Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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doe is standard, (mother to the litter i have now) GREAT momma, lovely coat, just cant get her box trained, drives me crazy lol
im asking $25 Or trade for a holland lop, but ill go to $20 for her if you or a friend wants her. can expose her to the s.rex buck if the buyer would like before she leaves too.

still no babies or fur from bluebell but shes definatly nesting, she did this last time too, took 3 days of serious nesting before she decided it was nice enough to have her babies in LOL.
hoping for today/tonight.

AND i got a sucessfull tie between jasper and in about 2 months i should have nekkid puppies entering the world.
will repeat tomorrow and thursday, she should be comming out of the receptive stage on sat/sun time. i always try to give 24hrs between breedings for best viability so. after yesterdays malarky i was getting a tad concerned, but he knew better than either me or ruby, she just wasnt quite ready.

my futon cover is dry so that gets to go back on the futon today, and ive got some pitter/pattering about to do. going to wash the shears in the livingroom and guest bedroom as their kinda yicky, and wont take long to dry...

and YAY for having plenty of time to plant more maters, i thought 16 plants woudl be enough, but compared to the romas the big boy and marions just arnt performing LOL! so im thinking of doing some cherry maters in pots and mabe try a couple brandywines if i can find them...will have to see what theyve got at the co-op next time i head up there, wont be until next month either way but now i know ive got time im much happier :D
Imnot pulling the others out, as i know its still relitivly early in the season and there are fruit on them...but id like more salad/snacking tomatoes acessable :) i eat ALOT of maters!

i will say this mornings weather is BEAUTIFUL, suns shining bt its still fresh and not hot or humid at all, just lovely!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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am i the only onewho lvoes the smell of outside dried laundry?!
go thte futon cover back on (that was a job an a half lol) and the shears washed, they took no time to dry so there now back up.
neighbor asked me to take him into henderson in exchange for some gas and whatever peice of meat i wanted from the grocery store for dinner, i did, and now have 1/2 a tank of gas AND a peice of sirloin that will make 4 dinners :D
this also means i can take Dozer over to Cindis for a playdate on Thursday (probably early afternoon if thats ok with you) YAY gas money!

Got reply from bunny buyer #1, hes thinking about it, hes not yet decided if he wants to mae the little over 2 hour drive, but he will let me know, told him fridays pretty much cut off, taking them to the flea market on saturday if there not gone by friday...(im still not completly decidd on this, itll realy depend on how early i want to get up on saturday and how much ive got done by then and how many i have left...but hoping itll put a fireunder him lol)
emailed "id like"some bunnies" but dont know my work schedual" guy back and told him the same, still have em if you want to comeby i have open availability but youve got till thursday to let me know.
and going to email 1 word answer woman who "wants a black one" to see if/when shed liek to come by to pick out her black one lol and tell her the same thing, friday is last day for pick up on the litter, to see if i can get an actual commitment out of her.
got 3 going home friday unless they back out, so that leaves me 5 babies and the doe to sell...

Need to go out and check on bluebell shortly, going to pick some peas for dinner tonight, might see if any of my carrots are big enough to make it worth blanching (nom,fresh peas and baby carrots) then ill freeze the other 3 portions of steak for while mum and dad are here.
Going to need to do a pea harvest in the next few days, will robably end up freezing most of them theres alot of very fat pods on the english pea bush and i think ive got some snap peas, want to try and hold off on the snap so dad can use them in a stir fry while hes here...wont be authentic as i dont own a wok, but hes good and will make do lol. snaps are always best fresh off the vine.
Going to dry out a few too for fall planting
But ive got a feeling there going to be comming to the end of thier season very quickly with the way the temperatures have been (and are supposed to be) over the next few weeks. got plans to build them a much beter trellis for the fall planting.
the last of the spinach came out this morning and whent to the was getting very tall and leggy and i planted it specifically for them.
my head lettuce will probbaly be done soon too, ive harvested a deacent amount off that as ive been going along, should have enough to make some nice salads over the next 2 weeks then i think this batch will be done, got another batch in that i planted at the end of april that im hoping wil get me through unitll mid june.
Im thinking about putting in some sweet potatoe, the co-op had bonnie SP vines last time i was there and if im reading right i can pretyt much plant them untill june and still get a harvest...hmm i Do LOVE sweet potatoe,
and yes, i am already thinking "i need more beds" lol. Ive got plans for next year to put raised beds along my side and back fence lines for tomatoes, and vining things (mellons, squash ect) and replacing the beds i have now with some made from pressure treated (these arestarting to pop at the seams, i think the wood was just too far gone, i dont think theyll last after winter lol)
so im trying to decide exactly where i want things because i dont want to take up too much run around space from the dogs and my own "relax/flower" space either.
I definatly need more melon, squash, gourd and tomatoe space. onions and garlic could do with more room too (i use alot of both)
Sweet potatoe, peas, beets, lettuce and spinach oh and bell pepper...those are the things i eat the most of with maters and watermellon being on the big list lol.

