Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinky you could bring that duvet over here and wash during our visit if you'd like. I think it might fit my machine. Then we can toss it out on the line to dry :)

I hope you get them bunnies sold! And hope ya get to come over this week :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well no email back from this person either,
what is this?! hve nothing better to do but email random people. my zipcode and town as well as price is in the add,
this email was along the lines of "im interested in a baby bunny, can i get your address and when would be good for you?"
emailed her back last night and then i wasnt expecing a reply this morning, i know this is a sunday = church area..but its almost 3pm, i was expecing at least some kind of responce back by now.
I just dont get it...why email if your not realy interested?

gave the ducks and geese fresh water, will probbaly have to fill them up again before the end of the day, buns got ice bottles, and i seperated the 3 baby buns that the one person says shes comming for on the 25th out of the group, this way if i do have someone come i dont have to worry that "well thats one of the ones she wanted" and potentially loose money shoudlnt be a problem.
kinda funny noticing the size difference between the buns and "tiny tim" as i call him, the male black otter, hes literally 1/2 the size of his siblings. nothign seems to be wrong with him otherwise, hes just tiny compared, i dont think hell get much past the 5lb point at maturity given his growth has been steady...
the others are just bunnies, hes "tiny tim" lol.

Kittens are doing very well, realy comming into their own now
mums kitten is named Meeka (after meeko from pocahontis, as mum said she looks like a racoon lol)
and my little girl is Mia, name just kinda came into my head...

on another NOT the weird neighbor...
its 90 somthing degrees out right now and my neighbors son is wandering round with a plastic bag collecting pine needles, twigs, cardboard ect...
this is quite impressive as Im USUALLY "the weird neighbor"
but hey, he wants to help keep the pinecones out of the road, go for it lol. too hot for me to be trying to get anythign done outside today...though i did do a little manual lawnmowing today...some of the grss has send up seed spikes, my buns love the seed spikes but i cant pull them i took my scissors out, and "hand mowed" got plenty in the dogs area of the back yard to do over the next few days, for them too. not yet sure if dads going to be bringing me a mower or a weed whaker or what but i do need to get the weeds under control at some point one way or another.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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There are several churches around that have all day church. I wouldn't truly expect replies until tomorrow. My neighbors stay gone until dark on Sunday.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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all day church?! what kind of crazy place is this?! lol
no offence meant obviously, but wow...all day church...that terrifies me just a little.
Ill give them untill tomorrow to respond before giving up on them.
i just cant belive ive had no serious bites on these babies at it jut the wrong time of year? in ct school summer vacation is the biggest nimal sales time of the year after christmas and easeter because kids have all summer to stay home and get bored of it beofre the school year starts...but here even getting a nibble of interest is like pulling teeth?!
i dont understand the local market! GAH!
i simply cant go lower than $15 on the babies, food, time ect thats gone in i need $15 on them.
I dont think thats too expensive given ive seen mixed breed bunnies going for $15+ so im REALY hoping its timing.

Sooo confused.
im so glad im not in marketing, id fail so badly, i have such a hard time predicting markets.

in other news, its 4pm...ive done nothing realy truly productive today and dont feel even 1 ounce bad about it.
got leftover chicken and rice for dinner, and an no sugar added apple crumble for desert that im SERIOUSLY looking forward to...

going to toss one of the futon covers into the washingmachine in a few mins while i take the boys out for pee time...
(ruby has to go out alone as her overly flirtacious manner has dozer al kinds of unfocused right now (and jasper is completly uninterested which has me a td worried lol, usually by this point (shes due to be receptive any time now) hes going batty... but shes more interested in flirting with the young stud dozer (and theres NO chance in hell thats happening) than paing attention to little Jasper man...and hes just not all that interested homself right now...
So odd.

i might take you up on the laundry usage offer cindi! my parents will be taking my bed while there here so even if they dont use it, would be nice to have it clean.
its not thick only about 3/4" thick but its a king size so its quite large.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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I have had the worst time with people even going so far as setting a time and date then pulling a no-show. No call and won't answer their phone. That is why I refuse to hold anything for anyone past a few hours. I held a puppy for a lady for 3 days could have sold it a dozen times. Well come time for pick up they no call no show. So I ended up having to run another ad in the paper for 10.00 cause she couldn't be courtous enuff to follow threw. The past year has been 10X worse for some reason. Many people I have talked to say they are having the same problem.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well some good news, the person who wants the 3 and finally agreed to pay the $15 a peice is still planning on comming on friday, so thats 3 bunnies sold.
and Bluebell whos due tomorrow has started building one heck of a nest. might wake up to babies in the morning)
and hazel and holly are both due this weekend.

