Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well its wet..weve had a little over .3 an inch so far with another forcasted up to .5 an inch on the overnight...almost 1 inch of water and theres puddles and mud and yucky lol.
the good news is my trees are getting a good water, the bad news is i noticed a small puddle of water above whee my septic pipe is broken before the rain started today...
IM HOPING its just a case of VERY wet ground and the leeching feild not being able to drain well and not a case of time to pump the system again...i mean its not a tiny tank and its just me and im pretyt well behaved about only flushing if i have to (and the toilet being the only thing going in...)
it ws pumped almost exactly 6 months ago...
I know i need to replace the broken pipe but i know that going to be a big expensive job so im HOPING this is just a very soggy leeching feild (and being were sat on clay)
when i dug for my trees it was days after a rain and the ground was still fairly wet so...*fingers crossed* theres no smells or household backup/slow drainage so

in other news, got little done today i set out to get lots done i ran out of steam in the first hour and have been lazy since. february KICKS MY TUCKUS...
plus since my insurance changed and they dont support b12 injections i hvent had my b12 shot which is also killing my energy levels. should have enough money next month to pick up a bottle of b12 at the co-op....just not sure if i can bring myself to stick myself with a needle. doesnt bother me for someone else to do it..but to do it myself...hmm.
ive got frineds who can ab me if nessicary but im also going to sk at the dr when i go on the 4th for my new patient check up how much it would be for them to do it each month would be easier lol)

because of the energy decrease i sent my dy ooking up various thigns i want...

and im no debating on uture chickens...
i saw pictures of these stunning lemon splash cochins...
and then i sw pictures of crele bantam cochins and crele orpingtons...
cant find crele LF cochins here in the usa so...
now comes the uestion of what i REALY want.

i found someone on BYC who was breeding a crele patterend LF cochin...keeping my fingers crossed they still are, if so we have a winner lol.

stupid ddictive chickens and their pretty colors!

trying to decide wht i want for dinner i risk the tounge and have some more delicious sausage and peppers with rice...i think so lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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my seed angel strikes again!!!

after loosing all my mater seeds to the wind...i get a letter this morning and inside...replacment seds for the ones id lost!
So now im determined to get this working for me rather than against!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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pinkfox said:
my seed angel strikes again!!!

after loosing all my mater seeds to the wind...i get a letter this morning and inside...replacment seds for the ones id lost!
So now im determined to get this working for me rather than against!
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SO cool :cool: I hope they do well for you sis! :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's great, Pinky! Hope everything works out OK this time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks :)
whent out today and got my grass seed for the front acre,
and still trying to figure out the perimeter fencing.
took a look at the field fencing and i COULD cut it and "tie" it if i cut it right...would take forever but it would be doable...
the quesiton now becomes is there any other cheper/easier method of keeping the chickens home when i get them...the ducs actually seem to stay inside their fenced area which is just electric...but the guinese duck right under the lines so im not sure how it would work for chickens.
my other thought is to get the 14x14 sheets of plastic bird netting, cut it at 2ft aroud about $6 id have 100ft of 2ft high fencing staple it to frees and attatch it to fenceposts and then put the electric up...certainly would be cheaper and if given a little tension might do the trick...doing itthat way i could do the whole preimter for about $100 total... but id be relying on the electric to keep things out im thinking id run a a couple fo strands of barbed wire low then the ird netting over that then the electric inside the whole thing, the barbed woudl at least give the bird netting a little bite to anythign trying to push in from the other side...
so im thinking thats going to be the way ill go. still involves cutting, though not as difficult as it would be witht he wire. and i could eaily put the bird netting up with a simple stple gun and zip ties (woudl need proper staples for the brbed though...)

and yeah thats about all i got.
got a peice of sirloin out for dinner...still trying to decide whats going with it though im thinking mashed taters and a little gravy mabe...

tomorrow i have to return little bunny to her breder whos buying her back (i sitll owe her initial purchase price so ill not be walking away with much lol) and head down to adamsville...ill probably swing by the flea market to see whats ging on (weathers not suposed to be bad :D) then its home and hoign to get the grass seed down. there saying possible rain on monday and temps are suppose to be good for the net week in terms fo orchad grass germination. *fingers crossed*
will be realy nice to see my large ptch of dirt turn into a pretty green field!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i just hand seeded an acre of orchard grass...
usual seeding rate for orchard grass is 10-20lbs per acre (10 for overseeidng 20 for "new") i ended up using the 25lb bg on the acre. i bought a little spreader to help keep the distribution easy but it kept jamming so its going back an i did it by hand.

i managed to get the full fort ace just about covered, BUT theres about another 1/3rd an acre where the brush piels are, i didnt realize untill a couple days ago realy walking that he ended up clearing about 1 1/3 acres total for me.
i didnt plan on seeding neer the big burn piles nyway because well whats the point? so ill buy anohter 25lb bag next month at somepoint to seed whats left + my back yard and orchard areas.
now to wait and see, orchard grass typiecally takes 18 days to emergence so by the end of march i shoudl have some green over there...
next month i need to take care of the burn piles, then once those are done and whatevers left leveld out a little ill seed the rest. the back 2 acres right ow dont need seeding becaue its all leaf litter (and ive currently no deisre to go raking 2 acres of leaves LOL!) as the goats eat down the leaf litter when theyve got acess to tht area ill start the process of seeding tht too depending on how much light that area will now WAS heavily knows lol...

fingers crossed* i think seeing some green over there will realy perk my mood up.

my cellphone turned my car, so yay no need to fool around with that bit of bother...
and it was a beautiful day today so i cant complain!

downside: my back hs been having a hissy fit since yesterday :/

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