Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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next time. i do know ive gotta head down to selmer one day probably next week. meeting a lady with a new rex buck for me.
ill let you know what day and if your not busy maybe i can stop by for a little while or something :)

i my still end up taking you up ons some plants lol
but i wanted to at least try
so after that post i got my but outside with my drill/electric screwdriver and some little drywall screw and youd be suprised at how easy those things go through those thin metal pipes lol
screwed through the plastic conectors and into the pipes. figure leastwith screws if i need tomove it at any point easy to take apart and screw back together again.
got the cover back n and then played in what dirt i had managed to salvage for a while.

had enough to put up some tomatoes for my frined who bought me some dirt to et started ebfore it tried to visit Oz
but in some dwarf tomatoe and swee tpeper veriteies for me too
most of the other stuff i want to put in i can easly direct sew, greens, peas, beans.
gotta check my planting guides and see when i need to start my squash and watermellon seeds in the greenhouse so will probably save whats left of the small bags of dirt for that.

im going to use the baby bunny money that i get to buy thedirt to fill the raised beds since if i dont get that doen soon ill have NO garden
by the time i got finnished with al that tough dusk was setting in,
ive got an early day tomorrow going to a rabbit show with E so i nstead of rushing in the morning, i did the water bottles, buckets, and the ducks pools and drinking water tonight, and gave the bunnies and goats thier hay ration tonight too...
then fed everyone, came in, ed the baby p-lets and then mae my dinner.
boiled beef ravioli with stewed tomatoes (last of last years batch) buig chunky maters, grenpepper onion and garlic with some basil and oregono) and sprinkled soe cheese on top...tit was sooo good but it was after 8 before i sat dow to eat it lol

aothe rhour or so, feed the p-lets the im off to bed. im tire and have n erly start tomorrow

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, you should be able to start your squash and watermelon seeds inside now.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Ditto what Deb said, i already have mine sprouting out in my greenhouse. They can be set out in 2-3 weeks. I have broccoli plants ready to set out NOW, and if you want some, just let me know. I got them in trade with some of my Amish buddies the other day, and i probably won't use all of them. There's like 80 plants :hu also, I still have manure you can have some of it, so bring a couple trash bags or bins or something if you remember and we'll shovel up some of that for you to fertilize your beds, that should cut back on buying so much soil as well. I have some more crates too if you want more. I keep getting more every truck load, so......take as many as you need. I may not have been able to share fresh berries with you, but I will give you some that we prepped for the freezer, and lime juice, and onions that we froze, and some of the dried ones as well if you want them and can use them. I still have several things, and you know me, I like to share ;) So YES, you need to come over for a visit!! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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k i think im going to hve to pln for a day next week then lol!

yesterday was fun...kinda a pain in the tuckus...but fun lol
see i whent to a rabbit show with E, she was going to pick up some buns she bought already and wanted the compan and as we know im now on the lookout for a rex buck...
so along i go. i took money along that id already desigated as "rabbit money" to buy some cages or my angoras since they cant be on ground if i want good fiber lol.
so took a look at the cages id seen listed noting realy suitable, all were top acess and would have needed a good soak and scrub...
ok home free unless someone has a rex...right?!
we waner, chat with some frines fomr the facebook group, wander some more and while im browsing ellen calls me over, shes looking t this lovely little broken opal holland lop buck, but shes full house...
she knows i want to use holands to work onmini plush rex, so she asked if hed work...
next thinkiknwo shes brought him a hell be staying at my house and shell be using him as needed...yup im now the proud co-owner of a beautiful (all be it freeked out and rather mean right now) holland lop buck.
so...wander, wander wander...
now i may or may not have mentined here that theres 1 breed that i adore more than my rex, 1 breed i ust cant helpbut go ga-ga over every time i see the and 1 bre ive always wanted but have never been able to afford, the excer expensive English Lop...not these big floppy eared babies usually run anything from $50 for a sub par no ped pet quality/retured up to $200 for a nice how quality pedigred youngester...obviously ntoeven remotly within my budget, EVER...
plus theres very very few breeders, especially in this area of the coutry
needless to say i like to rool over the e-lops at shows because i knwo ill never own one...

well,i couldt be any more wrong...LOL!
out of 2 e-lp breeders there and showing 1 had 1 bunny for sale...a STUNNING (and i mean gorgeous) big floppy broken blue tort buck...
i hesitated to ask, pained to hear how much more money than i coudl afford hed be....but the breeder stated chatting, explained he couldt be shown because his ears are about 1/4 an inch too short...and thats why she was selling him, (hes only 7months, hes not odone growing yet) i girtted my teeth and said "out of much" and held my breath...
$25....with pedigree!!!

