
Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i take trileptal, its officially for my bi-polar disordr but is consideed an anti-seizure far as the dr is concerend im "under control" (he doesnt feel the need to revoke my drivers lisence because i do get warnings and know when to avoid driving) so for all medical purposes im "under control" but i tend to have about 1 week a month where ill have a cluster of them...usually 3-5 days where ill have 10-15 in a day, then it seems to stop again...unless im under alot of stress or getting sick, then they come much more frequently.

in terms of daily life, i took to keeping a journal very early on about how i feel before, after ect, and kept dates, i started to see patterns and recognize the warning signs...i do get auras about an hour or so before hand where things sound a little off, colors seem not quite right as if someones tweeked with the contrast or messed with the hues, and i generally feel "off" kinda heady and spacy..i know if i wake up in a morning and things feel like im on some kind of mild hallucanagen im going to have an off day LOL and just stay home...if im having a day where i have even the slightest doubt i stay home...
ruby does seem to recognize them too and gives me warning if theres doubt in my mind theres never any in hers...
it does kind of make one a bit of a recluse (and im failry certian its a large contributing factor to my mild agoraphobia...but at the same time even on a relay bad day i only loose a fw mins of my day to "day dreaming" as my mum still calls it...i honestly dont notice during an absence and if theres noone around to tell me "you were staring off into space again" i have no real clue, i generally go out come back and think..."what was i saying?!" or "what was i doing again" so in some ways its majorly disruptive and yet in others its no different than someone who tends to space out or get distracted easily lol.

i think thats why absence seizures can be completly overlooked by some...there considered a minor annoyance at most...
generally touch seems to help break a "stare off" for me...someone comes along and puts there hand on me, my 20second black out turns into a 10 second black out...

since hes already undr a drs care and on meds specifically for seiures though i cant se why they wouldnt be able to get this under control, as a whole im told it tends to respnd well to most seizure medication., for me its just a case of stick to the dosage that helps with the mood swings or tweek it up and hope it fixes the seizures and not do more harm than good to the bipolar...the seizures are much easier for me to deal with than the rapic cycling so i stick with what works lol.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
eastern plains, Colorado
Oh poo. Just lost an entire posting! Here's to retyping everything!

Thanks for the thought. If we asked the kid to journal, he'd consider it as more schoolwork and just get angry. Things to think about. Thanks again.

Now ... trying to type what I just spent 20 minutes typing ... had a blizzard. Started Thursday and by the time it ended Saturday, we had about 2 feet, with drifts ranging from an inch to 4-5 feet tall. Took forever to shovel out paths to the goats and chickens (especially since we could find only one shovel). Had to hire a neighbor to dig out our acre-long driveway. Service puppy LOVED playing in the snow. Those drifts didn't stop him for long, once he figure them out. Imagine our white dog in the snow ... half the time I can't find him, except for his black nose and eyes.

Hubby and I took the time to do a little work remodeling the kitchen. Basically, that means building (from kits) bookshelves and a kitchen island. I don't have enough room for cheesemaking and milking supplies, bread machines, and the cast iron cookware that i'm starting to collect. Did the island last night. Hubby refused my scissors, insisting on using the daggone knife from his dad's house, and cut his knee wide open. We used steri-strips but I'm reminded how sadly underprepared we are for medical emergengies. Need to find some topical numbing agents ... if I'd had some, I would have sewn it up instead of the strips.

Hope to sell girl goat babies today. Tired of feeding them. Anybody? $75 each?!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
eastern plains, Colorado
Okay, finally sold a doe and her daughter. She was my first girl; got her and her twin brother the wether when they were just 2 months old. So sad to see them go but with all of my hand problems, I really needed a goat with bigger teats.

Then tomorrow, even tho i can't find her papers, someone is coming by to trade my other doe for her small nubian doe. Woohoo! Only thing is, she's not in milk. That means breeding her to our nigerian dwarf/la lancha buck as soon as possible. But he's on a "date" until the end of the month. That puts us at kidding in August, hanging around here until October. Ugh.

The two bucklings will be taken at the end of the month. That will leave us with a wether, a buck, a mini nubian doe, and 2 babies. GOT to sell those kids!!

Sooo much laundry to do. And other chores. Tore my house apart today looking for the doe's registration papers so now that I've given up, I need to put my house back together.

Maybe tomorrow.

As long as I clean off the bed so I can sleep tonight.

:he :barnie

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Are you sure you're not in my house?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
eastern plains, Colorado
I'm beyond the end of my rope. My 15 year old is getting worse again. He snuck some sugar over the last week, daily, and his behavior problems are magnified.

A little bit ago I went to check for ingredients for a special valentine dessert for me and hubby tonight, and some of the ingredients are missing. Besides being p.o.'d, I'm at my wit's end. No clue how to do this. To fix it. Need to find a new psychiatrist, I guess.

