Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Blackbird said:
You are right FF, but unfortunately, historically, they are very few, and the tyrants out number them. Even the Bible has it's instances, which is where my dad get's his reasoning on the issue.
The Bible reports on many things that are NOT approved of.....case in point....it also teaches that the way to know what behavior God DOES approve of is to look at Jesus' life and example. He treated women very well and very respectfully and lovingly, while living on earth at a time when women were NOT respected AT ALL, and he shocked even his disciples by his treatment of women. He made quite a statement by speaking to them, treating them with tenderness and respect, and making his first appearance after his resurrection to women. Any other behavior is reported on as something bad, not with approval. It doesn't always state, "This is bad" because it should be obvious.

Your father, like many so-called "Christian" men (harrumph!) mis-uses the scriptures to excuse bad behavior. I'm not fooled. :hugs A good Christian man strives to follow Jesus' example. Whether you believe this way yourself or not, is not the point....just want you to recognize the difference. Smooches! (Oh, can I smooch you since you are not a kid anymore? I take it back! :D )


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Double amen to that - balance in a relationship is a great thing! 'cept neither one of us can fix a car, and I sure wish we could
LOLOL Are we related?

Your father, like many so-called "Christian" men (harrumph!) mis-uses the scriptures to excuse bad behavior.
No kidding. Amazing how they can make that good book they claim to live by say whatever they want! :tongue Now that isn't a slam on men, I have known plenty of women who obviously never read the whole book....or reading the book managed to miss each and every important point. It must have been a skill! :lol:


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
lalaland said:
ummm, Dace? I am a feminist. and most feminists, including me, don't think mothering/parenting is anything but a very important role. I am a mom and a feminist who is very very proud of my 27 year old daughter.

Really, a feminist is anyone, man or woman, who thinks that being a woman does not mean you are stupider than men, less capable than men, deserving equal pay for equal work.....,

someone who isn't a feminist would be someone who thinks that the guys in the workplace with the same job title, job responsibilities, and same experience should get the paid better than a woman, because, well, she is a woman.

a feminist would also be a person who thinks that a woman, should she choose, could work to support her family outside of the home! pretty radical idea, that one.

Did you know (of course you do) that for every dollar men make at the same job, women make 70 cents?

if you have a little boy, and you teach him how to cook, then, heck, you just might be a feminist!

it isn't a dirty word.....and it is sad to see it used as namecalling.

not necessary to knock someone down just to say how proud you are to be able to care for and nurture your family.

apologies to you, OFG, for taking time on your journal to respond to this.
You are right and I certainly did not mean to name call or be offensive to anyone who proudly wears the feminist name tag. Let me rephrase....

I think it is sad that there is a group of women who degrade those of us who chose to stay home and live a traditional lifestyle. I dislike the attitude (of some) that cooking and raising a family is not a worthwhile life choice. I used the term feminist because every woman that I have come across who condemns my personal choices in life, has proudly called herself a feminist, I am just repeating the terminology.

I also think that the movement for equality has had negative reprecussions. I personally know many women who take pride in the fact that they do not cook for their family. It has been drilled into them that cooking and cleaning is degrading work worthy of paid help. I know women who do not wash their men's laundry....'too dirty, he can do it.' They do not care to be home when their men arrive home from work because they 'don't cater to his every whim', they often are not there to pick their children up from school because they 'need' to get their nails done. When I say feminist I am refering to those women who put themselves first, above everyone else in their family. They preach that men are worthless and they don't need them.

These women are different from other working women, I know lots of working moms who pour a lot of themselves into their families. Some work because they have to, some because they want to....but this is a different breed, this group puts dinner in the crock pot before work and takes their husbands laundry to the dry cleaners on the way to work.....they make their childrens lunches and wake them with a kiss on the cheek in the morning, they are invested in their family and thier families thrive.

I think that each and everyone one of us here deeply believes that women are equal and just as worthy as every man. Yet it is important to realize that there are differences between the sexes and that is something to be embraced and appreciated not discounted as many self labled feminists do. I do laundry & cook and my husband fills the car with gas and changes the oil....it is a give and take, a sharing of repsonsibilities in a loving and gracious way. The group of women that I was refering to is missing the ability to give because they are too worried about getting their fair share.

