Yes, I am getting two ferrets for my birthday, a dark sable boy named Bandit (changing his name to Kodo) and a cinnamon Panda girl named River (cute, so we'll keep it!)
Anyway, thought I would share some pics of my three fuzzybutts!!
This is Meeko, he was the first ferret I ever got. We bought him at a petstore in April 2007 when he was 8 weeks old.
He loooves to ham it up for the camera!
I don't know much about ferrets, though I think they are cute as all get out.....what is the "rice box"? Ferret litter box? Play station for ferret-kind?
These are pics of Snickers, who we adopted October 2007. He was being severely neglected in his former home and was nearly starved to death when we got him. Lots of proper food and love, and within 2 weeks he was bouncing around the house like he owned it.
Ferrets naturally like to dig, and if you value your carpet, a rice box is a good outlet for the digging LOL
It is also a nice way to "freshen" them up between baths. Ferrets release oils into their fur that sometimes give off an odor. The rice absorbs some of this oil, keeping their coats shiny and soft, and the odor down. Bathing ferrets too often causes the oil glands to release more oils, increasing the odor, so the rice box is a good alternative to monthly bathing.
I give my ferrets a bath once every six months, and we don't have too many odor issues here.