Rebecca's journal-may be time to restart this


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
Thanks for the link. I've been wanting to do something with a bunch of jeans that haveholes in them and the kids have outgrown. I had an idea to do a quilt but it always looked so complicated.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Thats what I am making mine out of. Dh has about 20 pairs of old jeans that have holes and rips in unpatchable places. Plus I live next to(literally next to-they woke us up at daylight everyday when they were adding a new addition on) a second hand non profit store where I can get plenty of material.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Today I sewed some more on the quilt I am making. I had to laugh at myself because my sewing machine didn't work(need dh to look at it) and I realized just how little I knew about hand sewing. I finally settled for a running stitch to hold the three layers together. As I was sewing I saw how pitiful it looked. I couldn't even do a running stich in a straight line. I couldn't find my chalk to mark it so I was doing it by sight. Sheesh, we would have to go naked or almost if we ever had to depend on my sewing. then I quit and went to get some chicken out of the freezer. We don't have the room here or the money to raise chicken confined for meat. I looked at my storebought bag of chicken. The legs and thighs were huge. Dh worked at a chicken processing plant for a couple of years and there were chickens go through that were so huge that their legs wouldn't fit in the shackles. I worked there for a short time-until I found out I was pregnant with dd2. It never really bothered me that they were so unnaturally huge until now. Huge and cheap. Yesterday we ate homegrown pork-and it was GREAT. I hate even thinking of cooking these chicken legs now. I wish more and more everyday that we were back at our old place. We have gotten a couple of offers on it, but we have always turned them down saying we are going back there one day. After you quit seeing and being somewhere for a while is when you realize what you have. 10 acres on a mountaintop with a view of the surrounding mountains and if you go down the road just a tiny bit you have a view of town below. The weather always seemed worse there and the soil erodes easily and when it got dry in the summer it was really dusty there and wild critters were always waiting just inside of the woods to eat your animals. We griped and complained about how hard it was in the winter to get in and out, about the rocky soil and the wild animals. It seemed like our well was always on the fritz or the truck was giving trouble right when I needed to drive a mile to get the kids from the bus. (kids usually liked when the truck was giving trouble because more than once they were picked up on horse when truck wouldn't start!) But I really miss it and the chickens I could be growing there with the aid of our good dog and NOT cooking these unnaturally big chicken legs. Maybe someday the Lord will let us find a mobile home to put out there or help us to find the proceeds to build a house. I think this time we can be more grateful for what we have.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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We still have electricity. I just got home from waiting at the fire station which is concrete since our shelter isn't done yet. I am listening to reports of houses, mobile homes destroyed and people trapped in their houses just a couple of miles from us. Dh is on the fire dept. He went with chain saws to cut trees out of the roads so emergency crews can get in. We were listening to the fire radio and people who are on volunteer fire depts were coming on sounding panicked saying their houses have been destroyed. Our power kept flickering when we left. I must have looked funny when we were evac-ing because dh got a good laugh out of me with my hair all wild carrying a youngun' with as many flashlights and emergency stuff as I could grap and holding my pomeranian with my one free hand by the scruff of the neck and her dangling there looking scared. It is all past us now. I can't believe it has happened again. Their was definately one tornado and possibly more. The kids screamed when we got home saying "Yea!! Our house is still here!!! And the greenhouse!!!" It is still raining and lightning outside so I haven't been out to check for damage on the property, but I know the greenhouse is still standing. So far in our county 25 injured and three dead. In our county alone. And from what I can see this tornado outbreak is state-wide.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
I'm glad to hear that you and the family are ok. Keep your head down though, it looks like we have a chance for severe weather through tomorrow night.

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