs....they find a dusty hole that the dogs have dug and lie in it. Consequently they are a might dirty.

Something about dust must be a cooling thing....the chickens are all dusting more, the dogs are dug in and the sheep as well. The calf seems to be the only one who doesn't find a cool dust pit to be the answer! :p

ETA: I love skeleton keys and old door locks too! :D I used to have a collection of over a hundred beautiful old keys when I was a teen but someone swiped them! :( Now I collect them to make into windchimes.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Bee....the sheep are handling it pretty well....they lay in the barn dureing the heat of the day. It stays pretty cool in there most of the time. Of course...this morning it is 50 degrees...and todays highs in the 70s. Nelly seems to struggle a bit more with the heat..she is...emmm, "overloved"? ( FAT ) I need to start feeding her seperate...so she doesnt get so much, and thin her out a little. Seriously...she is...HUGE! April and Mary need the kibbles...they are still on the small side. Mary because she was a preemie, and April because of her jaw being messed up. I will start feeding them in stalls....away from Nelly! LOL
FarmFresh....you are so right, about the stress letting up a bit. I could feel the weight lift yesterday, when he got the call. I slept SO GOOD last night too! As a matter of fact, I slept intill ALMOST 8 AM! I know, what a lazy bum! LOL
Today I will be canning pickles. Dill spears. I cant waite to get them SEALED...so my house doesnt smell like dill anymore. :lol: I found a box of pint jelly jars...the tall skinny ones....I will use them. I was dreading the thought of useing quarts on the dills. Seems how I am the only one that will eat them..and I know I cant eat a quart of them by myself.
OK, I need to get outside and check in on the guinea keets. Thier first night out in the brooder..hope they made it through OK.
Have a great day all!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
punkin said:
:celebrate Congrats on DH's new job!!

(Does that mean you get a discount?) :D
Hmmm, I dont know! Wouldn't THAT be the most AWSOME thing in the whole wide world!?? Well...ok, maybe not THE most awsome, but pretty darned sweet if we do! ;) Something I will definately have to check into! :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Congrats on your hubby getting the job!! :celebrate


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. We have been married going on 29 years, and never been without income, untill now. Thats SOOOOooooo scarey!!! I was doing a mental list of chickens I could sell....butcher...whatever was needed. I dont like mental lists! :/ They scare me! :lol:


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Hopefully you can begin re-stocking the things you had to use up soon. My cousin worked at Home Depot for a while. They had pretty good benefits and were a good place to work, but he sadly did not get a discount.

One advantage, however ... when you work at a store you always see the Clearance items first! He got LOTS of good deals while he worked there. He was an un-employed computer programmer when he got his job. Now he is back doing the geek things he loves best - and baling hay in the summer on the side for extra money and FUN (?!)

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