Plus I think I'm gonna enroll him in school. I took him out in kindergarten, but here it is, 9 years later, and I'm gonna have to bite the bullet. Maybe they can help him.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
might be good to get him in a phsycial school, i know home schooling is best in most situations, but theres a chance that in the right school being around peers and that kind of structure mght be good for him...i dont think id just stick him in any ole public school...check out their special needs programs, ect...but it might be good for him.
id also for now be hiding all those thigns he cant have, obvisuly for him the temptation is too great.
(my brothers like that, if its in the ouse and he doesnt know about it he doesnt go looking...but if he knows its in the house forget it...hell eat an entire huge bag of chips in the space of 15 minutes...scratch that hell leave about a handfull in the bottom of the bag and put it back hoping noone will notice...if he knows its there...he just simply cant help himself...i dont know if its part of his learning disability (hes dysphraxic with some other stuff going on) or just who he is, or if its simply because he can...but things HAVE to be hidden aorund him.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you find the right answer for you son. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
MyKidLuvsGreenEgz said:
Oh poo. Just lost an entire posting! Here's to retyping everything!
Been there, done that many times. I know how frustrating that can be. But the folks who put this forum up, make money from it so what do they care if something goes south on one of the folks who puts their thoughts out for others to enjoy

MyKidLuvsGreenEgz said:
Hubby and I took the time to do a little work remodeling the kitchen. Basically, that means building (from kits) bookshelves and a kitchen island. I don't have enough room for cheesemaking and milking supplies, bread machines, and the cast iron cookware that i'm starting to collect. Did the island last night. Hubby refused my scissors, insisting on using the daggone knife from his dad's house, and cut his knee wide open. We used steri-strips but I'm reminded how sadly underprepared we are for medical emergengies. Need to find some topical numbing agents ... if I'd had some, I would have sewn it up instead of the strips.
Just a thought for issues of this nature. Over the past few years we have taken to using "SUPERGLUE" in the emergency room for repairing relatively minor lacerations. Of course they package about 1 milliliter of it and dye it blue so they can charge $40 a piece for it but the regular stuff in the hardware store is the exact same thing. It is particularly handy for children because it eliminates the need for a lot of supplies, such as anaesthetic injection, needles, syringes, suture, instruments, and all that goes with it. What I have learned is that if you clean the wound REALLY WELL...i.e.scrub the dickens out of it (quite literally) get it dry and hold the skin edges together and apply the superglue, you get a very satisfactory wound closure. It might sting a little bit a few seconds after it is applied but that appears to be all you have to consider. As long as the wound edges are adequately together, and you put a good dressing over it and don't let them "use it" for about 48 hours, it will do as well if not better than a sutured wound, take less time, cost significantly less and no waiting time in the Emergency Room. Of course, using good judgement as to what wounds would NOT lend themselves to this approach takes a little experience but any wound closure (after really good cleaning) will do better. So rather than worry about all that equipment to repair a wound, get a scrub brush, soap/water, and some superglue. Remember to be sure you have controlled the bleeding before putting on the superglue or it won't hold as well, but that is really the only caveat I have noticed. This may help you with the feeling of "being prepared" not only for something serious, but for the everyday things that happen around the house/farm.

MyKidLuvsGreenEgz said:
Hope to sell girl goat babies today. Tired of feeding them. Anybody? $75 each?!!!
Wish I could help here because I'd like to have a milk goat but unfortunately, transportation is probably the "rate limiting step". Where are you?
Trim sends


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
eastern plains, Colorado
Pink: hope he does ok in physical school. the local high school (out here in the country) does have a good program, and when that fails, a special bus actually picks up special needs kids and takes them to denver. hubby finally got around to calling and is waiting for school rep to call him back with a date.

Deb: thanks. how are you feeling?

ICU: good idea. I'm allergic to superglue but it would work on hubby and kid and probably the goats! will stock up on some next month. wish you could take the doelings to! we're SE of denver so it would be a bit of a drive from SD (where my hubby's family hails from). // Have to ask ... what does "trim sends" mean?


My teen's decided to keep up his 4-day streak of not doing any schoolwork. He wanted to watch a movie instead, which is understandable since that's his fanatic passion, but I reiterated that in order to get electronics time (TV, DVD, computer, nintendo, etc), he has to do all schoolwork. Only allowed to read, write/color, do chores, and listen to classical music. Well, I guess as long as he reads something, maybe he'll learn something.

The goat trade happened last night: my nigerian dwarf doe in milk for a mini nubian doe, ready to be bred. As soon as my buck gets back from his date, he'll be having even more fun! She's just a tad bit taller than my nigerian adults so hopefully my 4-foot tall fences will keep her in. Very sweet but wary/shy.

Started a new thread yesterday: crafting gourds for extra income at ... anybody?

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