im a little worried about Tiny Tim...hes very quiet this evening...i have ice in with them today (1 gallon tubs) but im hoping he heat hasnt gotten to him. hes so tiny compared to his siblings that im worried in genral about him, but today it hit 93 here, yes their in the shade and had ice but still, being so tiny he wouldnt do well fighting his siblings for a spot by the AC either.
im also realy annoyed that some of my water bottles are malfunctioning, there getting locked up and not letting water in...i noticed this evening the bottle for rowans litter by this time of night is usually almost empty, tonight though only about 1/4 of the bottle had i gave them a crock.
pips bottle is also locking up but i think i got it flowing going to have to go buy a bunch of crocks, cant risk them all dehydrating especially when its climbing above 90 already.
id like to set up some automatic watering systems though so im going to be looking into that tonight. i coudl do one system for each bank. and it may be cheaper than buying 12 crocks (assuming the nipples dont lock up that is.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well tiny tim is doing much better today so im thinking water bottle issues, and heat was what was causing him to be not himself yesterday, no babies from bluebell on the overnight but she wove the straw (and all her hay lol) into a nice nest, no fur this morning so im guessing shes just "prepping ahead" shes due today and whent exactly last time so im hoping by tomorrow morning she will have a beautiful litter in her beautiful nest...

Holly and hazel are both "going through the motions" carrying bits of hay around in their mouths, neither are due untill the weekend and will both be first timers, so im hoping early nest building instincts are a good thing...
excited to see what we get in terms of color from these 3 litters,

Ruby is flagging, so her and jasper are in my room on lock down. jaspers "interested" but not overly interested and hell mount but not follow through, however shed still be early in estrus, so im not too worried about his "performance anxiety" yet, she may just not be quite ready. im not too worried if they dont breed this time around though.

Got to print off the form for the low cost neuter for Dozer, hoping to get that sent in next month and get him "fixed"

and im keeping an eye on the fally down shed, the tortie kitty that i think is possibly pregnant seems to have taken up residencein there (much to tempis annoyance as that was her spot, ive put a few large boxes in there and lined them with some sheets my neighbor was tossing out, hopefully she'll decide one of those is a good spot., ive been trying to catch her least i could set her up in the laundry room and shed be safe, but shes having none of it and i cant get neer her.
hoping if she does have babies i can pull them before they get overly mobile at around 4-6 weeks and get them in the house so they will be adoptable, i dont like taking kittens away form momma before 8 weeks but shes SO wild that i dont think taming them down would be all too easy should i leave them too long.
if im right on my numbers form when i saw the males around (all of which seem to have completly dissapeared again) around june 4th woudl be when id expect to see babies.
and i know they wernt here for my girls as both tempi and willow are spayed.

anywho. temperatures are alot more agreeable today, going to pull one of the covers off the futon and toss it in the washing machine, can do the other tomorrow if the weather co-operates, sheets will get washed on friday...and if i have the gas money, ill take cindi up on the offer for the washing machine atempt for the duvet.
mum and dad are currently schedualed to arrive around 3pm on Saturday so assuming i still have bunnies available (and i can wrangle some gas money from somewhere) ill probbaly hit the flea market on Satruday morning and try and sell the babbits and Rowan.
thinking about putting my bedroom betta fish in the guest room wall tank, cleaning out the mini bow and trying to sell that, as much as i like my little mini box, its using electricity 24/7 on the filter and light and i dont just go sit in my bedroom to watchthe fish...i have an empty bubble tank and the glolight tetra can go in the main tank in the livingroom...
And i think before i donate the pile of shoes and dresses im going to see if i can sell them first (momma gets first pick but any she doesnt want) might bring in a little extra cash to help. (and might pay for a little goodwills $1 days shoppign trip at the end of the month :) )

but yeah...its 11am, the kittens are showing my how kitty gravity works, and i realy shoudl get that laundry started as the futon covers will take a while to dry (there thick canvas style covers.)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well i might have someone interested in a black otter baby...not holding my breath, alot of one word responces, asked her for a day and time before im willing to give my address...
We'll see.
Had another email prior to that from a guy but havent had a responce form that one yet.
and another person on a group i joined is interested in rex for meat production if the distance isnt too far so we'll see.

todays been pretty uneventfull, managed to get the futon covers washed, they look a heck of alot better, not perfect, but much better, should be dry by tomorrow :D
tomorrow i dont have any real plans, got some laundry to put away, figure out where to put my pile of newspaper that the neighbor gave me for the bird cages and i might wash the shears off the windows and if the weather cooperates i might go do some weeding in the front bed and try and gie my maters a little more support, the romas need it and im sure the others wont refuse

hey cindi? is it too late in the season now to put in more maters? id like to put in some cerry maters as the seeds never sprouted. was goingto go with small started plants...thoughts?
this is a whole new zone for me, trying to figure out what comes out and goes in when lol. want to get some sugar baby watermellon plants if i can next month too allong with the cherry maters and mabe some more slicers, the big boy and marions arnt doing much, the romas however seem quite happy lol.

wednesday is cleaning day, thursday is adamsville and cindis, and friday is "deep cleaning"

hopefully somewhere in there ill sell 8 baby bunnies (and witha little luck, 1 adult doe who refuses to use the litterbox)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You can plant more maters until July 12th. That is the cutoff date around here. Unless you want green tomatoes for chow chow relish and that gives you another week of planting.

How much are you asking for the doe? Is she standard or mini?

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