Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well its been a crazy few days.
the folks ive been house sitting for took me out for breakfast yesterday and then we did some "sight seeing" (they were looking for some furniture places ect...)
then today it was an early morning for a trip to ripley for first mondays.
i fell inlvoe with a sweet 2 yr old dobiegirlbut reisted the urge to "rescue" here (had she been free (or cheaper) i couldnt have walked away...but i did...
got home, had soem lunch then took dozer to the locla BBQ festival...he was a hit, everyone loved him....he was all over the place at first but eventually settled down some.
we learnt he LoVES babies...eveyr little bbay that passed had to have are fun (but i have to be carefull as he tries to knockem down) and he REALY doesnt like it when strange men are carrying screaming kids upside down...this guy passed with his screaming kid dangling from his arms...dozer must have thought he was hurting the kid because he suddenly pushed against my leg and growled thie deep lo rumble...
told him it was ok and he settled back down again but it definatly made him a little uneasy fora minute...
otherwise though he did suprisingly well once the initial OMG wore off.
we shared a delicious BBQ sandwhich...which he showed off for and everyone thought it was cute that hed smack me with his paw when he wanted a peice lol.
the only real snafaus we had with ozer by the time we were heading out was when someone decided to let their little maltese run around offleash and he tried to bite dozeres face...
dozer lay on it lol. the woman was screaching about my dog "killing her dog" *rolls eyes*
i told her first of all, hes dog friendly, second fo all his "room mates" are much smaller than her mut, and thrid of all, HER dog was offleash an attacked him NOT the other way around...dozer was ignoring him untill he lunged for the ear at which point a head swipe and an "im laying on you!" (whihc is much better than his "ill eat your face" responce he occasionally gives asper when he tries that bull)

even the other people at the booth were like "lady get your dog on a leash" (this little thing was alo happily yapping at everyone that walked by and snapping at kids, talk about giving all little dogs bad names...)

the second was on the ay back to the car...he saw a squirrel...that suddenly sparked "PULLLL" and wehad to stop and sit for a good 5 mins for him to collect his thoughts again...

im surpised though, everyone ESPEcIALLY the kids loved him...e had a few people rad their kids and pul them away or give funny looks or "why would anyone bring one of "those" dogs to something like this" (in the mean time their kids are running round screaming high on powdered sugar and soda...) and other peoples kids are loving on him and laughing and giggling.
it was great because it showed me clearly that he DOES have potential, he CAN focus, once that initial excitment wears off...and we just need to work on our relationship, i know he LOVES me, now he just needs to respect me.

i did have one very "helpfull" young man who was nice enough to tell me he knew someone that could "cure" dozers exhuberance and "make him listen" FLIPPING him.
UGH...i HATE cesar milan making this dominance theory bull so damned freeking popular...
You want to FLIP an 85lb 1 yr old bully/mastif puppy...yeah great way to turn it into 1 a game where he decides you are a very fun chew tow...and a great ay for you to LOOSE your face.
i worked withhyena and wolves...this BULL about "alpha" wolf and dominance theroy as a ay of "gainin the respect" of your dog makes me SICK...its a perfeclty great way to get people SERIOUSLY hurt when they try that bull with the wrong dog...
dozer is respectfull, but hes about as naturally submissve as a rabit pit viper...*ugh*
so i told him "thanks but i personally respect my dog and the fact that hes still a puppy and learning..."

i was also a tad upset with a guy with a rotty, hed broguth her to a public festival, an shes straingin and whiing and hes yelling at her in german (obviously shes "protection trained") and of course dozer wants to say hello but i kept him back...and he goes "keep him away...shes in heat..." WTF? why did you bring a female in heat to a public festival..way to potentially introduce a SERIOUS issue...
dozer is neutered....theres no worry there...but all it takes is a couple ominant boys in the crowd and the SMELL of a female inheat would start an issue...leave your intact in heat femal AT HOME...its not fair to other people, and its not fair to her...her poor homoens the stress ect...
i had no intention of letting him say hello anyway...but seriously! idiot.

anywho, other than those little grr args it was a lovely evening.

and now its bedtime...and tomorrow i am staying in bed untill at least 8am! lol


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
Cheyenne is a lot lot Dozer as far as loving most everyone. She's positive that every person she she's is there to give her some love as she's got plenty to give them, whether they're interested or not! :gig Took her for a big ride down to Jonesboro today and she wouldn't take a pee break because there was too much going on in the parking lot at the Petco...people, people everywhere and they all needed some attention from her! :gig She's good with babies, too, but she want's to let the one's that are of walking age that she can walk on 2 legs, too, and that doesn't go over well but she's getting better about that one! ;)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow, Pink - you've had a busy couple of days for sure. Glad you got the Dozer out, sorry about the inconsiderateness of some folks...geeze...makes you wonder about some folk...

Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Don't hold your breath, but there is a nice lady looking at the house next door that wants to turn the whole place into a horse and dog rescue, working with children to help obedience train the dogs and horses, AND doing obedience classes with the public as well. She has trained assistance dogs before, and I told her about you and Dozer. She's excited to meet ya'll sometime :D Right now, she is living with some friends of mine down the road, and we are going to start riding together. They have several horses(13) that need to be worked and she will be rotating them and working with them, so I was invited to ride/help. She's trying to get the house and the additional 14 acres for the rescue, which would be SUCH a blessing for us and her!!!

Sounds like Dozey had fun at the BBQ :) Glad you did too sis aside from a few hiccups there ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh very cool! got my fingers crossed...
and if they ever need an additional body just to "ride" (im not skiled neough obviously to train a horse, but just to walk em round a ring or take an extra body on a trail ride :D)

we need more of that around here :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well, not sure what todays brining, its overcast and theres a sligth damp chill in the air...
i should get out with the weed wacker and bypass pruners and tend the fenceline and try to thin out some more brush...
i need a chainsaw lol.

ive still not had breakfast...not realy sure what i want...if anything...but im thinking i want something warm...
so right now im debating putting on clothes going out and doing some physical work untill my body says "yeah i want food now" and then reling the rest of the day.

im pretty sure itll end up being french toast for lunch, or egg and cheese on a buiscuit...but right now im getting the urge to go cut things down lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
pinkfox said:
oh very cool! got my fingers crossed...
and if they ever need an additional body just to "ride" (im not skiled neough obviously to train a horse, but just to walk em round a ring or take an extra body on a trail ride :D)

we need more of that around here :)
There is definately a chance for some trail riding! You can ride Hammer, he's an older gentleman and sooooooo sweet, but hasn't been worked much lately so will have to take it easy on the old boy for the next little bit. He'd be perfect for an inexperienced rider. I was told I could ride Hammer, but I like the bigger horses anyway, and while I'm a little rusty, I've not totally forgotten everything about riding. Weight wise, he's a good fit for us though. I think DD and the neighbor girl will be riding with us some as well, and both of them have no riding experience. They have good horses though, so don't worry about getting a crazy one even if everybody is riding.

Let me know when you'd like to ride and I'll call S and set everything up. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
you know my schedual lol. right now my only plans are going to the exotic auction in scotts hill on the 6th ith ellen...
otherwise i lead the exciting life of a socialphobe lol!

size doesnt worry me, (i gre up around drafters lol) i just dont have the skillset of knowldege to control a headstrong horse lol. and im certainly MORE than happy to learn...its the one "feild" of animal study that was always too epensive when i was a kid and then being so large as a teenager up untll just 2 yrs ago, the thought of torturing a poor horse with my girth was inconceivable...(i would have felt bad even sitting on a shire horse at my heaviest lol)

getting to actually ride (and LEARN to ride/care for ect) has been my "reward" plan since istarted the weightloss journey so that would be AWESOME...
though i do know when i finally get my own going to need to invest in a well made saddle with a gell pad LOL! i love long boney butt however not so much lol!

*happy dance*

well i whent out with my bypas pruners and did a little forrestry lol. did another 25x25 section there abouts, and i think im almost done in terms of brush i can remove with the bypass im putting chainsaw on my birthday list lol i think thats going to be my only way to go short of paying that guy to come in and do it... but i do thing a good chainsa will have it done pretty quickly and once the brush is ground level i can hire a team to come in with a woodchipper and mulch anything i cant hack up to burn.
theres a big patch of old bramble which i want to hack down once all the leaves die back, the goats have "pruned" the bottom but not the tops lol. but it had no fruit last year, so i think its in serious need of a grounding, new growth then next year, if i protect it from the goats SHOULD give me berries :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I so wish I lived closer to you guys. I'd love to go riding w/y'all. :( Maybe one day. :fl

I can't stand it when people bring female dogs in heat to a public place either. I also can't stand the people that bring a male dog that either wants to "ride" everyone's legs, or pee on them. And then you have the people who own stallions and get upset when they're told they can't bring them on a trail ride or to a show. :he


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Wish I had a chainsaw too. We cleared all of ours with a Sawzall and extension cords :lol: Oh, well we did have a little dinky electric chainsaw too for a few of the larger trees.