With the chicks right there next to you is it addicting to watch them?? We can literally get mesmorized by our chicks when they are in the house and want to just constantly watch them. I even let my kiddos pull them out and play with them in the living room...I am pretty sure I have pictures of my two littles playing with them in the living room. I know there are pictures of my 6 yo out in the chicken pen...he looks so cute in the picture where he is holding two of the chickens up by his face!
The first time I had chicks in a brooder, yes it was very addicting. I found I wanted to just sit and play with them all the time.
Now I kind of look at them differently. They are potential income for my family. Yea, I know there is this whooooooooole thread on BYC about backyard chicken breeders being comparable to puppy millers (whatever!), but I plan to take the utmost care of my birds. At first I thought I would want to sell hatching eggs and chicks, but now I have decided the goal is going to be selling hatching eggs and started trios. Trios, because I feel if I can help ONE family have a small flock (trio of birds) then I have made it possible for someone to acquire a food source for their own back yard.
You and me both! I keep trying to figure out where they get that these backyard hatcheries are just there to make a quick buck....most times with selling eggs or birds, I am just breaking even or covering feed costs.
I don't even think that I am breaking even. I give away more than I sell and I sell for less than they are worth. But then I consider us blessed. We are thankful that we have enough for ourselves and we pray that we will have enough to share with others.
Not much happened today. Kids were kids lol..got our Angel Food order today...um...oh yea
So in like a week and a couple day's I'll be turning 30. We never do much for our birthdays, but my mom asked if I would like a 30 party. Um, no, but thanks.
I really am not minding this birthday. I know many people that made a fuss about turning 30, like it was the most horrible thing. Honestly, I feel like I am coming into my own, if that makes sense. I feel like I am approaching a rite of passage. I am finally leaving the roaring 20's behind and reaching the decade that people finally recognize you as an adult. An equal.
Now everyone can quit telling me I'm still a baby
So a few weeks ago Dh and I had passed this little farm, had something for sale that I want. Won't say what that is yet. Last week I told DH that's what I want for Christmas. He laughed and said, Oh yea? I said yea. This thing I am telling you would cost us plenty, but, would also eventually make some money, or be used for personal benefit.
So anyhoo..DH goes to work today, and I am doing my thing browsing eBay, and I just type in hatching eggs. I come across these HUGE beautiful dark green eggs...DH comes home and I tell him "I know what I want for my birthday!" He says, "You aren't getting ________" I laughed and said, "No, not that, I want that for Christmas! For my birthday I want an Emu egg!"
And this is where I pick my DH up off the floor.
He says, do you know how big those things get?! Do you know they can run up to 35 miles an hour?!
and once again, HE DIDN'T SAY NO!!
This man is too much an enabler!
Anyhoo...I told him it's either the Emu egg or the _________ I saw a few weeks ago. He's having none of it. I told him I would be willing to wait until we get our tax return to get the _____________ . That seemed to bode well with him so.....
Not getting an Emu egg (for now) but might be getting _____________ come spring!!!