Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Oh, hey Pinky, I have cage clips and the tool :D If you want help making the cages and want to use the clips, bring the wire whne you come over this week and we'll have a cage making party :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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holy bunnies bat man.
hael kindled with 6 last might, i go out this morning and find 1 dead, and 2 cold on the ground, hazels a frist timer for me so i panic check the box and havels 6 has turned into 8!!! plus the dead plus the 2 colds...
put the cold kits i my bra while i finished up, ad it looks like strawbery is the momma...but strawberries litter is JUST 30 days old today...which means biggy must have bred her and she must have conceived the day she gave birth in orderto have these babies now.
she didnt pull hair, she didnt show any signs of nesting either which makes me think shes mabe a day or 2 early? she also didnt have any milk (which is encoraged by actually nesting/pulling hair ect.
the 2 colds i brought in and put under the brooder light in atub in the parrotlet brooder, im going to take them back out and put them back in the nest now theyve warmed through ad are strong and active...hopefully the does wil take them.

im ow hoping another doe has babies in the next day or so ust in case strawbery wont take these an hazel is overwhelmed by 10 kits...
but im hoping those left survive and trhvie, lots of brokens, 1 rew (strawberries) and "solids" (probaby castors)

aywho, going to go put these 2 in, go to my apaintment then ill check on em when i get home least that way im not us tpopping them inbefore bed ad hoping. if they get kicked back out il have to try hand rearing them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sorry make that 9 i misscounted, as of this evening though the 2 i foudn cold have bee accepted back into monster est givig 9 kits i the nest. lets hope everyones stil doing good tomorrow im REALY hping both does feed and that i dont have to supliment...(or that i have aother doe pop with a sligthly smaller litter i ca oster a couple these babies onto. LOTS of very very nice looking brokens!

anywho. afternoon was nutz, ill make it short for now as im exhausted.
drs apt at 2:15, didnt get ome utill almost 5.
short and sweet for the dr...HOLY HELL, how the hell do you still have barly registering b12 on 5000ius sublingual AND this new medication, i think im going to e talkig to your insurance about weekly (possibly every other day )b12 shots since the mes obviously anrt cutting it!"
he also opend a case file for my excess skin issues so inabout 12 months we SHOULD be able to get surgery covered to have at leat the belly flab removed...HIS idea even which is scary impressive, hes the first dr to say, hey that much weight ARE you having issues!? and then "you know...we MIGHT be able to get them to cover the surgery to at least help with some of that" home, 5:30 friend shows up to take me to a food aution that id orgotten all about...*thud*
rush to grab everything and head out...

got home about 9:45, jasper was loose, id orgotten to close the bedroom door and mr circu dog has leart how to CLIMB the gate...i put him and ruby in the beroom because doer occasionally tries to eat jasper...but aparetly i hand t shut the door properly.
letthe dogs out and g to put everyone livestock wise to bed forget i hadnt shut the gate to the duck pen, dozer decided to go for a ru round the goat feild, hit the electric fence, squeeled but continued forward then repeted on his way in, thankfully he hit the fence both times neer a spot whre it wasnt conected to anythign but fence clips and the clips pooped off rather than literlaly snappig the linerunning right through it. IDIOT...
so had to wrestle with that...
IN THE DARK...because my little headlamp that i have specifically for the "i got home late" bedtimes...yup, battery is dead.

gfinally get all that sorted come in feed the poor p-let babes who must have thought theyd been abandoned...and then sat at my computer to see a message from ad, the house has been UNDER valued by the real estate agent working with the company and they are sayig its worth about 75000 LESS than the tax evaluation and almost $100,000 less than the illow estimate. its the biggest house in the area, with a bunch of upgrades like hardwoods, new kitchen and brand new AC and they want to list it about $75,000 under what other much smaller outdated houses in the area are listed for...
hes frustrated, and pissed, he redid the kitchen to add value, he put in top of the line ac to add value, he redid the looring to add value and its now worth aboutt he same as he paid for it 10 yrs ago according to the agent...(yet thats ALOT less than the tax eval and the zillow estimate)

i wish i could comfort him, make it better...he expected to at least make enough money off the house to have a downpaymen tfor his new one and now hes going to be LUCKY if he breaks even...insanity.
(i think theres smethig kinda fihy going on)
but ill have to talk to him about it tomorrow as he didnt actually come online to chat, it was just a message left.

