Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well tonight was a good night, it was awesome having ome extra "quiet" time with the group "leaders" on the way there an back, they are such awesome people...
group was also busy tonight, we had 5 new people! uner normal circumstances i would have been a mess, but this group is so welcoming and "like me" that it wasnt as much of a worry, it was even better when i found out one of the new people also suffers social od as it sounds to say this but when he heard i had SA he perked up and actually started odd as it sounds to think that put 2 people with social anxiety togehter would result in an actual convo, i think it actually helps...its a common ended up being a lovely night!

couldnt get the guineas put up before heading out...they are now roosting in the giant pint behind the house, they are definatly high enough that nothing short of an owl or realy realy large meat eating squirrel is getting at them... and close enough to the house that large ground predators shouldnt be an say there a good 50ft up!
the goats were waiting for me lol.

and since i cleaned today, toorrows cleaning will go SOOO much quicker LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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it actually realy was, i alway get so nervous before hand but once i get there it turns into a nice evening.

today was a "productive" day. headed into town to make a deposit, "splurged" on chinese food which is currently in the fridge because theres enough for 3 some funny looks as i peeled the batter off my sweet and sour chicken (i hate the batter but nowehere will let me have it with plain boiled chicken :( ) (it was $4 cause i had a coupon lol!)
stoped at the local mental health clinic, they take my insurance so i now have to call admissions and have them set me up a new patient apointment...ive been putting this off a year and no that the seasons are changing i know the swings will become more going to see if we can try a low medication routein or something i can tae "as needed" for everything...i dont want to be a full time zombie, or med reliant...i just need somehting to help me manage the realy bad days.

once i stopped there i headed home and stoped at the tire place....

slo leak in the back tire fixed...turns out there as a nail in the tread...
then i had him look at all my tired and eval the tread. back 2 tires are "safe" max tread on basic all weather is around 10/32".
2/32" is "road legal" but risking it in any kind of wet or otherwise slick conditions, and aparenlty most suggest changing out tires if theres potential for wet/slick roads if a tire gets to a 4/32" or below.
my new drivers side that walmart put on is a 10, my back driever side is a 6 and my back passenger is a front passenger was BARELY a 2 and hen he pulled it off the inner all was REALY thin...said i got my timing right cause hed expect it to blow out if it hit a good enough bump/pot hole. so he matched me up with a 7/32 used, he let me check it over, and showed me ho to use a tread guage...theres no holes been patched and the treat was even all around so i whent used.

walmarts quote for a new tire on front and a patch $100 after tax...if they couldnt fix the hole then it would have been $200 and $277 to do all 3 tires.

another place quoted me $98 per tire! HOLY HELL and said he ouldnt replace just one side so id have to put 2 new on front, and move the new front tire that i already got to the back here the puncture was...i know WHY, even wear and all, but seriously, he wanted an extra $25 just to take the tire off an move it to the back...

given the regular kind of milage i do and the road conditions here he says the 7/32" 's should easily last me another 2 years if im "gentle" (no peel outs or heavy breakingor spinning round corners ect)
so that gives me 2 years to save up for a mid grade set of 4 tires (and the ones on now will become a planting bed hen that time comes)

then home james.
need to clean the bird cages and do the cats litterbox, and some dishes...but otherwise...not a bad day overall.
tomorrow is another early morning followed by a trip up to jackson if things go according to plan (little man should be going home tomorrow)
friday im not entirely sure hats goign on but i need to head down towards savannah at some point for a little side job...and then MIGHT be going to first mondays on saturday with E.
and hoping i can get another 11 bales of hay delivered this weekend.

hard to belive next week is the beginning of october!
Cindi, if youve got no plans that first week of october...up for a little anger managment therapy with a chain and a truck?! can toss $20 gass your way :D

while im up in jackson tomorrow going to stop in lowes and price up the arrow sheds since the plan is to use one as a new goat house...might see how much it would cost to have someone come in and build the damned thing for me since im prety sure its a minimum 2 man job and i dont have acess to any kind of neuclear wast that would enable me to gro additional arms, stretch liek a superhero or clone myself...

got a nibble on one of the linnie babies fingers crossed there...
just need the buyers tomorrow to follow though and then find homes for the girls.

mum and dad may be comming for a week in october...not sure yet on that front...thers rumors of the company being sold so hes getting antsy again.

and yeah...thats about all i got right now...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinky, I promise I will TRY...that's the best I can give ya right now.

MUM AND DAD ARE COMING!!! :woot :D :lol: I hope we get the priveledge of another visit, I love your family :)

GREAT on the tires and the linnie baby and the appointment(u really have been putting that off too long :p )

I REALLY wish you could go to the retreat with me, you'd enjoy it!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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when we get to it we get to just like to get it done before it gets too cold for me to pull it apart lol.

retreat sounds lovely :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'll have to see what day my roommate is off, and make him help :lol: He loves doing stuff like that too, and he has yet to meet you anyway. As much as I have talked about you, I think he's ready to meet you and Dozey in person :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so you want the room mate simply drooled to death or squihed too?! dozeys taking special orders LOL!

little hairless male whent to his new home tonight, im not 100% on this one, i dunno, she was just hard to read so im not counting any chickens...shes got till monday to get him vet checked and return him if the vet finds something (i highly doubt it...but yeah) so im not going to count that money untill i KNOW hes settled in and there not going to simply change their mind.
i dont think she will but there was just something very hard to read about her she brought her daughter (older teen) and she was equally hard to judge...


stopped in lowes on the way home, they will honor the cheaper price at the lowes in north jackson but they dont but the metal sheds i need ot find someone to help me put the dang thing togehter at that point lol.

and yeah now chicken stew for dinner.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well the folks ive been house sitting for arrived in town yesterday and this morning invited me out to breakfast, whent up to casey jones...YUM!
then we hung out, i showed them a few local places to go to get stuff they need ect.
been a good day...but im tired lol.
i was going to hit the henderson BBQ fest this evening but im home and have taken my shoes off LOL!

tomorrow im up early to go to first mondays with E...
i may stop in henderson tomorrow afternoon when we get back to go check out the festival, im sure saturday afternoon will be the busiest anyway. i may even see if "the newbies" want to go.

and ive deicided im taking sunday as a day of rest and not getting out of bed untill at least 8am LOL!

got an email from little mans new mommy with lots of pictures of his new bed and blankie and harness and yeah she seems excited now :) so fingers crossed that that continues to go well. shes going to take him for a check up on monday i belive and thats the "final test". assuming hes healthy they have no reason to return him...

and yeah thats about it for today.

OH and im pending deposit on one of the linnie babies and have intereste in another...i think they are going to sell easier than the cresties LOL!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ahhh, I know that's a relief - seein Little Man settle into his new home. I'll bet the vet check goes just fine on Monday. Hope the Linnie sales go through too!