anywho...just Thinking in type, none of this is realy interesting...but a peice of advice for anyone "just starting out" in terms of veggies...always assume your going to want to expand...because you


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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1: email etiquite SUCKS!
lady with 1 word answers wanted to know if she could come by next week. told her due to family visiting id be much too busy over the nest 2 weeks so friday is last pick up and on saturday ill be taking any left to market...
i expected at least a "let me see if my schedual works" or "ill check my work schedual" or "i cant come this week" or something...
instead the responce to friday is the last day was..."K"
that was other information words letters NOTHING...just "K" so now i have no idea if shes planning on comming or not...

2: people fail at reading comprehension.
Craiglist add states, Baby Rex Rabbits (Finger, 38334)
at the bottom of the craigslist add it states Location: Finger 38334
aparently this is alien code for something of which i have no clue because ive had 3 emails today asking where im located...because the twn name AND zipcode in the location makes absolutly no more sense than when you just put the town name OR zip code...(i swear i could put "im located in Finger TN, * miles from the turn off of rt * on to rt *, directly across from...and*insert milage to all major metros here* and id still get emails "where are you located?" :he

3: my peas are yummy...decide ill be having some Raw on a salad tonight along with lettuce form the garden and beet greens and raddish from the neighbor. (the carrots are still SUPER not even carrots tiny, but they are orange LOL) with the steak rather than cooking them up. will DEFINATLY be saving pods! :D NOM. (these are the english garden peas cindi gave me too :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Bring that doe when you come :D I am selling a doe tomorrow and will have the $20 then to hold back for her. Expose her to the S. Rex buck for me. Litter training is no big deal here. I'll put her a resting board in her cage and since I have the wire bottom cages the rest should be long as she doesn't think the board is her poo spot :lol:

Good on the nekkid babies on the way!!! :woot

Looks like things are looking up for ya Pinky! That's AWESOME!!!!!!! :D Oh, and if you come at 3 in the morning i won't turn ya away as long as I can has some Dozer slobbery lovins! :love :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score

this is her, (she now has a dewlap though lol) shes a pretty girl, Not realy a "hands on" girl, shes easily handled i scruff her to pick up but once i sit with her in my lap she settles down, easy to do nails ect.
Ill do her nails and put her in with bigwig tomorrow (and again thursday morning)



her current babies :D
lookit those ears LOL! Daddy has big beautiful ears too!

And yes, ive got plenty of Dozer Slobber to share LOL! hes been drooling on the kittens alot lately, going to need to give them a bath lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
LOVE the ears! Can't wait to get her :D I think she'll go nicely with the S. Rex buck my friend has for next breeding :) That poor bun needs some lovin, but my girls are too small for him :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
nice! what color is he?! (i can give you a general idea what colors youd get :D)
shes good with the buck, BUT she can be a little cold to the buck the first few tries :D (she tail tucks if shes not ready and then lays there looking at


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Roger's in Corinth has leg quarters on sale again. 68 cents a pound. Thought you might wanna know :D

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