Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
If you have another type of nest box to place inside of the pen it might work OK.

I like to use wire bottom pens like those to break up a broody.

Plus I like my hen to have a little more "exercise" space for the short time she IS off the nest each day. We used a little protected run with a coop and placed the food and water well away from the nest, so the hen had to move around a little and would poo her big broody poo away from the nest as well.

A situation like my City Biddy Hen House would be ideal with a small run attached and a lowered nest box. That way the hen could care for her new chicks in safety as well.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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So my A-Frame set-up with the run would be better? OK! :D Thank you!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I was having a good Mother's Day until I logged online.

I have a facebook account. Only have about 4 friends on it, maybe 5, because I had no interest in re-connecting with all my "old highschool classmates" and only wanted to put my close friends on my friends.

Well, one of my "friends" is from highschool, and she knows those were the worst 4 years for me, I have very few good memories, and I couldn't wait for graduation so I wouldn't have to look at or know anything about any of those people again EVER.

Now this "friend" is posting old photos from highschool on her page, said none of us are safe from it, and we've been forewarned. I am NOT a huge fan of having my picture (unless I choose to put it there) plastered over the internet. I also find it peculiar that these people can't seem to move beyond highschool, they have to keep in touch with everyone from the graduating class and know nearly every detail of our lives over the last 11 years.

I've worked very hard to keep my life private from all of my former classmates. I didn't get along with them, pretty much hated the school I was in with a passion, and have no interest in forming "friendships" with any of them now.

Highschool is so important to these people that they all stay close to the area, go to ALL of the highschool football games, and discuss all the great games from 20-30 years ago. Yet, we didn't have a 5 or 10 year reunion (truthfully I'm glad for it!) and when they were planning one, my two "best friends" whom I barely speak to now, tried repeatedly to talk me into going...I was adamant with NO NO NO.

My mom took me with her to pick up my brother from scouts once, and found out one of the ladies working with the scouts was one of my former classmates and she was the one who was going to be sending out the invites for a reunion. I told her there was no point in sending me one, because I wouldn't go, and I would throw the invite away.

She was shocked, and asked why I felt that way. I told in her no uncertain terms that highschool was very traumatizing for me thanks to my classmates, and that there was nothing nothing on this earth that would make me want to see any of them ever. It was at that point that I broke down into tears and shouted at her (and we were in a church and my mom was right there, and said she completely understood my reaction) that I had never in my life had to endure such cruel people before or since highschool. Never.

Edited to remove some not needed angry commentary.

And to add, I don't think she should be allowed to post my pictures on her facebook!!! :(


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
You are not alone. I never went to any reunions, never will, never responded to request for info, have no desire to see anyone from high school, still get a bad feeling when I drive by the school, and it has been decades!

I still clearly remember the teacher's face, watching my reaction (trying desperately not to cry) while a group of students taunted me for my out-of-fashion clothing and for my minority (in that area) religion. To this day, I REFUSE to purchase or wear anything that is in style currently.....well, I do wear those gauzy skirts and they came in style briefly, but since I was already wearing them, I continued..... To this day I think of that teacher with disgust.

Later I was working for a prominant businessman in the neighboring small town, managing his horses and working with his children and housesitting his home, (which essentially made me the most important employee!) when the leader of the taunters was hired by the company. Newbies were often assigned to make repairs on the farm when work was slow, so he ended up working under me for a while. I couldn't help but say I would tell the boss we went to high school together. You shoulda seen the panic on his face, apologizing and begging me to say nothing about those days. It was a thing of beauty.

You and I, Aly, grew up to be quality people, full of compassion and truly happy in many ways in our lovely lives. :hugs


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I hear you Aly!

I did not have particular problems with high school - mainly because I refused to "participate". I just went to class, got my grades and went on home to my garden & my animals. Lots of people seemed to know who I was, but I only bothered to learn a few of them. We had NOTHING in common. The best thing to come out of high school with me was hubby ... and he was as anti-(High School) social as I am! I graduated at semester and got married and a got a job. Best decision ever!

I have totally avoided those re-unions and other means to "stay in contact". I think those poor folks have nothing to look forward to... nothing interesting going on ... sadly they are forced to re-live the pitiful lives they had in high school.

Oh yeah.. in high school (1978 - 1981) my fashion usually existed of boot cut Wranglers, a T-shirt, moccasins or boots (depending on the season) and an old army jacket. I kind of missed the disco thing (on purpose). I had horses to work and hens to feed... too busy. I usually woke up around 5 AM did chores and worked at least one horse BEFORE shower and school. My after school sports usually consisted of working more horses or watching TV or hiking with (now) hubby.

Glad we have other people HERE who understand us. Chin up dear!:hugs

edited to include: Happy Mothers DAY!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
While my highschool experience wasn't traumatizing like yours, Aly, I don't attend reunions either.....went one time and was NOT impressed with their level of maturity any more than I was while we were in high school. :rolleyes: They still thought getting drunk was fun~10 years after graduating~ and one of my former friends tried to pick me up all night...right in front of his second wife! :/

It seems we were all kind of different from our classmates...some of us more than a little. FF, I too wore nothing that would have been considered in style....I wore MY style! Jeans, flannel shirts, tennies.

We were homesteading then, so my life was much like yours....up at 4 am, school, work all evening, books, animals, more work....not much socializing until my senior year, and even then it was a sampling of select individuals from all groups.

Its been my experience that people who were cruel in high school don't usually get nicer with age.....a few, but not many. You are right to avoid them if you feel they are still empty, shallow and cruel. :(


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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I also don't attend high renions and don't keep up with anybody from highschool. We had nothing in common and I was always in jean and tennies. I just didn't fit in, wasn't popular and wasn't a nobody, just different. I didn't and don't party, so there was part of the problem. I wouldn't want to relive those days for anything.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well, now I know why I like ya'll!! We almost all dress the same!! In highschool, my dress was jeans, t-shirt, tennis shoes, and flannel shirts when it was cool out....would run a brush through my hair, maybe wear a pony tail, but hairspray? what's that???

I had no interest in "fitting in" I just wanted to "get out" and start living my life!

I am so thankful for the supportive, caring people here!

Today's going to be a better day. ;) We are heading to the auction, taking some rabbits in, and then stopping at TSC to get some feed, while trying to practice Self Control since they have chicks on sale for $1 each!!!!!!!!!! I already came home with 10 of the $1 chicks on Saturday!!!!!! I don't need more!

Oh and while we were leaving TSC on Saturday, a lady came in with a pure bred Dutch bunny, a male, who she couldn't use to show because his white band around his back/neck where ever it should be wasn't just right. It is slightly mismarked. He was beautiful in my opinion, and DH and I had talked to this woman in the past about her Dutch Show Rabbits, but couldn't afford one. This guy has good conformation, just markings are off. His face and ears are perfect, it is just his white band that is off, so she let us take him at 1/4 the cost she normally sells her bunnies! I think he's adorable!!

So some of the older rabbits I have are going to the auction. I have two bred does right now ready to have their litters any day, 2 more buff does due in about 2 weeks, and the lionhead/lop doe that I just got, whom I put with a buck before I sell him. So in the next month, I should have 5 litters, girls will go to auction, boys in the freezer.

Today the older bucks are going to auction.

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