anywho.tomorrow ive got to go grocery shopping, i also think im going to be up with ruby tomorrow night shes due to pup tomorrow and ive noticed colostrum this evening so we'll see, ill be checking on her part through tonight too but her temps stil normal for her so no real drop yet.

so on that note i think its time for bed!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Wow...goodnight Pinky...and I mean literally I hope it is a GOOD night for you :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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WHEW - you've got a LOT going on! Hand feeding the p-lets, all the bunny drama, pups coming, goats due soon too(?)... Wow!

Hope today goes well for you!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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spring is definatly i the air!

the 2 broken kits i put back in the nest are stil in the nest so YAY on that front, everyoens looking good this morning but im going to have to watch them as they grow.
blackberry is building a nest this morning too, so expetig bunies in there before the end of the day...

should have a good bunny crop t sell in time for school vacation *DOH* lol.

Lilly has a bit of discharge this mornig and while shes eating and is staying close to the othe goats shes eftiatly ot making as much effort to be right with them
got a feeling we'll have a baby goat or 2 by morning...

and ruby is producing colostrum, and is 63 days today so mabe puppies by tomorrow morning too?! im going to be a busy momma
but ill be honest, THIS is what ive been waiting or, this udden natrual sign that spring realy is in the air, and more so, for the animals to once again start picking up to pay their way.

anyway, got to do a grocery shop today so im going to make is as quick as possible...just in case lilly decided to go during the day...the will have to come home ad set up the whelpig pen for ruby and then ive got a metric ton of cleaning and stuff to do so....


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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theres good news and bad news...

the bad news...
the apointments for jasper, binx and dusty to get spay/neutered on thursday have ben canceld undig was less than initially anticipated and they ran out today...
the good news, i dont have to figure in gas for a memphis trip this week..
the bad zoo
the good news, its supposed to rain like crazy on thrsday and this means im not going to spend the day trudgig round in the rain...

the bad news: lilly hasnt popped yet
the good news shes pretty dang close
the bad news, im going to have to get up ad check on her mutliple times through the night and shell probably wait untill the wee hours of the morning and im going to be exhausted.

the good news. we have 7 more babbits in the nest box, out of blackberry and silver...
the bad news, 1 was still born and she ate the other one
the good news, this is the first large litter ive had form her
the bad news, im going to have to go back to buying the 18% protein rabbit feed to prevent the baby momming from occuring...

the good news...ruby is also close to having puppies
the bad news, im going to hve to check her during the night too
the good news, least ill already be up...
the bad news..ive got a real sinking susipcion that ruby is going to go into labor about the same time lilly does and im going to need to somehow imediatly clone myself...

So yeah...thats the line up.

got rain comming in tonight into tomorrow and thursday so im goign to use that tie to finnish the coission and mabe do some tinkering in the greenhouse if the wind doesnt take it off to oz again....and i realy need to clean again

REALY pissed about the fundng for the spay ive told her to expect an email form me every week so that next time they get funding im literally one of the first on the list.
big problem here is thse 2 tray toms have been hanging around and today "knowing" dusty was going in for spay on thursday i didnt eimediatly grab her when she bolted out the door this morning and shes been out all day...*sigh*

oh well...whats meant to be right?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sorry you're going thru all this. :hugs If I was closer, I'd come over and spend the night w/you so there could be someone w/both the goaties and the doggies.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, ill be fine, but its definatly the downside of the whole living alone thing...

but thanks :D