Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Aww they're so cute. Is that sand for bedding? I've never heard of using that.

I posted a couple pics of the Polish in my journal if you wanted to check them out.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Man, is it thursday already?

My goddaughter is coming to spend the night friday (she's 8). She should be alright but has a history of wanting to go home in the middle of the night. She's knows better than to pull that with us. My BF is her aunt and she constantly does that to her, she knows it pushes her buttons. She knows we don't tolerate it, if you say you're staying the night you stay.

The ducks are still alive today! Chicks make me nervous. :)

They seem to be doing well and the sand is working out well. I saw a post from someone on another site that suggested it and thought I'd try it. I stir it up when it starts to look too poopy and it absorbs all the moisture and the smell is not bad either. The only problem I'm having with it is that they are walking in the waterer, which I have now elevated, but when they get startled they run into it and get sand in it from their feet. It's not bad, it settles to the bottom. I just have to clean it out a couple times a day.

I converted the leg of one of my pairs of "holey" jeans to a clothes pin sack this morning. First sewing I've gotten to do in a while. I've missed it.

Found seed ticks on one of the dogs this morning so had to vacuum the house, strip the bed, and bathe and treat all 3 dogs. I found a really good way to give them a bath though. I fastened the leash to the running boards on the truck and got them with the hose. Couldn't run and I didn't get too wet :D

I am frustrated with my hens and I think I am going to have to put them on lock down. They are not laying in the nesting boxes in the coop. I found eggs in the spare bale of straw under the lean-to. Grrrrr.

I'm barely getting any eggs right now and I'm hating it!

Gonna go see Nanny tonight, see how she's doing.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, going to have my goddaughter for the night. Decided to make homemade pizza for dinner instead of going out. I have a raging sinus headache and I am not in the mood.

DH is leaving me all day Saturday with the kids. He has a show in Fredericksburg at Bass Pro Shops this weekend and never thought about that when he promised GD she could spend the night. I have to figure out where she's gonna sleep, hopefully not with me! I think I may put the air mattress in DD's room and see if the two girls can make it together peacefully.

GD's grandmother has mini ponies that she has wanted us to go see for ages but we keep getting tied up and can't get over there so now I have an excuse, I have to brind GD home so we get to see all their animals! I want to see their quail setup while I'm there too.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I'm exhausted and it's raining. BLAH.

I ended up staying up all night with GD Friday night. Apparently her parents are letting her watch tv to go to sleep. Um, not in my house. I compromised and let her watch a short DVD and then she got in bed with me. My son had a fit and wanted to sleep with us too so I set him up with a sleeping bag at the foot of the bed. Maddie slept in her bed after falling asleep in the recliner, which is getting to be an issue.

She only wants to sleep in the recliner now. I had to return her to her bed for an hour last night before she finally gave up. Tried it today for naptime but she just won't stay so now she is sitting on the couch with me. Granny lets her sleep in her recliner 90% of the time when she's there and now she is spoiled and used to it. So, no spending the night unless she sleeps in a bed from now on.

I have 2 play dates this week with complete strangers and I still feel like crap. I just can't seem to get rid of this sinus junk. Chad had mercy on me yesterday and took the kids to Nanny's so I could get some rest.

Ducks are doing well, they had their first "treat" this morning. Watery oatmeal with clover and grit! It went over very well!

Brahma chicks had their first taste of yogurt Sunday and they loved it. I raised their roosting pole up to about 12 inches yesterday too and they seem to really be enjoying that too. They are somewhere close to 5-6 weeks now and they are flying/climbing up on top of anything that will stand still. :p I wanted to get some new pictures of them today but it is too cold and rainy. Maybe tomorrow.

My hens are driving me crazy. I have one that wants to lay in a flower pot, which has started another one laying in said flower pot. I finally gave up and put it under the shed with some straw in it. I have one that is sitting on a nest now, and another one that is just coming off being broody. I need more eggs. I had an order for a dozen from a guy that works with Chad and I don't even have a dozen for myself. :barnie

I'll be so glad when my brahmas are old enough to lay......only 16 more weeks..... :th


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, I finally called it quits and went to the doctor. Raging sinus infection, my teeth feel like they're gonna fall out. Hopefully the zithromax will do the trick.

The FedEx man got a bit of a surprise when he came up on the porch to deliver our new cell phones (time to get new ones and we just got rid of our land line and went all cellular to save a bit of money). He said, "Oh, you have ducks......" :gig

Chad has a business meeting tonight so we are on our own for dinner and bathtime. I think I am going to do spaghetti and some fresh bread and broccoli. Something simple.