Sorry for the rant OFG.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
When I worked (outside the home, cause goodness knows, I work harder now), Gary often times had dinner ready and on the table when I got home.
He's a much better cook than I am. Even now, I don't cook every meal - he fixes his own breakfast (and mine if I want him to) and comes in when he gets hungry and fixes his own lunch. Even dinner oft times is his creation, especially if it's something he wants to fix on the grill or the smoker. We work together on our little 2 acres and both sell at the Farmer's Market.

I was up and in the bean patch this morning before 7 am picking green beans. He usually doesn't get up before 8:30 or 9. But I come back in to a cool house and he works outside all day in this brutal heat. He just came in for supper and went right back out and he'll be there until dark.

My neighbor rode over this am while I was picking and asked, "Neighbor Karen, has neighbor Gary been banned from the bean patch? I see you out here every morning." I said, "Yes, he's banned - he tears up the vines when he picks. And since he spends all day in the heat, it's only right that I get up early in the cool morning and pick all these beans." (I picked 2 bushels today). I'd pick beans every morning to stay out of the sun.

So, our marriage is a partnership, a give and take. It works for us, it might not work for others.

Oh, and Javamama, send some of the rain down our way - I'm melting, I'm meeelllllllttttttttiiiiinnnnnggggggg!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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KC, if I send you the rain, would you also take the humidity :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
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pine county, mn
well, could be most of us are on the same page here...I did go back and look for the post on the french lady, but never did find her - which at this point is probably good for my blood pressure :hu

I'll just say one more thing - there are just so many people in this world, that in any given group, say "feminists" "christians" "your favorite political party", there are definitely wackos that don't represent the majority of that group, whatever it is. And to pick a wacko (like apparently that french lady must be) and say that person is what that group is, is.....well,,, not likely to be true.

I mostly read about OFG's peaches again and drooled some more. And now with the honey!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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wow oh wow! hey every body! we did it! we have (drum roll) HONEY!

i cant bee-lieve it... so this whole afternoon we did the honey extraction and i'm too tired to give all the gory details.


suffice it to say:

1. darn them beez get mad when you steal their honey
2. working outside was a bad idea
3. working inside with a lot of interested cats wasnt much better of an idea
4. putting cats up and THEN working with the extra-sticky honey was the best idea
5. and now we have a clean spot on the floor where we had to wipe up the honey before the dogs got stuck to it.


pix tomorrow but i have to say it was the coolest thing ever. we didnt get as much as we hoped.. but we felt good about this good start.

even a mean french lady who should just stay in france-land would be happy with us! ha!

so now i'm going to bed to dream of honey. and to figure out what to make something with it...oh yeah.. i have the real buttermilk from shaking the butter yesterday.. all y'all come on over for breakfast. there will be biscuits and honey, for sure.

ps lala did you see the peaches here:

i have a couple left if you come for breakfast
pss good discussion everyone... i hope we all ended in a good spot and realized that it 'takes all kinds' and the one thing that unites us is the can-do spirit that we homesteaders/farmers/ss types all have.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
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pine county, mn
glory be, OFG, you have one heck of a sense of humor. I clicked that link and saw those peaches and just laughed!

I'll have you know that I have 26 cups of fresh picked wild blackberries on the stove right now...and I have the bug bites and bramble scars to prove it. Wild blackberry jam is the best - especially on a winter morning with pancakes. or maybe scones. or heck, just straight from the jar with a spoon.

this was your first year with the bees, right? I think we're short on pollinators up here, and the blackberries kind of showed a lack of bee activity with about half the berries not quite filled out . Maybe I'll have to do bees next spring.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Congrats on the honey!! Ohhh, how I would love to have a hive...and a mentor to help me learn about it..but then I would have to do all the working with it, since hubby is alergic. DRATS! I just dont need another job right now. Fresh biscuits with home grown honey... :drool

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