Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, today Maddie just looked so pitiful I finally broke down and took her to the dr. Tyler kept my mom up all night coughing and breathing out of his mouth cause he stopped up all of a sudden so I just took him too.

Maddie's tongue is better...no big deal. Still some diarrhea, but eating a little more and drinking some water. Wants milk but Dr says not until the poop goes away. I hate it cause she keeps asking for it...chocolate milk to be exact.

I drank soooo much chocolate milk when I was pregger with them both. It figures it's their favorite!

My mom wanted to watch that international dancing show that was on tonight and Maddie was so funny cause, of course, she had to try to dance like the people on the tv. She loved Dancing with the Stars. Spinning around and waving her arms and trying to kick her legs. Too cute...I see tu tus in my future :)

My granny is getting such a kick out of watching my chickens run around the yard. They all decided to come up the back porch steps this afternoon. Cracked us up...kept looking at one another like "I know this is where the food lady comes from....it's got to be in there...maybe if we stare at them long enough they'll give us something good"

My mom just couldn't resist...went through the fridge and found some leftovers to toss out to them...she kept going out in the rain and talking to them....future xmas present for her? Hmmmmmmm :)

Supposed to get rain tomorrow so we'll just take it easy all day. Hopefully the kids will get some good rest tonight and feel better.

Chad called this afternoon, they limited out on their duck hunt this morning but his elbow is bothering him from all the shooting...don't know what that's all about. He wants me to call the doc and make him an appt so she can check it out just in case.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well you'll never guess what happened...Granny started throwing up and diarrhea at 3am and Mama started at 7am. One's in the bed and one's on the couch. Granny drank some sugar water and that settled her stomach so she's pretty much feeling better...just weak. Mama is still feeling puny.

The kids, on the other hand, are wild as ever. It's raining like cats and dogs here so I didn't let the chickens out today...gave them some leftover sweet potato pie so that softened the blow!

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to plant this spring. I ordered some catalogs so I'll try to decide what I want.

My granny is trying to tell papa over the phone how to cook a chicken leg for the dog!!! :lol:

They have a chihuahua named Precious and she refuses to eat dog food so Granny cooks her chicken legs every week and when she came up here papa didn't want to be left alone so she left him the dog and now he's clueless!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
My granny is getting such a kick out of watching my chickens run around the yard. They all decided to come up the back porch steps this afternoon. Cracked us up...kept looking at one another like "I know this is where the food lady comes from....it's got to be in there...maybe if we stare at them long enough they'll give us something good"
I sooo know what you mean! A number of our hens actually peck and scratch at the door!

Sorry to hear you got the crud at your place! Hope everyone's doing well real soon!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I love it when the girls talk to me. We have a red sex link, Etta, that follows me all around the yard and she's always leading the charge up the porch steps! They messed up her beak when they clipped it and she has a hard time eating so she likes to eat out of your hand...easier for her to pick up the food.

She is Chad's favorite too...I think it's funny that he complains about the chickens but if he goes out to feed them for me or check for eggs I can always catch him petting Etta and letting her eat out of his hand! Too cute...

I have 2 roos that are constantly in a pissing match when it comes to crowing...it's really funny cause one is an Americauna and he is way big. Buddy is a little banty roo and he thinks he's 10 ft tall and bullet proof. He has a kind of broken crow...like err err eerrrrr *rest* er :gig I love that little chicken!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh Lori, IM so sorry your family is going through the yukkies! Wow, thats hard on a body, coming out both ends! Make sure everyone stays hydrated. I just love my banty rooster's crow. Sorta sounds like something from Walt Disney! :lol:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well today we have had the lazies...so much rain out there that we can't go out. We've been playing all of Tyler's board games today. I'm getting pretty good at Flippin Frogs.

Maddie has wanted to be naked all day long and she's throwing unbelievable temper tantrums whenever we try to put a diaper on her. I think that maybe she is associating the pain from the diaper rash and diarrhea with the diaper. So, trying to be positive, I used this opportunity to introduce her to the potty. She peed in the floor twice! Oh well, not bad for an impromptu potty training session. :)

Water got all in the chicken run today and got into their food...luckily they were almost out so I didn't lose too much. I dumped it out and threw some scratch on it and they thought it was a yummy rainy day treat! Gonna have to fix the roof on the run when the rain lets up...no point in doing it now.

Hope everyone is surviving the weather out there...some really nasty stuff going on everywhere. :fl


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Yuck on all the rain and sickies at your house!!!
Good luck on the potty training!!:fl

It is snowing like crazy here and we got a couple of inches today.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Finally got some relief from the rain and Tyler got bundled up and went out on the gator today. Maddie went out for a little while but her tummy was still upset so she opted to come back in for some hot chocolate instead. They did have a tea party in the bathtub tonight! They kept clinking their cups together and saying cheers!

Oh, ran out of milk today and the kids wanted pancakes for breakfast so I ran down to the local shop, if you can call it that...for a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. I paid $3 for a loaf of bread and $6.29 for a gallon of whole milk. :ep

I thought I was going to pass out. It's 20-25 minutes to the nearest supermarket and only 5 minutes to Blanton & Pleasants so I didn't think about it. I know they are usually high but good grief.

The pancakes were good though, and by the time I got home Mama had done a dump of this and a cup of that and a pinch of this and didn't even need the milk. :he We made blueberry and banana chocolate chip. How can you be in a bad mood when you have chocolate for breakfast? Oh and the banana makes it healthy!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Blueberry pancakes YUM!!!!

$6.29 for milk!!!!!!:ep Walgreens had it for $2.39 here yesterday!

Our gas did jump from $1.59 to $1.89 in less than a week though!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

This past week has been exhausting and I called Chad in tears this morning and told him that I needed him to come home and take the kids to my moms for the rest of the weekend. I just need some time away from Maddie. This past week she has been going through some terrible raging temper tantrums like I have never seen before. She keeps running at me trying to hit me and scratch and pinch me any time I tell her no for anything. Something as simple as her asking for a piece of candy and me telling her no because it's almost time for lunch turns into an hour long tyrade. She keeps trying to take her diaper off and get into the tub...I associate that with the diarrhea and tummy pain. She throws things, my granny tried to hold her during one this week and she is black and blue and Maddie broke her glasses. I don't know what to do. I told Chad to get the pack and play from my mom's house and I will try putting her in there for her time outs. She's only 21 months old. Strong as an ox too. I don't know what to do with her. She was up all night bacause she wanted out of her crib and wanted me to rock her all night. I would get her to sleep and put her in the bed and she would start screaming at the top of her lungs. After 3 hours of fighting her and trying to get Tyler back in his bed, I woke Chad up (he was the only one in the house asleep) and told him that I needed him to do something. She finally went to sleep at like 12:30- 1am. Then she was up again at 5 screaming for me to rock her again.

Anyone got any advice? At this point, I'm desperate...I'll try anything to get her to stop.