Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Had a great time last night with friends....got to talking so much we never played any wii!

I was going to do laundry this morning but it is too dreary outside, it looks like it is going to pour so I'll do it tomorrow. Tyler got up this morning and helped me feed and water all the animals. I showed him the proper way to hold his quail so they would not be stressed or hurt. He was just happy to get his hands on one! I did discover something disturbing, though. Bambi #2, my flop eared bunny has a small wound on one of her legs and evidently a fly has gotten to her and she has something wiggling inside the wound. I'll have to wait for Chad to get home so he can hold her while I doctor on her. It doesn't seem to be bothering her too much. I don't know how she got the wound in the first place unless one of the other rabbits was fighting with her. I am so going to eat Thumper.

Tonka seems to be doing better and thankfully, it is 20 degrees cooler today so he is on the porch with Charlie for the day. Maggie is much happier to have her couch back to herself.

I put up some tomatoes this afternoon. Skinned them and froze them whole so that I can put them in some soup this winter. Baby chicks are doing well and so are the quail. I let the broody hen free range with the 2 chicks of hers yesterday and today for a few hours and they really enjoyed some freedom. The other hens are keeping their distance, though. Tyler let one of the new brahma chicks out this morning and broody mama pecked it. Definitely gotta keep them separated. All in all a pretty relaxed day so far, no drama yet.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Busy today, got up and did 3 loads of laundry and got them out on the line, made a loaf of bread for DH since we will be out of town for a week (we leave for granny's tomorrow), cleaned the hamster cage, made a meatloaf, picked 30 tomatoes (looks like I'll be freezing some more this afternoon), made some mint iced tea, got all the animals straight, and swept the house.

next on the to do list

clean the filter in the fire bellied toad habitat
help Tyler do some educational stuff on the computer
clean and paint the quail pen
vacuum the carpets
pack for the week

Got ahold of Bambi last night and got a huge worm like thing out of her leg....friend of ours said it was a weevil or something. I cleaned it out with peroxide and stitched up one side of it, leaving part of it open so it could drain and coated it with some vaseline to keep the flies off of her. She seems much happier today, I know I would be to.

Tonka's tongue looks like it is closing up nicely so no return trip to the vet!!!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Tonka is back in the pen, thank goodness. His tongue looks fabulous considering how bad it was. We are getting ready to leave for the week so it will take me 3 days to catch up on everything once I get back :lol:

Chad called me this morning all excited because they got a shipment of stuff in at work this morning and he said they had some really good looking crates and pallets that he was going to bring home so he could MAKE A BIGGER QUAIL PEN. He's addicted. Now to convince him to get crested polish....my latest obsession.....muuaahhhahahahahahah.

I think broody hen and her 2 chicks are ready to move to the big coop. They have been free ranging all day for the last 3 days and seem to be getting along with everyone just fine so I will move them when we get back so I can supervise. Just in time for the duck shipment to arrive.

Put up more tomatoes last night and showed Chad how to do it so he can hopefully put up the 30 I picked yesterday. It makes me nervous to leave him here for a week with all the chicken and gardening stuff to himself. I am such a control freak when it comes to that stuff.

I let the brahma babies out to free range a little last night and they really enjoyed it. They chased bugs all over the duck pen. It was soooooo cute. They were jumping in the air and everything. I am not sure how old they are but I am thinking about 2-3 weeks. They have feathers on their wings but still have all the down on their heads and backs. Hopefully they will be ready to move when the ducks can go outside and everything will work out smoothly.

Everyone have a good weekend, stay safe! I'll be sure to post some pics from our Safari Park trip up at Natural Bridge next weekend.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, back home and having problems already. Had some heavy rains this week which collapsed our chicken run. Neighbor was able to straighted it out for the most part and we are planning on putting a solid roof on it in the next couple of weeks. The tarp is getting old.

One of the broody hen's two chicks was killed this weekend while we were gone, don't know how it happened, found it dead in the tractor today Mama hen and the other chick were free ranging when we got home.

One of the light brahma chicks is not walking. Flopping around and peeping for dear life. I isolated it from the others and made sure it got something to eat and drink this evening. I don't know what is going on, I hope it is not Marek's. The rest appear to be fine, I cleaned out the brooder coop and replaced as much as I could with new shavings. It just seems like it's legs aren't working.

We had to switch out the furniture this weekend and when my DH got Nanny's bed home it was a full NOT a queen so we are sleeping on the floor and looking for a new bed. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Otherwise, we had a lovely trip. :D

The safari park was wonderful! The construction party at church was a hit, even the adults commented on how much fun it was!

I'll post some pics for everyone to see tomorrow or the next day while i'm catching up on a weeks worth of journals...................... :p


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Just catching up with you..... you sure have been busy. I think I missed something....about getting Nanny's furniture....


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Our furniture situation is crazy. Nanny had a whole house full of custom made furniture. Her power of attorney, Tammy, has most of it (which, incidently, is supposed to belong to my husband) and we are finally getting some of it. We got her high boy, her buffet, and her four poster bed. I think that we are going to go back to my mom's house and get an extra bedframe and just put our mattress on it and push it up against the full headboard. We'll just improvise, that way the furniture matches and we won't have to go buy a new bed.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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We are all sick. Got caught in a rain storm this past week and the kids and I have been sick ever since. I didn't think I was ever going to get to sleep last night. I told Chad that it felt like someone had my sinus headache on a dimmer switch and kept turning it up and down. I took 2 sudafed and after tossing and turning until 1am I finally got to sleep.

Yesterday was insane. I have ducklings that are coming this week so I called the post office and notified them ahead of time that they were due to arrive sometime before friday and gave them my cell phone number. I went into town and took a glider chair/ottoman, huge stroller, pack & play, and other assorted baby stuff to a second hand store and got $52 dollars, then had to go to the grocery store, by the doctor's office, stopped for lunch, TSC and then home. I was exhausted and we didn't get home until dinner time. I did soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and then made some Breathing thyme tea and soaked in a tub with my new duck book.

The fence lizard died while we were gone and my DH decided to release the tree frog back into nature so I have 2 less animals to feed. :)

I need to do laundry and make some bread, clean the house, put up more tomatoes, etc. but I just don't feel like it. I also need to clean out the hamster cage.....*sigh* It never stops, does it?

Oh, and I have ANOTHER BROODY HEN. :th

My one remaining barred rock, and my ugliest one at that, has hidden a nest behind the dog run and shed in the weeds. He went over there to weed eat while I was gone and he said she ran out at him and nearly gave him a heart attack. She's sitting on about a dozen eggs. I left her alone. She's close enough to the dogs that I don't think anything will bother her. I will move her when/if she hatches anything.

The little brahma seems to be trying to walk and is eating and drinking so I guess we'll just wait and see what happens with it.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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They are so cute. I have struggled all morning to get anything done but have made myself do 3 loads of laundry, make bread, and put up some more veggies from the garden. They appear to be very lively and alert and doing well.

My brahma chick is up and running (albeit a little wobbly) with the rest of it's flock!!! Heather seemed to think that it may have just been squooshed by the others and temporarily injured. A few days of isolation and TLC and it seems to be doing well! I was scared that it may be Mareks or cocci. Seems it just needed some special attention, that's all. :D

I wanted to put up some pics of our safari trip but I think I will put them in me and my ss family on a separate thread because there are a lot of pics!!!

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