Went out this morning to feed the chooks...I had to crack up laughing at the new kids!
First, Pocket, my buff orp roo, figured out there were new roos on the place....so of course he flies out of his run (ok wing clipping time!) and mosey's on over to the duck run, where Monroe is standing at the wire. I was so scared the two were going to start at it, so I grabbed the feed scoop and a handful of scratch and bribed Pocket back into his own run. Situation diverted!
I fed all the regulars first, so no one would be scrambling to get in with the new group. They like to do that on occassion lol I then stepped into the duck run to fill feeders and waterers for the new group.
Omigoodness did I ever crack up!
First, Elizabeth is definite the Royalty of the group!! She had to be the first one up, after having been the last to bed, and Monroe was second. Polk, Quincy, and Louisa ambled out, but only after I gave them a little encouragement. Then amid squaks and clucking, found the food and water I had put down, but refused to eat until I had removed myself from their presence. HAHAHA They just need to get used to me. They still didn't eat until Elizabeth had her first bite! I was so shocked! I couldn't believe it LOL
I sooo love Louisa! She has such full feathering, and she looks like she is gliding around the run, like a genteel lady in her expensive blue ball gown! I have to take pics to show ya'll, but I am telling you, pictures do NOT do these beautiful chickens justice!
keljonma, I cannot express my gratitude enough for allowing me to adopt these beautiful chickens into my home! er well, onto my farm LOL If Dh would let them in the house, I would be making/buying chicken diapers!!!
I promise! Pics later today!! (if I find the time! got packages to ship out first!)
Morning greeting: "There's my pretty chicks. How ya doing chicks? Come on, kids, let's get some breakfast. It's okay chick, chick, chick."
Louisa and Polk have always been the last to check out a new situation.
ETA: This morning, Sam, our Golden Campine roo, was crowing like a mad man in the barn. Then he stopped and you could tell he was waiting to hear from the 3 tenors in the house. When he didn't hear anything, he tried again. No response. And again. No response.
How do you ladies remember the names of every chicken and keep them straight??? I don't even bother naming mine because I could not keep them straight if my life depended on it! If I had large animals like goats or a cow I could...but only up to like the first 5! Not sure I could keep them straight after that!!
oh, keljonma, I am sorry he is missing the three tenors! They were sure singing up a storm here this morning, though!
Wonder what my neighbors think with 10 roos crowing each morning now LOL
Pam it is easy to keep names straight if you only have a few of each, but with the buff orps, I only named the roo and one hen. I mostly name my roosters and the few hens I have that I am able to differentiate between.
Ok here are a few pics as promised It is raining here, so they are hanging out in their house, which I am thankful about LOL
Here's a couple of Quincy first
Quincy and Polk
Monroe (and that's Louisa next to him)
Louisa and Polk decided to put their heads together for a powwow...they were trying to figure out who I was and where they were....probably plotting an escape LOL
Here is Louisa...isn't she just GORGEOUS?! ok well, they are ALL gorgeous! but this big fluffy girl has completely stolen my heart!
They're all beautiful. I really like Quincy. He looks like you sprayed him with hairspray and held him out the window on the way home.
I'm kind of like you with naming chickens. Each have their own name. Except for the Buffs. They're all called Goldie and Bette after the first two we had. Now I can't tell them apart.
Okay, I'm jealous...they are BEAUTIFUL!!!! I guess I'll just have to settle for my plain little ol chickies for now until we get more space and I swear i'm getting frizzles.