Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:thumbsup Pink! Wish I fit into size 10 jeans :p

Great finds at Goodwill - I pouted as I drove by mine today. Couldn't stop due to time constraints :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i wasnt going to stop, but ive been teling myself i shoud for the past 2 months and then i saw the 99c sign and it piqued my interest LOL!

deb my next goal is a 6-8...i think if i had the excess skin removed now id be a 6-8 easily (im down to 164lbs), but its another 6-12 months before i can even consider having the skin removed (it has to go at some point as its giving me alot of issues, blisters, rubbing infections ect and itll only tighten up so much, whatevers left sagging at the 2 year after surgery point isnt going to shrink anymore lol)

my BIG goal was 165...once i hit that i decided id like to try for 150 by my 2 yr mark, we'll see what happens :D
its been a wacky journey so far and i still look in the mirror and see supersized me (350lbs) trying on clothes today in a size medium was sooooo weird.

oh and i got a 72 cell sed starter tray today, with WBF's help im following a planting by the moon schedual so today i got 12 cells of bell, 6 cells of bananna, 6 cell of jalepeno peppers
12 cells of roma, 12 cells of brandywine, 12 of cherry, 6 of rutgers and 6 cells of better boy tomatoes.
plus i set aside 3 small pots filled with thyme seeds. *fingers crossed*
im so excited to get things started.

im hopingi gt a good growth rate out of eeything, might try and sell any extras to help cover the costs of getting things set up...
this weekend ive got to finnish up the next bank of hutches then see what i can salvage form the wood ive gathered to makesome raised beds for these to go into LOL.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Good job on getting the starts! I didn't get mine done today...have to do it tomorrow.

Wow 164! Go Pinky :woot


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well managed to watch face off, talk to dad and get 2 big tubs of dog food made.
basic recipie 16oz (dry) rice 2lbs of chicken (ground or diced, i dont have the grinder for my kitchenaid yet so dieced it was) and boiled, green beans, peas carrots sweet potatoe, olive oil and garlic, my kitchen smells delicious and it should be enough food for 2 weeks (its just a morning treat they only get a couple spoonfulls lol) and it cost $6 as opposed to $12 for enough canned food to last 2 weeks...

eventually ill be switching them to raw feeding, but for now its out of my pricerange. so for now its their regular dry food and a morning treat


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and in all the fun yesterday i forgot a very important thing...SCREWS...i need another box of screws to finnish the next bank off and guess who forgot them.

so im going to do the grommets for the rain covers right now so i cna get them back on...then head on back to lowes in jackson (its clsoer than the walmart in selmer by about 2 miles lol) and pick up another box of screws and a couple more packets of cup hooks so i can putt he rain covers up. will probably pick up a new drill bit while im at it since mine broke and using the broken one..while not ideal lol.
i also forgot my oatmeal meaning nothing in for breakfast this morning...
i feel like such an idiot sometimes but it happens alot, i even had a list, but i get so easily disorientated and muddled in these situations. GAH. (its why i try and jus tbuy everythign at 1 store, in out and home before the anxiety gets bad enough. it took me almost 15 minutes to find my car comming out of walmart last cars easy to spot, theres a pink ribbon on the antenna for a reason, but last night, i managed to get turned around and after walking up the aisle i thought id left my car in and not finding it i had to just stand there for a few minutes and re-adjust, thankfully it was dark and fairly quiet by that point that i could just take a depe breath without worrying about people...but still.

