PamsPride's Journal-Free Kindle Downloads!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Sounds like you had a great time, and I can't wait to see your pictures. :D

I heard that at a recent United Methodist Women's meeting, there was discussion about the Flat Rock Homes Quilt Auction on Sunday, October 5 at Wadsworth United Methodist Church.

Quilt preview begins at 1:30, Tickets are $3. The church is at
195 Broad Street in Wadsworth, OH. The proceeds from the auction are going to the ministry to benefit children and adults with mental and developmental disabilities.

I wasn't sure if you'd be interested. I haven't attended this particular auction before, but it is fun to go and see the quilts and get new ideas. I think it is even fun to bid, even if you don't win any to take home. :D

EDITED 10/16 to say - I saw a poster yesterday that said the new date is October 25


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Hello all! Popping in to give an update on what is going on in my life....
I have set my Made to Trade Day for November 14th. I am very excited about it...but it also seems that not that many people make handmade items anymore! LOL!
I made some reusuable grocery bags out of T-shirts yesterday and I am very impressed with them! The kids even liked them and agreed that they are better than regular old Walmart bags! They are much stronger and they do not cut into your hands/wrists when you have them filled with canned goods. They will be perfect for taking with us to Aldi's!!
My van has been giving us troubles! It is a 2006. The starter went last Friday evening and now the battery will not hold a charge. So, we have it on the charger all day but once I shut it off after I get to where I am going it needs a jump start to get going again. Hopefully DH can go get a new battery this evening....since it is payday!
A friend from church (that gave us all the corn) has extra apples and pears that we are going to pick tonight. I am planning on canning up the pears (since the other person that said they had some ended up not having any), making applebutter and applecider. Since it snowed last night it is going to be freezing when we go picking but that's life!
I ended up with 30 layer mixed peeps. They are doing really good!
Finances SUCK here!!! DH's paycut he had to take just to have a job has now hit us full force!
I am in the process of looking for traditional homeschooling curriculum for my 7 yo for next year (for 3rd grade) and K curriculum for my 4 yo for next year. BOSS is trying to push virtual for 3rd grade and I just can not do that time committment!

We were BLESSED WITH A BRAND SPANKIN' NEW REFRIDGERATOR on Wednesday!! My MIL bought it for us for Christmas/Anniversary/Birthday present!! WOOT!! WOOT! We were missing having our fridge in the kitchen but we did not have the money to get a new one and I did not want to put one on a credit card. I am so very very thankful to have a new fridge! It is HUGE!!!!
We (me, 10, 12 and 7 yo) have been playing outdoor soccer on Friday evening (now switched to Sunday evening) and that has been a ton of fun!! It is family soccer and whoever wants to show up can. The adults that show up to play are super nice to the kids!!

I want to make my 4 and 7 yo snuggies for Christmas so I have my eye out for fleece blankets at Goodwill so I can make them.
I got a really awesome vintage Christmas tablecloth at GW for $3 a couple of weeks ago that I am going to make aprons out of for Made to Trade Day!
I also want to make some fleece scarves, boutique bracelets, chocolates, and applebutter for the Made to Trade Day.
Hmmmm....trying to think of what else that has been going on around here....
Oh! We were also blessed with another washing machine on Saturday!! It is an old one. I plan on putting it in my bathroom to have a second wash machine becuase it just seems like we can not keep up on it! We are hoping to just put small loads in of just DH's, mine, and the baby's clothes and then just hanging them in our bathroom to dry. I had been praying for an extra washing machine for a while!
Something good came out of the van breaking 14 yo now knows how to jumpstart a vehicle! And my DH knows how to change out a starter! My neighbor, who also goes to my church, helped and he just talked them through how to do it! Because DH and the boys have been helping out at the Men's breakfast oil change ministry my boys know how to change the oil in a car too!

I just need to brag on my 14 yo too! He is such an awesome young man! He just is! This is usually the years when kids try testing their boundaries but he is just blossoming into a fine young man! He is so good with the baby and she just adores him! If I ask him to take care of finding someone to help get the van jump started he just does it (DH did not go to church Wednesday night with us becuase he was helping deliver the fridge). He is such a hard worker!! Right this very minute he is holding baby girl on his chest while she sleeps, sitting in the rocking chair and listening to 7 yo read his story for school!! He starts and takes care of the fire....I swear he lives for stuff like that and does not think it is a chore!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Pam, God's really poured on the blessings for you! :D Congrats!

You sure are going to be busy the next few weeks with all the things you're going to be making!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Wow, you've been busy, as usual :) Good to see everything is going well for you!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Your son sounds like a great kid!

Even though finances are tight you have a great attitude! Good for you :thumbsup It is very easy to fall into negative thinking when things get tough, but an positive outlook makes all the difference in the world!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you all for the kind words!
We are heading out to pick apples....waiting for DH to get home and jumpstart the van first. Then he is going to go take it and get the battery replaced.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I just got home from picking apples and pears! I got a TON of them!!!! Two 50# and one 20# feed bag full of pears. Two 50#, one 20#, and a basket full of red and yellow apples!
The pears are big and beautiful!! These apples are way nicer than the apples we used for applesauce last month. So, now we will be scrubbing, peeling, coring, slicing, boiling, juicing, canning.....for the next couple of days!
LOL! We don't even have our first pear washed yet and I am ready to break into a jar of canned pears just to try them!!

Off to help the boys.....


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Holy Moly Pam that is quite a haul! Good for you!

yea days of work but so delish when weather turns cold and you eat those great pears!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I am calling it quits for the night! I have 20 quarts of applesauce cooking down to turn into applebutter. We made like 4 gallons of apple cider.
Tomorrow we will be working on the pears and more apples. I want to make some cinnamon apples like they serve hot at Chili's and can that up.
Tomorrow I also have a craft show I want to go to. There was a lady there last year that sold handmade Barbie clothes and I bought 3 dresses for DD for her dolls and they are still her favorite dresses to play with so I am hoping she will be there tomorrow so I can get her some for Christmas. Then my mom and MIL's church is having their annual Roast Beef Dinner....YUMMO!!!!! Super good food!! DH and 14 yo will be helping in the kitchen doing dishes or serving up food so they will get a discount ticket....saving us $8.

Oh! I forgot I am getting my mom a long arm quilter for Christmas! A former co-worker of DH's is making it for me. I saw one at the quilting convention for $400 and he is making me one for $150!! I am sure we will get our money's worth out of it just with our butterfly quilts! track.htm

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