Rathbone: Eggs for Hatching, Eggs for Eating, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
I have noticed many families have a family sport. I am thinking our family sport is reading.

My six year old was sitting at the table reading when I announced we were going to the park. He showed no sign of hearing so I put a hand on either side of his face and lifted it so he was looking at me. "We are going to the park, get your things". His eyes went back to the book but he carefully maneuvered down from the table and slowly worked his way toward the door in what I call "book walk".
We took off up the hill, but of course he was oh-so-slowly coming, shuffling along with his nose in the book. I yelled back for him to hurry up but the only change was his left hand moved out in front of him in a groping movement. I went back, took his hand and basically hauled him up the hill.
He dutifully stumbled along, and upon arriving he stood, catatonic, only his eyes tracing back and forth. I asked him if he were going to go play....no response. I went back and carefully lowered him to sitting position.
A man remarked "He is missing all the fun". I smiled and nodded my head but I mentally said "Sir, you have no idea how much fun he is having".

I spent my childhood with my nose in a book. As an adult, making family trips I remember climbing into the car, reading, and 20 hours later arriving at our destination. My daughters in the back seat, were doing exactly the same. (no I probably wasn't very good company for my husband on the trip - however, nor did we fight along the way ;)) He used to tell me I missed the entire drive. All I could think was that I had just had an amazing journey of another kind.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
I love that! I was the same way when I was a kid! I've been jonesin' for some new books! We have several thrift stores and a used book store in town and I really need to get down there! I could easily pick up a month's worth of reading for $5!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I can't read when I'm in a car-I get car sick. But, the story of your son reminds me of something I did when I was just a bit older-3rd grade.

It was time for recess. I was reading a book I really enjoyed. (I think it was about a rabbit named Uncle Wiggly) So, I took the book out on the playground w/me, settled down at the base of an oak tree w/comfortable roots and got completely lost in the story. I don't know how long I sat there when I realized it was a bit quiet. I looked up. The rest of my class was nowhere to be seen. So, I got up and went back in the school. I was expecting to get in trouble. I told the teacher that I hadn't heard her telling us it was time to come in. To my amazement, she replied that she knew where I was, and hadn't wanted to disturb me. I credit that teacher w/my love of books. To this day, if I'm reading, I'm oblivious to what's going on around me.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
I love your third grade teacher.
His teacher is the same. When we met for conferences, she said at times she looks at his chair and he is missing. She knows where he is... He is in the reading area curled up with a book. She often leaves him there. She said he will learn most of what he needs reading on his own.
When I was in school I was the same. I usually propped my text book up on the desk with my novel laying inside. I passed most of the time in class reading. I felt deliciously sneaky. I now realize the teachers surely noticed what I was doing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got in trouble for doing that in one class. Thing is, I always knew the answers to the questions the teachers asked and I got good grades. Then again, I had one class that I was so bored in that I read The Hobbit during the class. The teacher knew what I was doing, but at the same time, I was already getting an A, so she said nothing. I think a lot depends on the teacher.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
I was the same. My grades were excellent so I'm sure that is why the teachers let me be. I did however have to start paying more attention by the time I hit high school.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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High school was were I read The Hobbit! And, I used to make a bunch of the kids in my Physics class mad. It was right after lunch, and there were times I'd fall asleep in class. I still ended up w/a high B, low A average. And, others in the class were almost tearing their hair out trying to understand it. I think what helped me in the classes I did the best in is my love of reading, and my memory. I've always had a good memory. So, if I understood something, I didn't have to study to retain it.


Jun 27, 2011
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rathbone said:
I was the same. My grades were excellent so I'm sure that is why the teachers let me be. I did however have to start paying more attention by the time I hit high school.
Me too! High School took a bit of studying though.

"Bookwalk"!!! I love that!!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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rathbone said:
The weather is gorgeous here. We got meat chicks on Saturday. They are fuzzy and cute...for now. I really don't like the idea of hybrid animals that are made to eat themselves to death. I would much prefer to raise some dual purpose roosters but, I just don't have that luxury. So meaties it is. We call them them the nephilim.
They eat and they POOP. Hence my excitement over good weather. I dont want those little stinkers in my house.
On another note, I got a care package from my sister. I got a t-shirt from the Eugene Backyard Farmer store. but even better I got a canning pot with a lift out rack. I have been making do with other pots but it has been difficult. My sister knew how hard it has been and sent me a pot with rack that she found at a second hand store. In love that about her. Some people you talk to and they walk away not really knowing who you are. Not her. She really listens (as I drone on and on) and remembers what it is I really need. Her gifts are spot on!
This is one of the stores on my list for those times we go to Eugene; its where I get my chicken feed (organic, no soy or corn). (Yes, it is more expensive than the local farm store, but I am happier with the ingredients. And for my 11 birds it still comes out to less than $1/day).
Rathbone, do you get a chance to visit your sister occasionally? If you don't know it, I can heartily recommend the Smith Family Bookstore across from the Post Office. Mostly secondhand, but some new.