my heart skipped a beat, but i think i remained calm enough lol, told her, "you know what, if i can find somehting to take him home in, i might take him..."
she alls her hubby over, tells hi "shell take luigi if she can find a box or something, and he offered me a very nice condition 2 hole carrier for sale..."make me an offer" he said
im jumping inside but i go "i dunno how much you want. (new this sie is usualy about $30, used ie seen them $20-$25 in this condition...) ill take $10 for it...he tells me...
i dont know how my eyes didnt go wide at that 10 i woudl have bought more! lol
so i hmmd a few mins...petted him, fell inlove a little more...i alread knew he was comming home (i can breed him to my rx for large velveteens) and offered them $30 for himand the carrier with pedigree...
they accepted...WHAT?! holy WHAT!?
Luigi will be now known as Thistle (hes not a luigi) and will in all hnestly PROBABLY become a house bunny and occaionally bred to some of the rex does.

and then im wandering round with my new carrier and bunny that i pratcially STOLE from these people...and meet back up with E whos loading up some of her french angora and a woman comes over and asks i shes interested in anymore...lead us to her statio where shes got a chocolate french buck and a lovely big REW SATIN angora doe...
pure bred, no papers....when i started looking into getting angora, satins were top of my list but finding any in this area, HAH good luck, and inding anything even pet quality for under $100...
E looked at her or a few mins, chatted, i knew E. wasnt too interested due to size, shes into LITTLE the smaller the better...but she asked how ive told E how much satin angoras go for usually...and the woman goes...$10 cause i dont have a pedigree on her and she just finnished weaing a litter so shes a little ragged right now in coat...
miss "im not bringing home any bunnies, just cages...spent her cage money on 2 rabbits and a carrier (and somehow came home with 3 rabbits thanks to me E.s co-owner idea lol.
more so i came home with my 2 dream bunnies and a nice carrier...
even E. said, it was meant to be, i i wernt meant to bring these bunies hme they would nOT have had the exact breeds ive bee looking for at MY prices!!!

anywho. told e now i was in toruble cause i need to buy the stuff to make new cages and she had already offered me a bunch of realy nice wire perfect for making some realy seriously nice bunny cages, so she offered me her truck today to go pick it all up.

well on the way to her house this morning im thinking id rather not load, drive the truck home unload dirve back to here to drop he truck offdrive ahome ect and end up rishing cause she needs her truck this afternoon, so i figured Convertable and british magial sense of spacial manipulation and years f tetris to the recue.
ve got enough wire in my care to make a good number of bunny cages certianly enough for the 3 angora, the crazy holland buck 2 rex bucks (because im going to remove silver and get a 2nd buck, keep them seperate so i can better control whos bred and when...especially now i want to work on mini plush and velveteens) and have enough left over to make some baby cages, and extras!

needless to say, plase dont ever tell my car shes not a truck...

came home, had a yogurt for breakfast, typed this and now im going to go out with my notepad, tape measure and pen an start unloading and measuring the peices i have so i can start designing and sizign cage banks.

im thinking the angora will probably go under the carport for now of all the uns i have they are going to be the most heat sensitive as ive no plans to shave them since i want the best fiber possible...
then he others will go out by the colony pens and ill use the current hutch material to build a frame and put a roof over to protect them ect...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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33 peices of enamal coated wire in various lengtsh from 109" to 29" all unloaded from my care and put together in order of size
now i just nee to figure out lots and lot of math.
this wire is pretty heavy guage not normal cage or fence wire, so i want to avoid cuts whenever possible lol
the good news is, these are going to be some seriously STRONG cages lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It must be YOUR day - seriously! Dontcha just love it when the stars are all aligned in your favor, lol!?!

Congrats on getting your dream bunnies and all the other stuff too!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Sweet sweet deals sis! :weee Glad you got what you wanted for such reasonable prices!! That's amazing!!! :thumbsup


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and another beautiful weather day to add to it...

and this evening checked the nestboxes and my tri-doe who must have been empregnated by bigwig before he got sick has a litter of 6 kits in the box, built a lovely nest and it looks like 2 solid/otter, and 4 Broken!!!

its realy starting to feel like spring is in the air.
got someone comming to look at one of the babies tomorrow, my bloodwork set up for tomorrow afternoon...
grocery shopping on tuesday
plans to start building cages wednesday
memhis on thursday...
cage building friday

going to be a crzy week!!!