Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and she was gone guys :(
poor little babbit, least she had 2 good weeks of spoiltness...
she as too small to bother butchering for the dogs so i put her out in the woods and something will take her to add her to the food chain. *shakes head*

the good news however is my electric bill came and its $7 cheaper than last month. i cant for the life of me figure out WHY as nothing has changed and if anything ive used more electric as i had to run the washing machine for like 8 loads at the beginning of the month...but ill take it thanks.
Rabbits seem ok, gave bluebell, bigwig, silver, strawberry and rowans kits ice bottles, as there in upper cages, but noone seems to be struggling, there is a nice light breeze comming through that im sure is helping too.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sorry Pinky for all your troubles. Some weeks just need to hurry up and get over with :/ Is there anything I can do to help? Call me if you need me! I hope things get better for you and QUICK!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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hugs are good,
This month just got away from me for some reason, and i have my budget so carefully planned so when the other stuff jumped in and needed doing it threw everything off and now ill admit im in a bit of a panic.
ill get things sorted one way or another, but my back has been spasaming for the past few days and with everything else i think im just in mental overload wondering how im going to make this work if i cant sell 1 litter of bunnies.
plus im so frustrated with people right now, they email nd email (and even get huffy if they think you havent responded quick enough) but in the end you try and set a date/time and noone can be even so courteous to say "oh something came up" or "i changed my mind" and instead just cut off communication.
this person whos been emailing me so excited to come get their new baby still hasnt dropped me an email. *grr arg* like i dont hve better things to do ll dy than sit here witing for an email thats probably never coming.

I think like everything else, this is just a good place to vent and sy ll the things you want to say without hving the drama from those around you. thanks for the support.
promise once the moneys batter again il bring ozer by for a play date :D
of all months i need to find $20 laying on the road...its this one...least i could put gas in my car with it.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah i am almost there with the money crud myself ;) Losing unemployment was a huge blow when i wasn't expecting it yet. I thought we still had a few weeks, so i am familiar with the panic :lol: It'll smooth out though, it always does. I would love to see Dozer again though for sure :D Just hang in there sis :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup, it hits hard when this junk happens...doesnt take much to go from moving along to sudden oh crap what have i Done?!

and my stupid quarter tree still hasnt sprouted...need to get my hands on some serious neuclear waste i think!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:lol: yup, lemme know when you get it to grow, I'd like a cutting ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i stand there and stare at the spot alot, mabe it has performance anxiety??
or not enough gamma radiation?! its always hard to figure out exactly how much you need to turn a quarter into a growing tree vs a giant living creature bent on eating everythign in site...
i mean look ad gozilla...we all KNOW he was once a cute little lizard and someone got too liberal with the gamma and now hes wandering round terrorizing japan when hes not wrestling with the ones cute and harmless moth some other idiot overdosed on gamma...

in good news i could probably afford to sell my clock (if it were worth anythign) because having goats mean you always know what time it is...FEEDING time. they dont get locked in tunll after 7 (suually 7:30pm) but at 6:30pm there out there screaming MAAAAAA across the back yard. in another 15 mins or so the ducks will start up thier "time for supper" chorus (and sometimes they can out volume the goats lol)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I so know that call! :lol: When I first brought the goats home, the neighbors couldn't figure out which kid was calling for their mother.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah it realy does sound uncannily like a child screaming for "ma"
i was worried about my neighbor getting annoyed wiht the noise but he kind of likes it...says he actually gets worried when he DOESNT hear them screaming for me lol, i told him as they get older (and once i get them in a perminent much larger pen) they wont be quite as talkative, but being nubins, there will always be the occasional scream for "MAA" across the property.

Dandelion, one of the goslings had me worried last night, usually at bedtime everyone comes running, she however didnt she lay there with her head under her wing, so i pikcked her up, checked her over couldnt find anything visually wrong, becan to freek out, she was not her normal self and wa letting me pet her and hold her head and shaking.
Nothing i could do about it though so i put her to bed with food and water as normal and told whoever was listening that killing my animals was not exactly nice...or fair...
checked on her about an hour later and she was eating and having a drink so i took it as a good sign and left them be...was expecting the worse this morning, opend up the goose house slowly and out she came all full of attitude as usual so im thinking due to the heat she probable hadnt been eating normally and mabe her blood sugar dropped, once she got food in her she was fine again, but im going to have to watch that. i need to buy them an actual pool and figure out some way of hooking up a hose pipe (even if i have to attatch it to the faucet and run it out the back door to use it)
their waterbowl is big enough for them to take "a dip" but only 1 at a time so that can become the offical drinking station and ill get them a kiddy pool to splash and play in.

got another bunny interest email last night, please keep fingers crossed that this one at least results in a sale, beginning to think im going to end up putting 1/2 this litter in the freezer and id rather not with the whole money issue going on...meat is good, but right now money is better.
should have 3 going home on the 25th if i dont sell them before thats something, but ive got 8 lol.

this weeks going to be a little wacky in terms of schedualing and i think things are going to be kind of thrown off.
monday and tuesday shoudl be life as normal, wednesday will be clean the house day as normal, thursday if i can get to adamsville ill be going to adamsville mabe stopping in to hang with cindi for a bit, and then home where the "spiffy-fying" starts, mum and dad are due to arrive saturday,

I need to:
Wash the covers off the futon matresses (there 2 mtresses on my futon lol, its actualy very comfortable lol)
Wash the sheets and pillowcases. (i might try and take my duvet to a laundromat and get that washed too but well see if time allows) its a king sized duvet so i need a BIG washingmachine to handle it, it wont fit in mine.
i need to sort and straighten out the bathroom a little bit too and deep clean the sink and tub and the kitchen.
The bunny cages will get a refresh on friday, as will the goat house and the duck and goose houses. (de and a fresh layer of straw)
I need to make waterers for the duck and goose houses to i can give them water at night without them turning it into a splash fest, (im thinking PVC waterers), same with feeders, that might be a nice cheap project we can work on while dads here as i want to be able to feed and water from outside the houses so that means cutting some holes lol.
otherwise i just need to straighten things out which my house isnt large or overly messy so it shoudlnt be too bad lol.
want to try and re-weed the front bed, cant mulch it yet but least i can get it weeded, the hosta are ALL sending up flower spikes this year! (which means their happy!) yay!
and i need ot clean and top up the fishtanks before they come too.

going to be a tad insanity i think lol.

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