And speaking of eggs.
I had my lovely eggs in the incubator. And much like a first time mother I want only perfect conditions for those eggs...nothing is too good for those eggs.
And here came my daughter with coat pockets full of grubby eggs wanting to know if she could "pop them in the 'bator just in case". Apparently a hen that had been sitting for the past two weeks decided to abandon the nest and go walkabout. Only they had been sitting out in the cold for a full 48 hours. My daughter kept hoping the hen was going to come back to them.
48 hours strewn about on the floor of the coop because yes, the hen had thrown all the eggs out of the nest.
We put them in the incubator six days ago and I made sure they weren't touching MY eggs. After one day, one egg started growing odd projections rather like an egg in boiling water will sometimes crack open. Only it wasn't cracking open. More like tendrils of stuff were oozing out. Got that out of there immediately. Another egg had a crack in it and she had taped it shut. It was an obvious no go after four days.
Those eggs are giving me the shudders. They are off colored and I want to pitch them out! But no. "just in case" I am faithfully turning them three times a day (after turning my own eggs cause I don't want those creepy little eggs putting germs on my hands and contaminating my precious eggs).
And this morning I turned them...and they started cheeping! They aren't creepy little eggs after all. They are strong little chicks that are surviving some major odds. We should hopefully have at least one chick out this afternoon.
Congratulations on the new *creepy* babies! What are the odds? Feisty little things, aren't they?
When my girl went broody last Spring I had only 2 laying hens at the time. One was the broody - and she was setting, but hadn't actually laid anything. From the other I got 2 fresh eggs to put under *Mum*, but I also pulled 4 eggs out of the 'fridge. It was more to give her something to sit on; I didn't have high hopes, and had read differing opinions about the viability of refrigerated eggs. Well, of the 6 eggs, 4 hatched (the 2 that didn't were both from the 'fridge)! An experiment I would definitely do again if I didn't have enough *fresh, warm* eggs for a broody.
Yes I quite agree on the bacteria worry but no, these all have a lovely little chick in them. Luck is with us.
We have (drumroll please) one black showgirl chick with a vaulted skull. Adriana has named her Tantrum for the way she had that egg rocking and rolling. I suggested something more refined like, say, Hissyfit. But Tantrum she is. One other egg has a pip and the third egg is obviously holding a live chick so for now, I have my fingers crossed.
Today as I was walking to work, it was noticeably warmer. I usually wear a cotton pullover sweater over a t-shirt. I was actually warm enough to have to take off the sweater.
Someone was burning mesquite in their fireplace this morning. It smelled wonderful. And I laughed that anyone here would have a fireplace. And laughed that I was stripping down to my T while they had a fire going. and I laughed at all the people snug in their houses not even realizing what a gorgeous morning it is, and not realizing they are inside, missing all the fun.
It is truly a beautiful morning.