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- #3,971
Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Actually, we had borrowed Becca's sawsall last year. I don't remember if I used it or not. I know E did.
My favorite saw that we have is our cordless saw. I cut a lot with that! Just today I went and got it out of the barn and started sawing what I needed for the project I was working on. I glanced up and saw E staring at me with a big dopey grin on his face. He thinks it's sexy when I use the power tools
I think, really, though, he was pleased to see I just went and got it and did it myself without bothering him.
I'm a big girl now!
My current project is the indoor bantam breeding pens in my coop addition. I'm trying to build 6 individual pens that will hold my Bantam Cochins, Mille Fleurs, and Quail d'Anvers.
Today I also made a small discovery - I've been drooling over everyone's Mille Fleur Cochin's on BYC - and while I do have an egg trade in the works with a BYC member for some Mille Fleur Cochin eggs, I suddenly realized I have everything I need here to work on my own Mille Fleur Cochin project!
And no, I'm not telling what I'm using for my recipe...I want to see what I get out of my first crossing.
My favorite saw that we have is our cordless saw. I cut a lot with that! Just today I went and got it out of the barn and started sawing what I needed for the project I was working on. I glanced up and saw E staring at me with a big dopey grin on his face. He thinks it's sexy when I use the power tools

I'm a big girl now!

My current project is the indoor bantam breeding pens in my coop addition. I'm trying to build 6 individual pens that will hold my Bantam Cochins, Mille Fleurs, and Quail d'Anvers.
Today I also made a small discovery - I've been drooling over everyone's Mille Fleur Cochin's on BYC - and while I do have an egg trade in the works with a BYC member for some Mille Fleur Cochin eggs, I suddenly realized I have everything I need here to work on my own Mille Fleur Cochin project!
And no, I'm not telling what I'm using for my recipe...I want to see what I get out of my first crossing.