Took some new pics of the babies, so here you go!
The runners are 1 week old




The lt brahmas are about 5-6 weeks old

Here is a good one of shadow and Miss Etta (trying to steal Shadow's cat food)

As you can see, Shadow said "I DON'T THINK SO!!!"

The weather is soooooo much cooler this week, I think we are going to try to go to the park and storytime at the library tomorrow. Gotta wear out the young'uns!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
So adorable!! Thanks for posting the pics.

I hope you feel better soon. :hugs


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I'm sure I will, the kids kept wanting me to jump on the trampoline with them this evening and the mere thought of it made my teeth hurt :(

Hopefully I can get a good night's sleep. When my DH takes zithromax he usually feels better the second day. I'll just be happy to get rid of the headache and achy teeth.....it feels weird. :/

Fed the ducklings some watery scrambled egg with the shells mashed up, sprinkled with clover and dirt for dinner. YUMMY!!! They devoured it!!! Then they drank an entire waterer full! I took the bands off of all the females today and Chad is supposed to bring home some wire ties from work tomorrow so we can band the males, we have at least 3 and we plan on only keeping 2 trios, one chocolate and one black. The remaining 4 ducks will be sold.

I was thinking of getting some niacin capsules from the store in the vitamin section because I cannot find brewer's yeast anywhere. Has anyone done that with their ducklings before? How much do I use?


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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well, Granny sold the trailer. :( Looks like we've spent our last night at the lake. I don't know whether to feel happy or sad. I know she is glad that it is sold but this just really makes it final that we are losing the lake property. No more swimming at the lake. The state park is close by so we can take the kids swimming there, they have a lifeguard and a little beach and everything, playground, fishing "pier". It's nice but just not the same as going out on your own dock.

We are taking the ducks out in the yard daily since it has been so nice here lately and they are loving it. I got them some niacin tablets and have been giving them treats here and there and they are loving getting to "swim" in the water bowl. Maggie has been really good with them, she "herds" them back to the waterer and food bowls when they get too far from them. I keep telling her to "take care of her babies" and she has been really good with them.

Chad looked at the yellow ones and he says they are both females. He has had experience banding birds before and sexing them so we'll see if he's right!

I'm supposed to meet up with another homeschooling mom this afternoon at the park but I am still waiting to hear from her, her mom had to have a medical procedure done this week so she wasn't sure how she was going to feel.

Got lots of laundry done yesterday and went to see a friend's farm. He has several chickens, some turkeys, and a trio of ducks. Some of his chickens were beautiful and some were really dirty from getting in the ducks water hole to get water. They also didn't have any food in the pen so I am wondering how he feeds them. The turkey hen was roaming around the yard but the poults were in the shed. She was very tame. Before I left Maddie and I pulled up some fresh greens and threw them in the pen with the ducks and chickens and they snatched them up right away.

I was hoping to have some pumpkins but mine are not doing well. Seems everyone around here is having problems with their pumpkins. The vines are blooming and then they die. No fruit or anything. Haven't seen any bugs or worms, dusted everything with sevin dust just to be sure and they are still dying. I don't know. I have to figure out what baked good to prepare for the hunters tomorrow, first goose hunt for Webfoot Mafia for the season! I spoiled them last year and now they expect me to cook every saturday. I am thinking I will do blueberry muffins. I have all the supplies here and wouldn't have to go to the store for anything.

We are going to camp out Saturday night!!! It has finally gotten cool enough at night that Chad has agreed to sleep outside. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and I hope we don't get any thunderstorms. The kids are sooooooooo excited! I told them that we could roast hot dogs and make smores. It should be really fun.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Okay, so I just read a post and then did a search and just found out that a certain poster that just became a member on here is my ex-boyfriend. We had a very timultuous relationship. I am older than he and I was technically his first love and I wasn't in a place to commit like he wanted when we dated. Then a few years later, he found me and came to see me unexpectedly. I had been with Chad for 2 weeks when he showed up and wanted to get back together. I said no, broke his heart again. We are both happily married now but it still makes me nervous to talk to him cause things ended badly (he even posted stuff about me in his personal descriptions). I have nervous butterflies just thinking about it. Don't know why but this is just weird. I'm glad he's happy and I am happy too so I don't know why I'm so freaked out. It's just strange that he would end up on here, of all places.......


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
You have some great pics - I love them!

I hope you are feeling better soon. If you're on z-pack, I would recommend after the course of treatment, you load up on some yogurt to put some beneficial flora back into your system.

It is always a strange feeling when the past shows up in the present. I find it is sometimes best to concentrate on other things, and leave the past to the past. It is one of the reasons I don't use my real name for my screen id.

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