Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well guys, Dozer it is...
my sister wasnt happy when she found out...she wants a staffordshire bull terrier in the worst way but isnt yet ready for a dog let alone a dominant breed like a bully breed...
so i asked her what i should name him and Dozer was her thats his name...
currenlty his sunday name is Dozer McSqueekyPants...
I swear the only time hes not crying is when hes fast a sleep...and even then e cries himself to sleep and cries occasionally in his sleep...its sad but kind of funny too, i mean i know hes incredibly stressed, frightend and feeling mighty alone when hes not directly with someone...
But hell be fast asleep in my eyes crying...or hell be playing and suddenly just start squeeking...

today has been good though, hes incredibly bright, i have pee pads for him right now because without his shots hes at risk, and i dont know whats been through the property before i got here...and even when hes out playing hell activly search out the pad to pee and poop...hes still not got great advanced warning system much like a toddler, so i try and keep him close to the pad in general, but he far...going back to it every single time so far. fingers crossed that this continues...we'll start on outside housebreaking as soon as the vet gives the go-ahead, but i dont mind the pads for right now especially if hes happy with them.

he spent today in and out of his play pen, running around the living room. playing.
hes absolutly mesmerized by the bows to it, barks at it, whines to it...paws at it...realy just facsinated by the movment.
hes afraid of nothing right now...the cats are nothing but more play things (and suprisingly the cats havent freeked out about him yet lol.) loves ruby and jasper...though there not sure about him yet ruby did make some play gestures earilier...

all in all he seems to be fitting in quite nicely...even if he is super noisy lol

tomorrow we have the adventure of doing his nails

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You're going to paint them? :hide I'm thinking a French manicure would look good on him.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, i actually have painted rubies nails before, but i think the males prefer the neat and tidy look :p
have to clip them though...there like tiny little needles!

Last night whent better, he slept quietly untill about 4:30 am, in the crate next to the bed...then the yowling started so i put the crate on the bed and that seemed to help again.

Hopefully tonight progess will continue and he'll sleep through the night.
Hes still peeing a few times during the night so theres no way i can even consider letting him sleep with me...
(though once hes housebroken i do hope to allow him to sleep loose because part of his job would be protection and he cant guard the house if hes in a crate all night.
right now though hes just too cute and tiny and whiney to even think of as a guard dog lol.
weighed him this morning, his isnt as distended and hes holding steady on the prefer to see it climbing, but ill take not loosing too :p

this morning Rubies temperature has also droped to 98.3 which means we'll likey have puppies on the ground before the end of tomorrow. Usually when the temp drops youve got 8-12 hours, Shes eating like a pig this morning though, so no loss of apitite that typically accompanies the early stages so id say at EARLIEST were looking at the wee hours of tomorrow morning.
which gives me time to charge my camera lol.

got up this morning and managed ot get everyone fed, weighed temp for ruby taken and "vacumed" (its an electric sweeper) and the litterbox done too, feeling quite accomplised....gonna get some tidying up done today and i might risk a run out to see if i can find a small plug in heat pad, Im currenltyu sing the snugglee safe (a microwavable heat pad) for Dozer, but the pups are going to need a heat source ontop of mommy for the first few weeks...ive got the oil filled radiator in a pich, but id prefer radiant heat form underneath for them.

so yeah one more thing to get done today lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think ill be sticking to the radiator...

i can either buy a pet designed heat pad online and ship it, or i can buy one from walmart or walgreens ect and have to reset it every 1-2 hours because they all now come with the automatic shut offs...*DOH!*

otherwise, did some tidying round today, realized i need a vacume cleaner and added a little one to my amazon wish list, my sweeper is good for the quick clean but i need something with a little more oomph for the "big" clean, the sweeper is great for the big bits, but it tends to leave the lighter weight stuff behind
spent some time just standing on the back deck absorbing the sun, that was lovely...but its 20 to 5 and starting to go dark already :(

having BBQ pork and corn bread stuffing for dinner with corn....*excited*


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well last night was uneventfull, no babies yet, but im on high alert as it could be any time...they usually go in the middle of the night too which means untill this happens im now on a 2 hourly alarm to get up and check on her lol.

Dozer did better last night...slept untill about 3ish, a short period of squeeking then slept untill about 6:30. hes deinfatly settling into that routein a little better now...
this morning hes making up for it...hes in his playpen while i have breakfast and check my mail and such and hes having a grand old howling fit! lol

Today is going to be an interesting day.
Ran out of cat food and while the cats will eat the dog food when its being fed as a "treat" there not interested once its been put in their food bowls (steal it out of the can however and theyll eat the entire
so i HAVE to go out this morning and pick up Canned cat food...i was supposed to get it on friday and i flat out forgot os its my own fault (and why ill be making a list today)

the plan is this will be a short trip, probably into selmer which is a little closer than jackson because i need the dreaded walmart, ill take my bag o bottles while heading there too and get them recycled and i can also drop off the bag of cans and the bag of paper (none bird cage usable) at the recycling center there.
general gist is get out there get everything i need in as few stops as possible and get back here.

so yeah...think im going to get my tushy moving!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Dozer is adorable!!!!