i feel silly.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Dang it!
roof on the babbit bank sprung a leak, turns out the bank is not completly level (i think it would be impossible to completly level it...and theres just enough bow in the plywood that the water was running down bank getting stuck in the slight bow of the roof and seeping under the shungles which in turn was then finding the easiest point of escape and that was through a couple of nail holes.
so i whent out in the rain ripped off the shingles in the roblem area and tucked the excess of the plastic i have for the rain flys under the shingles and tried to position it in such a way that it wont puddle and manage to seap back under there untill i can get the problem fixed.
this means im going to have to shim up the end a little more to try and get it completly levled out and mabe off set it on the front so it tilts back just slightly enough to give it a little more of a sloap to the roof (its a 2" drop but the shinkgles arnt exactly flat/brand new so im sure thats not helping. theyve also not had much sun exposure so the glue that usually stops the water creep hasnt had a chance to recover and bond fixing that goes onto tomorrows to do wondering if it might be worth removing the whole roof and laying down some trash bags first as a moisture barrier then shingling the top...
so frustrating.
the good news thoush is bank 1 is dry inside so im not having the same issue with that bank and theres less of a slope on that roof so im thinking if i can get a couple of hot sunny days the shingled will have a chance to meld and this issue wont be such in the future. still GRR. the good news is though the plastic totes ive put in the minis hutches as hidey houses are working perfectly the buns love them and in the case of hollys hutch (the one that sprung a leak) she herself is completly dry despite having a large puddle of water in her house.
i did some puddle control too, this is the worst rain weve ha since i moved here and up untill today ive never seen puddles forming, so i dug out a few little trenches to facilitate run off in some of the build up areas. eventually theres going to be gravel pathways going through that entire area which shoudl help with drainage.
what a yicky soggy muddy day it is.

the unfinnished bank is not happy right now, its wet, thankfully this weekend looks dry but i didnt have any tarps to cover it with and silly me didnt even think to check the weather before starting the build. itll have to get the second floor put on tomorrow too so i can roof it up and at least keep it semi dry from the top. i also need some more plastic for rain covers and cup hooks for that job too (i like the cup hooks better than the nails. :)

bluebell and acorn better have big healthy babbit litters because they need to pay for themselves! lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well ive made the desicion to invest ina couple more buns...
im supposed to go pick up a tort buck (show winnner as a JR.) and a bred blue do holland lops this weekend. just trying to figure out the schematics...
the bucks a little more than i was origioanlly wlling to pay on hollands BUT i should get all harlequin/tris when i breed him to my tri-color mini rex girls
the doe is right about here i expected to pay, and if shes bred (and sucessfull, which she has been in the past) her kits should pay for the pair. bred to my opal mini rex i should get all opal babies out of them. i wont get much for the mixed babies, but from what im seeing form other breeders it should take about 3 generations to getsome nice lop eared rex coated babies so itll be fun to play with. ill probably keep a doe out of the holland doe, assuming she has blues/opals and that will give me my trio of hollands to work on with a trio or mini rex in developing the plush lops.

i also emaield the woman i was origionally tlaking to about the standard rex buns and told her i want a self black male (and mabe a broken black female) and ill then keep the largest blue/opal buck out of bluebell should she give me any as my second buck.

at that im done for a while...ill be keeping back a trio out of the mini rex to holland lop breedings to work on the plushes...but after the srex and this pair of hollands im not BUYING any buns for a long time.

this rabbit project kinda took on a life of its im just seriously hoping itll cover itself in cost over the next 12 months.

i also decided in going to use cattle pannels for the goat project comming up. 6 pannels should make an 8x8 shelter and a 16x16 pen for about $132, a good quaility tarp and i should have a nice set up for 2 doelings for about $150 ish.
i just need a way to get the cattle pannels home, ive no idea how one gets 16ft pannels even in a pickup truck home...

i was going to order runners from efowl for february but id have to place a $100 order to skip the small order fees, i knwo i could resel the extras BUT i dont have the initial $100 to spend if i want to get the goats...i had one guy who was willing to split an order BUT he wanted 8 rouen ducks, wasnt willing to prepay for his ducks and couldnt give me any other kind of guarentees hed come and pick up/pay for his ducks once they arrived...
the only way i could so a split order would be to have folks pre-pay i duckies will have to wait...

s much to figure out. i wish i could plant a quarter and grow a $$ tree...even if it just grew $1 bills id be happy lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Silver dollars work better for money trees..just so's ya know :p

Sounds like you're gonna be knee deep in bunnies before long! :th

You have to have a trailer to haul those panels, or have them delivered...usually a $50 delivery fee. Wish I had a trailer :/

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