Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I am SICK.

I've been fighting off a cold for a couple days now, and today I just feel sooo BLAH!

Only thing I've accomplished so far is I got one order of eggs shipped. I have two more orders to send out today, and I think once I have them out, I'm going to take a NAP.

Well, that's what I want to do, but I have eggies to move from incubator to hatcher first. Always something to do here :lol:

I had two of the 3 silkie eggs hatch. Candled the third, and doesn't look like there's any life in it. I ended up with one blue and one splash! Which makes me happy, and I hope at least one is a roo!!

That only puts me at a count of 4 silkies! I don't want/need anymore silkies than that.

I really don't even want silkies, period, as I've not bought into that addiction. I only have them so I can hopefully have hatching eggs from my silkies to sell next year. Or eggs to hatch out and sell BBS Silkie chicks! :p

A couple weeks ago I got a blue slate turkey from Becca. Keeping in with my medievel/knights etc theme, we named her Saphira, after the Dragon in the Eragon books. My Royal Palms are a year old, and Saphira is nearly as big as Lance, my RP tom! Lance just loves Saphira! If anyone tries to pick her up, he attacks! Gwen is setting a nest of 15 pure RP eggs. I'm looking forward to them hatching in about 3 weeks. Late clutch for her, but since I know these are 100% pure poults, we plan to raise them up until we can sex them and keep the best for our breeding pens and sell the rest off in pairs or trios or what have you. Means they will probably be at least 4 months old or so before I let them go.

My Speckled Sussex eggs from bargain on BYC are due to start hatching tomorrow. I'm super excited for them. I had 9 of 12 eggs make it to the end :fl that at least half hatch. I could really use another roo, as I think the last Sussex I had hatch from bargain is another pullet, and I'm happy to add more pullets/bloodlines to my already small Sussex flock of 6 hens and 1 roo.

Then I have some mutt eggs from my own girls and 3 BLRW eggs from my own flock due to hatch. Soon as the eggs in the 'bator are all out to the hatcher, I plan to start filling my incubator up with my own BLRW eggs. Plan to raise some up to sell at the October swap, and keep some for my own breeding pen.

And, of course, if my dear friend keljonma gets the local house and moves her flock over there with her, I hope to send a BLRW pullet her way. :) but shh don't tell her! :lol: We'll make it a surprise for Christmas!

I don't know how many of ya'll realize it, but during the Holidays last year, keljonma and her husband gifted me the five chickerdoodles...I recieved Monroe and Elizabeth, cuckoo marans, and Polk, Quincy, and Louisa, all cochins. Cochins were one of the breeds I'd been wanting soooo badly, so she really blessed me with her gift. Monroe and Elizabeth were originally for my mom, but once I saw them, yes, I became greedy, and wanted to keep them. My mom was fine with that, and I have so enjoyed them!

We've really been blessed in the friends we've made through SS, both the ones we've met and have living close by (or moving closer lol) and the ones we haven't met. We all are walking different paths, and some of us have different beliefs, but ya'll have been a wonderful group of friends and support for Ernie and me this year. I cannot thank you enough for the prayers, the encouragement, the laughs, and even the occassional tears...

Like now...I'm such a sap I made myself cry. lol

I hope that all of you, my fellow SS friends, are the recipients of many blessings. While we may have had a lot of things going on for us this year, all in all, it was all worth it, all of it provided blessings in some way or another. I wouldn't change anything that's happened to us so far this year (not even the CPS visit! because there are blessings coming our way from even that!). I can only give the credit and glory to God, who's never faltered or failed me, my husband, or my children, even though we've stumbled several times along our way.

Oh and one more thing, we're going redneck! We were offered a free swimming pool!!!!!!! So, how redneck is THAT? No running water, but we'll have a POOL! and we can have the fire department fill it up :gig We figure we'll set it up this year, but not fill it till next spring...and maybe we'll have our well by then, too.

Hugs to ya'll, and I hope ya'll have a great day!!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Yay!! We got a free pool when I was a kid and it was just the best thing ever! It was an 18 foot above ground and we got so much use out of it. I wish we had enough sunny space here. When DH bought the house there was a pool here and we used it once in a while but it was really too cold because the sun never shown on it. Then a huge branch from the white pine fell on it. Now my little water garden is in that spot.
I'm so happy for you with all your birdies!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
I think you should look at Dace's World - and the ideas for farm raised fish..... :lol:

I hope you feel better REAL soon! Or I'll have to feed ya some sauerkraut soup! ;)


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
You are such a great lady with such a wonderful way of looking at life. I only wish that I could somehow manage to maintain your level of faith...I do struggle with why things always seem to be so hard for us.

Dh & I were just talking about that this morning when he was telling me that the company he works for seems to be out of money, hasn't paid rent in 4 mos and are about to be kicked out of their facility....which for us means that we have not had a full paycheck in a few months and we are starting to feel the pain. Bills are coming due, pantry could use a good stocking, and we desperately need another vehicle....here I did not realize things were so bad at work and mentally I am house shopping. :barnie

Please send some of your overwhelming faith and gratitude my way, I am running low.

Sorry to bring a rain cloud to your porch :hugs


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Dace said:
Please send some of your overwhelming faith and gratitude my way, I am running low.

Sorry to bring a rain cloud to your porch :hugs
:hugs I am happy to share my faith and gratitude with you! :)

Just keep on Believing! God hasn't failed my family yet, and He's holding you in the same hands as he's holding us.

Remember, the Bible tells us that He sees each sparrow that falls. If He cares that much for one (or even a thousand) tiny sparrow, then imagine how much He cares for YOU! :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hi! Nice to meet you! I was wondering how you feed all those chickens? We can barely afford to keep ours. Oh! and speaking of hatching, I just hatched out some of the prettiest EE's around! And by the way our last foal born was named saphira out of the same series! Isn't that funny!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Aly, its time to take "The Treatment" for that cold! It works so well for me and mine!

Hope you get to feeling better! :hugs

Hey, someone tried to trade me 16 Friesian cross sheep for Blossom today! No joke. :rolleyes: Weird, huh? :hu


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Not sure what the treatment is, Bee?

Have a busy day planned out today. Keljonma will be down sometime, so I'll be taking the truck back up to the house they are moving from and bringing down a truckload for them today. Plus a local friend has gone on a mini vacation and I promised to stop by to feed and water all of their animals while they are gone.

I tried to post eggs for sale on our sister site, and normally I do ok with that. Yesterday several members went into a genetic discussion regarding my Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, telling me that all of my flock are splash, I'll only get splash from them. I've told them several times I do have one Blue Laced Red hen, the rest are splash. They've completely ignored me, and one person even said I should change the title of my post because I don't have BLRW! :ep None of my paying customers have complained, not once! I like the colors of my girls, and I don't care for the super dark ones where you can barely see their lacing. Mine have the proper combs and the lacing is very prominent.

Sometimes I just wanna :smack some members.

If I wanted a lesson in genetics/coloring, I wouldn't have posted in the Eggs for Sale section, I'd put it in the genetics. Funny thing, I took biology in both highschool and college, so yea, I KNOW how genetics work!

I reported my own thread and asked it be locked. I won't be offering my eggs there for a while. I will probably start looking at eBay to sell them. Would rather pay fees and not have the option for people to pick my birds apart! I love my BLRW's! They are my barnyard favorite. :(