He sounds like he'll probably get over that whining stuff with time...poor guy is just traumatized. We have issues with Frawg being in the crate....she hates it but she still has enough puppy in her at 8 months that if I leave her loose in the house during the day she'll chew up everything. She'll sleep out loose at night but not trustworthy during the day at all. We mostly leave her on the porch if the weather is nice cause she loves to sniff everything. When she's in the crate she howls that hound dog wail the ENTIRE time.

I think little Dozer is lucky to have found you! I can't wait to see baby pics soon too!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, hes definatly doing better and progressing quickly, today hes out running around playing with toys, something he hasnt done up untill today, hes been interested in the toys, but not realy playfull with hes running adound actually playing. his favorite toy right now seems to be the cat fisher....its a little mouse suspended on a wire above a weighted roller...the idea being the cat bats at it and it swings around but always springs back upright when they let go...well he thinks this thng is awesome...not only does it jump back at him when he manages to get it and let go, but he can also drag it around
he also realy likes the cats little fish toy, and their catnip mouse (funny because both those 2 are jaspers faves too) and he loves the rope.

hes still a little unsteady on his feet and bunny hopping is the prefered method of running right now (uncoordinated puppy run lol), but hes actually moving around instead of just trying to sit on my foot lol.

whent to walmart this morning and managed to pick up cat food, some food for me (mostly fruit and samwhich fixings but wasnt willing to pay almost $2 a lb for tomatoes...) so the cats wont be killing me in my sleep for lack of wet food lol.
i also managed to pick up a heating pad...its a human one, but 6 heat settings and has either an auto off or an always on...PERFECT and cheaper than buying the one online designed for pets with shipping and the wait ontop so yay, i can put the oil filled radiator back in the utility room again for now :)

and once the pups "graduate" i can use it for my back too!

Rubies temp is back up to 100 (normal is 101, under 99 generally means within 24 hrs) so im not sure if tonights going to be the night or not, her official due date is Nov 9th...we'll see where she charts tonight.

in other news i just got my first telemarketer on my skype lol


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Can't wait to see pic's of the puppies :)

I'm lucky, I still have tomatoes in various stages of ripening. Going to stink when I have to go back to the expensive one's at the store that taste like cardboard :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*envy* fresh maters! yummy. ill be growing LOTS of tomatoes!, i dont like the cherries as much, but plenty of beefies and romas (slice and sauce lol)
im thinking next spring for my starter garden im going to put in a couple of raised beds by the back deck as my kitchen garden for some of m personal favorites...
as i expand ill have lots more veggies space, but im hoping to grow a garden specifically for me and then one for the animals and another hopefully for market :)
lots of tomatoes :)

in other news i think ruby is goign to hold out lol. shes back down to 99.1 this morning, and tomorrow is day 63 (the ideal date), so itll either be the wee hours of tomorrow morning, or the we hours of the 10th. yup shes gonna draw this out lol

and in Dozer news...little guy is doing well, had a bad night last night, he woke around 3 and that was it for almost 2 hours :( he did finally drift back to sleep around 5am, but by 8 am he was awake and ready to go.
however in GOOD news...

when i brought him home he weighed 2lbs 7oz about 3/4lb under where the vet said she thoguht he should be given his supposed age and breed makeup (both american bulldogs and cane corsos are large mollossers, not so much tall like a dane but powerfull...
well today he weighs in at 3lbs 7oz, so hes getting back on track at a great pace.

plans for today dont involve much, might try and get some sewing done...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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tonight might be it for ruby, shes antsy this evening and quite short with jasper. 1 min she wants her belly rubbed, the next she wants to be left alone...sound about right mommas?! lol.
goddess i hope so, once there born ill be able to sleep, and she'll feel so much more comfortable and be able to rest soundly again.

watched phantom of the opera tonight with my skinny cow icecream...
otherwise i did absolutly nothing today and am planning on going to bed quite soon, gonna wake Dozer up in a min and get him running around a bit before bed...gonna try putting some soaked dry food and his water bowl in his crate tonight...if he is younger than i was told hed still be taking a feed from momma about 1/2 way through the night and it might be why he wakes at 3 and becomes so adamant about waking up around 5 am...hes probably hungry or thirsty by that time.

so yeah, nothing exciting going on around here.

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