Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
After an appt. with my family doctor, he seems to think it's not a kidney stone after all. Maybe I have a ruptured ovarian cyst. That pain is similar to kidney stones.

My side seems always sore, and the pain can be intense at times. I'm allergic to the pain pills from the ER (itchy rash), so I'm controlling it with lots of Advil until my next appt.

My Aunt came home from the hospital Friday afternoon, and not a moment too soon. She had developed a syndrome common in the elderly when they are out of familiar surroundings for a while.

The last day in the hospital, she thought she was at home. She would walk the halls looking for something to clean. I had to physically keep her from going into other patient's rooms. She wanted to wash dishes so the nurse gave her a washcloth. She washed the styrofoam cups in the room. When she saw the cars in the parking lot, she suddenly was alarmed at all the people in her yard. At least it wasn't a "mean" confusion. Actually, it was amusing at times.

Her Dr. was right. After a few hours or being home, she returned to "her normal". She remembered telling me she would bake us some pecan pies. Sure enought, she called and told me they were ready. Thank God, because we were even discussing nursing homes at one time.

Yesterday, I caught up on all the house cleaning that had been neglected. Laundry sure can pile up quickly. I hung out four loads since it was such a nice day. Got the house spiffed up and cooked supper for the first time in four days - back to "my normal".

Last night, we got just a sprikling of snow. It's been mostly sun this morning, with a few scattered flakes.

My tulips are beginning to come up. Things are greening up a little - just in time to get bit back.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
A few years back I planted some snow drops and jumbo crocus right near my front steps. Best flowers I ever planted! They are not big or flashy - you hardly notice them, but when they start to bloom the most glorious rose never looked so beautiful to me! They are my little ray of hope. Spring IS on it's way!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Wow!! Today is March 1st. In like a lion is sure true this year. We had snow showers and 35 mph wind gusts. I didn't see the chickens in the runs much today. I can't blame them, it's just too cold.

I'm sooooo tired of cold weather. Everytime I walk to the greenhouse, I go by that muddy rectangle that isn't a garden, yet.
I can't wait for that first fresh cucumber or green onion.

The seedlings in the greenhouse are doing very well. The broccoli will be ready in about 2 weeks and the cabbages in 3-4. The tomatoes and peppers are poking out. Next week will be the second round of tomatoes. We had to start the kerosene heater since it's supposed to be in the 20's.

For some reason, DH said he would like to get a milk cow this year. What???? We need a barn and fencing, first. No, wait. First, is getting the hoop house for older seedlings up and ready.

This past week, I have been listing alot of stuff on ebay. I've sold about $75 worth so far. I went by the consignment store and they told me that I've sold $48 worth of clothes.It's all stuff that I had for a while, hadn't used and won't miss. Just mail me the check and I'll bring more stuff in.;)

It's nice to see the days getting longer. My saucer magnolia tree has huge buds on it. After the next to nights, they'll just turn brown since it's supposed to be in the 20's.

I guess the only downside is that I still have these blasted kidney stones to deal with. There's always a constant "tenderness" , although sometimes they let me know who's in charge. :sick

Tomorrow is mainly test day for the boys. Tuesday is balance day (when books should be completed). I also have a Dr's appt. with a urologist (sp) Tuesday. Maybe I'll also get the chance to swing by Goodwill . . .


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Wow!! Lots of stuff going on.

First, kidney stone is gone and I'm feeling great! Thanks for all the well wishes.

I've been planting tomatoes in the greenhouse since the middle of Feb. Some of those have already been transplanted into 4" cups. More are on the way since I planted about every 10 days to 2 weeks. By the middle of April, I'll have about 300 or more ready to sell in gallon containers.

Along with tomatoes, I've got watermelons, cantaloupes, zukes, squash and cauliflower. All of the broccoli is sold and most of the cabbages are gone.

I still have a hard time with pepper plants, though. My germination rate is about 33%.

My DS got a job!!! One of his buddies' dad got him an application at a Maint/Const company. A week after he turned it in, they called him for a drug test. Four days later, he started work. The pay pretty good, too. Especially for a kid still in his senior year without much work experience. He works 4 - 10 hour shifts at $9/hr. If they call him in, he gets double time. Since we homeschool, he does his schoolwork in the evenings. Works out pretty good for him.

On a sad note, one of my Black Australorps died last week. I don't know why. She wasn't showing any signs of sickness. I'm keeping my eye on the others.

My sewing projects are going along. I've made several purses for gifts and a couple for myself. I usually work on that until the greenhouse is warm enough to work up there.

Onions, broccoli and cabbages are planted in the garden. I also put in 2 year old asparagus crowns. Gotta get the cauliflower in next.

Other than that, I am sooooooo glad that spring is here!!!!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
So thankful that your kidney stones are gone! What a blessing.

With the pain out of the way nothing should hold you back now!

On a veggie note - we are having germination troubles with our peppers as well ... do you have any idea why? I am thinking temps need to be warmer.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Farmfresh said:
So thankful that your kidney stones are gone! What a blessing.

With the pain out of the way nothing should hold you back now!

On a veggie note - we are having germination troubles with our peppers as well ... do you have any idea why? I am thinking temps need to be warmer.
Peppers do like it hot - about 70-75 degrees and like it pretty consistenly. Mine were on heat mats and had domes. Still just didn't get a good germ. rate. The cayennes were the worst at less than 1/3. I guess I'll just buy wholesale this year.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
For the past 2 months it seems as if the greenhouse has been my second home. I hope days and days of hard work will pay off in the next two weeks. I say "hard work", but it truly is something I enjoy.

My veggie plants are ready for sale. :weee We have already taken down 3 (6x12) trailer loads full of flats. Tomatoes of all different sizes, melons, squash, peppers, zukes and more. I'll have more ready in a couple of weeks.

The custom orders have tripled. More people are putting out a bigger garden or their first garden this year. We are even putting in an additional corn and melon patch ourselves.

Next year, I'm going to start selling seed: bulk, pound, ounce or whatever. Fruit trees and berry bushes aren't out of the question either. Now, that I have the space, I can even dig up monkey grass and iris' for the next year. I rooted about 8 flats of strawberries last year, but I gave most of those away. Next year, they'll have a price on them.

I'm also trying to establish contacts for orders for next garden season. Kind of what you want, how many you want, how big you want it and when you want it. By doing that, I can guage my budget more easily. But, whatever doesn't sell, we plant it. :D

I have missed you guys. I haven't posted but I have been reading some. Kidney stones are long gone, son is still working hard at his job and will graduate high school in about a month. DH is his same wonderful self. My 83 year old dad is about 10 years younger now that it's garden season. :gig

Life is good!!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I am sitting home with the flu today and just reading about your greenhouse has made me feel a ton better already.

Congratulations on the new business Punkin!

The best job in the world is the one we enjoy!:D


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Nice to hear from you darlin', I thought maybe you had sewn yourself into a coma! ;)

I would love to have a greenhouse and sell some plants....maybe in the future it will be something I can do but I am so glad things are going well for you. Sounds like you have really been busy, good busy though. I know you are glad to be rid of those kidney stones, what a relief!

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